Astral Projection Meditation


Meditation is a useful tool to use in order to astral project. Plenty of people use meditation as a way of gaining control over their body and mind, and it is a practice as old as astral projection itself.

The reason that meditation is so useful for those of us looking to have an out of body experience (OBE) is because it puts your body and mind in the perfect condition to separate from one another.

Before you begin meditation

There are measures that you can take to meditate more successfully. At first, you may not be able to keep meditating for long periods of time as you’re not accustomed to doing so, but there are some things that you can do to help you have a good meditative session.

Make sure you won’t be disturbed. If you have pets, it’s a good idea to close the door so they can’t disturb you while you’re relaxing.

Likewise, children or other people you’re living with can cause a distraction by disrupting your session, so make sure you the necessary steps to ensure they leave you alone, like giving them a warning or giving them something else to do that will keep them occupied.

  1. Putting your phone on silent or even turning it off altogether is a good idea, too. There are certain settings you can put your phone on to allow calls to make a noise from select people if you’re worried about being out of contact and there’s an emergency.
  2. Dim the lights. Scenic lighting makes sure you’re not straining if things are too light or too dark.
  3. Candlelight is a good level of light to have. Moon candles are even better, as they’ll make your room feel special and warm.
  4. Play some music. If you’re somewhere noisy, or there’s a risk of people making a noise to distract you, playing music is a good way to drown them out.
  5. Equally, it will stop you from being distracted from noises like your fridge humming or traffic going past. Something rhythmic and repetitive is always a great choice, as you’re not going to get distracted by changes in the melody. Perhaps try drumming music.
  6. Get comfortable. What could be worth than progressing through the meditative states successfully, and you get the feeling like you’re ready to begin astral projecting, only for your leg get pins and needles?
  7. Picking a comfortable position stops your attention drifting to your discomfort. Likewise, don’t lie down as you may get too comfy and just end up falling asleep. Ideally, you want to go for a seated position with your legs crossed.
  8. You might want to listen to some of these binaural beats as they’ll make it more likely that you’ll astrally project!

Once you’re set up the ideal conditions to begin meditation, it’s time to choose your method. There are two main techniques to choose from, and honestly, they do have lot of overlap.

Robert Bruce’s Meditation method

Robert’s technique is also known as the seven step rope technique. It’s pretty adeptly named. Here’s what it entails:

1: Relax your body and mind

You can do this by following the above steps, paired with some slow and deep breaths. Time your breathing with the relaxation of your body, moving from section to section, up from your feet all the way to your head.

2: Enter the hypnotic state

This is where you’re on the verge of sleeping and the only thing that’s still active is your mind. It’s important to keep your mind active during this stage, so you don’t completely fall asleep.

3: Deepen your relaxation

While you have your eyes closed but are still visualising action, gaze into the darkness that surrounds whatever you can see. If new patterns appear where you’re now looking, try and ignore them and they will fade away. Slowly, you won’t be able to feel your body any more due to a sort of sleep paralysis

4: Begin the vibrations

This may be the hardest stage to achieve if you’re a beginner. A great way to induce the vibrations is to visualise your energy centres spinning and eventually opening, and you should start to feel the vibrations as your astral body begins separating from the physical world.

5: Control the vibrations

Through willpower, you’ll be able to gain control over yourself. Test your hold on your control by changing the frequency of the waves or even stopping and starting them at will. Once you feel like you’re in the driver’s seat, it’s time to move on.

6: Work the rope

Here’s the step for which this technique has gained its name (The rope technique). You begin your separation of the mind from the physical body by imagining that there’s a rope hanging above you.

You’re going to use this to pull your astral mind out. Begin by visualising yourself reaching up and grabbing hold of the rope. Make sure your eyes remain closed and your body doesn’t move – this is all about moving your astral body only. On the first couple of attempts, it might be wise to then lower yourself back in synch and reach out again, to test that you’re in control.

7: Complete the separation

After mastering the partial separation, it’s time to move onto pulling your whole astral body out, by pulling yourself via the rope, lifting hand over hand until you’re fully out.

Robert Monroe meditation for astral projection

Many of the first few steps of Robert’s technique are similar to Robert’s. That’s because they’re the correct way to do this.

  1. Relax your body and mind: Again, progressive muscle relaxation is the way to start your journey to astral projection.
  2. Find the hypnagogic stage
  3. Let your body fall asleep while your body stays alert.
  4. Begin the vibrations: Robert suggests doing this by thinking about a specific frequency and giving your body a ‘helping hand’ to the place it needs to go by visualizing the vibrations.
  5. Control the vibrations: As before, exact your control by changing the frequency and even halting and restarting the vibrations to ensure that you’re completely in charge.
  6. Visualize the separation: Here’s where things start to differ. Keep your mind fully focused on the idea of your astral mind leaving the body. Do not let your thoughts wander or you may lose control.
  7. Disassociate your mind with your physical body. Monroe has two suggestions for how to achieve this. The first is to imagine that you and getting lighter and lighter, concentrating on lifting upwards and essentially floating out of your body.

The second is called the roll-out technique, and effectively is where you roll your astral body sideways while your physical body stays stationary. You’ll then end up out of the body, but next to it.

If you’re having difficulty with this one, Robert suggests choosing a starting position next to an object like a wall and practicing partially separating by pushing your astral foot through the wall and then pulling it back into your body again.

Afterward, you’ve had a go at either technique, just remember to eat something. This will anchor you in the physical plane and stop you from feeling jittery. You may also have worked up a bit of appetite using up so much energy astral projecting, so replenish yourself with a snack.

Whichever technique you try, don’t be disheartened if you’re unable to make it all the way through the steps on the first few goes. Forcing your brain not to wander takes multiple attempts, so stick to it and try not to get frustrated with yourself.

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