This asana is named after the Sanskrit words baddha meaning bound, kona meaning angle or split, and asana meaning posture. Most often, you will find cobblers sitting in this position as they go about their daily chores. So another name for Buddha Konasana is the Cobbler Pose. It is also called the Butterfly Pose as the open hips joined by the feet and the up and down movements resemble the stance of a butterfly in motion. While it is extremely simple, it has a whole lot of benefits to its credit.
What You Should Know Before You Do This Asana
This asana must be practiced with the other yoga asanas early in the morning. But in case you cannot wake up or have other chores to attend to, this asana can be done in the evening.
Just make sure you leave a gap of at least four to six hours between your meals and your practice. Your stomach and bowels must be empty when you do this asana.
- Sit erect. Stretch your legs out. Breathe out, and bend your knees as you pull your heels towards your pelvis. Press the soles of your feet close together, and let your knees drop to the sides.
- Bring your heels as close to your pelvis as you can. Then, using your thumb and your first finger, hold the big thumbs of your feet. Make sure that the outer edges of your feet must always be pressed to the floor.
- Once you get comfortable in the position, quickly check to see if your pubis and tailbone are at equal distance from the floor. The pelvis must be in neutral position, and the perineum must be parallel to the floor. Make sure your torso is lengthened through the top of the sternum, and your shoulder blades are firmly pressed to the back. The sacrum also must be firm.
- Always remember that your knees should never ever be forced on the ground. You can try to lower the heads of the thigh bones towards the floor. This will automatically bring your knees down. Hold the pose for about one to five minutes. Inhale, and lift your knees and extend your legs. Relax!
Precautions And Contraindications
Take a look at some points of caution while you do this asana.
- It is best to avoid this asana if you have a knee injury.
- Do not practice this asana if you are menstruating.
- If you suffer from sciatica, sit on a pillow and practice this asana.
Beginner’s Tips
Lowering your knees such that they sit flat on the floor can be difficult, especially if your knees are high, and your back is rounded. You can sit on a high support to make things easier until you get used to the asana. The support can be as high as one foot away from the floor.
Advanced Pose Variations
You can keep your feet away from your midline to form a larger angle between the lower and upper part of the legs. This will intensify the pose.
As a second variation, once you assume the Baddha Konasana, exhale and lean forward, such that your torso is between your knees. You need to push forward from the hips and not the waist. Push your elbows against your calves or your inner thighs, but make sure they are never nudged against your knees. Rest your head on the floor.
The Benefits Of The Cobbler Pose
These are some amazing benefits of the Baddha Konasana.
- This asana greatly benefits pregnant women, helping them have a smooth and easy delivery.
- This asana enhances the functioning of the reproductive system in women.
- It helps improve blood circulation all over the body.
- It stimulates the kidneys and the prostate gland along with the bladder and abdominal organs as well.
- This asana is a great stress reliever. It also helps reduce fatigue.
- It helps cure menstrual problems.
- It improves the groin and the hip region’s flexibility, giving the knees, inner thighs, and groin a great stretch.
- It also betters the posture as it stretches your spine, and helps relieve sciatica.
- This asana also helps to cure asthma, flat feet, infertility, and high blood pressure. It is said that regular practice of this asana can keep you free of any kind of disease.
The Science Behind The Buddha Konasana
This asana is so easy that just about anybody can do it. It gives both your inner thighs and groin a good stretch. It also enhances the flexibility of your hips, feet, ankles and knees. It opens up the middle girdle region and also increases the blood circulation in this area. You can give your hips a good massage by moving from side to side.
It is also a great prenatal pose. It not only enriches the reproductive system but also increases fertility and makes labor easier.
Physical Benefits
Buddha Konasana (BAH-had kph-NAH-duh-nuh) opens up the groin area and hip joint. It also helps relieve urinary disorders, sciatica pain and hernia, regulates menstrual flow and keeps the kidneys, bladder and prostate healthy. This is an excellent pose for pregnant women in preparation for childbirth.
The variation with a forward bend tones the abdominal organs, therefore improving digestion.
Energetic Benefits
The hips are where we store our emotional issues. Therefore, Buddha Konasana being a hip opener helps us to release our pent-up emotions. In turn, this asana gives a feeling of lightness in our energetic bodies and it is a good pose to promote seated meditation.
Keep the soles of the feet facing upwards while bending forwards to keep the groins soft; this prevents the groins from getting cramped and it is easier on the knees. If there are any acute knee conditions like a torn meniscus or ACL (anterior collateral ligament of the knee) injury, one should avoid this pose. If the knees are higher than the hips sit on a block or a blanket to allow the thighs and knees to go down towards the floor. This will promote an open hip.