Meditation on the 7 Chakras
‘Chakra Dhyana Sadhana’, is a very powerful advanced spiritual technique practiced by Hindu sages with a history of more than five thousand years. This practice is essentially focused on the seven vital ‘chakras’, or energy centers positioned along the length of our spinal column. Activation of these ‘chakras’ or energy centers, initiates the expansion of one’s consciousness, moving from lower to higher states of existence in the planes of consciousness.
Activate all your Chakras
Sit with your eyes closed, keeping the spinal column straight although not rigid. Rest your hands on your thighs with palms facing upwards with the tips of the index finger touching the base of each thumb. You may also touch the tip of the tongue onto the palate in your mouth. Take several breaths, soft, deep and slow through your nose, until your body settles down. Sit in this meditation posture but do not lean. As we pass through each chakra described below, focus your attention on the area indicated in your body. With each exhalation, chant the ‘mantra’, the specified sound vibration, rendered slowly and extended with the breath. Start the practice from the ‘root chakra’ (Mooladhara), and move upward to the crown in the head (Sahasrara). In the end, always allow the energy flow to settle, as it is flowing down through your body, and stay for a few minutes in meditation and if preferred, even lying on your back.
1. The Mooladhara Chakra is located in the perineum, midway between the organs of procreation and excretion. Visualize its red color. Chant the sound vibration, “Lang” for a few minutes; then visualize the chakra turning into liquid gold, as you recite “Kundalini Arohanam” several times.
2. Swadhisthana Chakra is located in the reproductive region below the navel at the base of the spine. Visualize its orange colour. Chant the sound vibration “Vang” for a few minutes; then visualize the chakra turning into liquid gold, as you recite “Kundalini Arohanam” several times.
3. The Manipura Chakra is located in the navel. Visualize its yellow colour. Chant the sound vibration, “Rang” for a few minutes; then visualize the chakra turning into liquid gold, as you recite “Kundalini Arohanam” several times.
4. The Anahata Chakra is located in the center of the chest or the spiritual heart. Visualize its green color. Chant the sound vibration, “Yang” for a few minutes; then visualize the chakra turning into liquid gold, as you recite “Kundalini Arohanam” several times.
5. Vishuddhi Chakra is located in your throat in the region of the Adam’s Apple or the epiglottis. Visualize its blue color. Chant the sound vibration, “Hung” for a few minutes; then visualize the chakra turning into liquid gold, as you recite “Kundalini Arohanam” several times.
6. Ajna Chakra is located between the eyebrows. Visualize its indigo color, (i.e., almost the color of the original Levis Strauss jeans before washing). Chant the sound vibration, “Aum” in a 3-2-1 frequency “AAAOOM” for a few minutes; then visualize the chakra turning into liquid gold, as you recite “Kundalini Arohanam” several times.
7. The Sahasrara Chakra is located in the center, on the top of the head. Visualize its purple color, like a purple-colored cake. Chant the sound vibration, “Om Satyam Ogum” for a few minutes; then visualize the chakra turning into liquid gold, as you recite “Kundalini Arohanam” several times.
After the above practice, while inhaling, look at the bright golden liquid flowing through the chakras, contain the breathing softly as it flows through the crown chakra, then watch it while exhaling, shooting out from the head, like a fountain, pouring through the entire body turning bright gold.
Continue with this breathing practice for seven breaths. After practicing this meditation technique, lie down immediately on your back still and relax for a few minutes or as long as you need in the yogic body position of ‘Shavasana” (eyes closed, lying on the back with arms at the sides, and palms facing upwards, with legs parted slightly). Let yourself go and immerse yourself in enjoying being that way. Experience the dynamics of the flow of energy in the body with the flow of the Kundalini energy. Relax and rejuvenate entirely after this practice.
Meditation is one of the spiritual techniques and practice of raising the standards of our overall well being. It can be done by anyone from the comfort of their homes preferably early in the morning or late at night in absolute silence. Chakra Dhyana, is an intense meditation focused on the visualization and chanting of Beeja mantras pertaining to the Chakra. What are the chakras? In the human body, there are 7 chakras which are energy centres and also doors to consciousness, located along the length of our spine. Each chakra has its own Beeja mantra, colour, vibration, energy, sound, smell and attribute. The chakras are as follows: Mooladhara, Manipura, Swadhisthana, Anahata, Vishuddhi, Ajna and Sahasrara. The vibratory powers, balance, energy level, speed and orientation of each chakra determines several attributes in our life prominently like health and emotions. Before things begin to manifest in our physical world they first affect our subtle energy level located in the body’s energy centres. Each of these Chakras physically governs our health, emotions, thinking, evolution, intelligence etc. To know about the Beeja mantra for each chakra, its vibratory power, its colour and attributes please click on the weblink below. This weblink conveniently helps you to simply get involved with the process of Chakra Dhyana Meditation which will help in balancing the chakras and setting them in the right vibratory path, setting right many things in our physical world.
Benefits :
● It solves lot of health problems
● It helps heal hurts, remove fear, anxiety, tension, stress, insecurities and lust
● It fills us with positive energies and vibrations in the body, mind and heart
● It enables flowering of heart
● It results in increased focus and concentration
● It helps in goal setting and team building
● It helps to prepare grounds for spiritual growth
● It results in mystical experiences
Chakra Dhyana is a specialized meditation designed to activate the chakras which are otherwise curbed. Chakra Dhyana is regularly conducted by the Sahaayata Senior Faculty at the Head Quarters, Sahaayata Prayer and Meditation Centre, Brahmapur, Odisha.
To arrange Chakra Dhyana Meditation with a Sahaayata Faculty at your location, you can organize a group and the meditation will be conducted through video conference or live. At the end of the program, we will have special blessings for all the benefits and also a prayer for one desire. These programs are conducted free of cost.