Sometimes referred to as the aspirin of Feng Shui, mirrors can amplify and cleanse the energy of your home or serve as protection from negative vibes, granted proper placement. If you aren’t sure where exactly you should place the mirror as to maximize comfort and balance the energy at home, here are the basic Feng Shui mirror placement Dos and Donts so feel free to put them to good use in your nest in order to unleash comfort, happiness, and wellbeing.
Feng Shui Mirror Placement Dos
Feng Shui design includes a range of mirror placement guidelines but the tips below should be sufficient to help you set your home energy onto the positive and prosperous track.
- Pick a square or rectangular mirror in which you can see yourself from head to toe. Avoid tiled or fragmented mirrors that ‘break up’ the reflection; this is seen as negative in Feng Shui.
- Hang the mirror opposite the window to reflect beautiful views of nature such as skies, garden, or trees. This will amplify positive vibes and activate Chi energy in your quarters.
- Hang the mirror on the North or East side at least 4-5 feet above the floor to boost energy flow. Also, make sure the mirror is clean at all times to keep the vibes positive and glitch-free.
- Use mirrors to amp light and dynamics in low-energy parts of your home, such as along the wall of a dark or long hallways or a small room. This will open up space, slow down Chi flow, and add interest to the room.
- Place a mirror close to the entrance door to activate the Water element, amplify the effect of positive vibes, and deflect negativity from your living area.
- Use the mirror in the dining or living room. This will amplify positive energy, prosperity, and wealth, and improve overall quality of life.
- Put the mirror on the wall opposite the safe or a vanity with jewelry boxes to attract riches and ensure long-term abundance.
- Use a mirror to counter poison arrows such as a sharp-edged square pillar in the center of a room. Placed properly, the mirror will mask the problematic spot and create seamless energy flow throughout the room.
- Hang the mirror flat against the wall or door, not leaning forward. The upper edge should be parallel to the floor to prevent energy imbalance.
- Cover the TV screen when the unit is off, as the reflective surface will double as a mirror.
Feng Shui Mirror Placement Donts
According to Feng Shui, a mirror will double whatever it reflects, which is why you should avoid certain placements, just to stay on the safe side of the Bagua map.
- Avoid oval, round, or irregularly shaped mirrors and mirrors with distorted or antiquated surface as they can upset energy integrity and balance in your home.
- Never put an unframed mirror on the wall. Frame the mirror into a regularly shaped frame before you put it up to keep the energy flowing freely.
- Don’t put the mirror in the bedroom. A mirror reflecting the bed can contribute to insomnia or make the energy in the room overly stimulating.
- Avoid hanging the mirror too high or too low. The mirror should reflect your body and aura as a whole, and it shouldn’t cut off limbs or body parts from your reflection.
- Don’t place the mirror opposite the front door as it will deflect instead of attracting strong Chi energy, and it can cut off your home from incoming positive vibes.
- Don’t place the mirror on the South wall. The water energy of the mirror is incompatible with that of fire, which is the symbolism of the south home wall.
- Don’t put a mirror on a wall opposite a door or another mirror, at the end of long hallways, either end of a staircase, or opposite the stove, burner, or fireplace. Each of these placements will compromise energy flow and potentially lead to increased frequency of accidents in your quarters.
- Don’t use broken, dirty, or chipped mirrors. Custom made mirrors in Brisbane are both affordable and easy to find, so don’t you be a cheapskates and use distorted energy magnifiers at home. It will only deprive your family of prosperity and happiness.
- Don’t place the mirror behind the bed or sofa and opposite unpleasant views such as dirty drains, dustbins, toilet seats, sharp edges, or clutter, as it will disturb energy flow and multiply negativity and intense vibrations in your space.
- Avoid using reflective tiles and ceiling mirrors. They usually distort the reflection and can compromise energy balance in your living area.
- Don’t put the mirror in the bathroom as it can make the energy in the room overflow to the rest of the home. Place the mirror on the outside of the bathroom door instead.
In Feng Shui, mirrors are powerful tools that can make or break comfort and harmony, which is why you should be extremely careful when selecting a spot to put them up. Still here? Congrats, you now know how to make mirrors work for your family’s health, happiness, and wellbeing, so go ahead and open your home’s door to joy, progress, and abundance. Good luck
How To Use Mirrors To Create Good Feng Shui
Mirrors are used in many feng shui applications. It’s often described as the “aspirin” of feng shui. “Put up two mirrors, and call me in the morning!”
The feng shui practice of adding a small object, like a mirror, to shift and improve the qi of a space is called the “method of minor additions” or Xie Zi Fa in Chinese. One of the key factors of the method of minor additions is that you also use your intention with the addition of an object to overcome the obstacle. Whenever you use a mirror, or anything to adjust the qi of your home, be sure to do so with a clear intention. This is key.
Mirrors themselves embody the element of water. The water element cultivates wisdom and introspection. The feeling of water is cooling. Water is formless and takes the shape of whatever container it’s in. Because of this yielding quality, mirrors are used in feng shui for they can reflect without judgment or obscurations. They can expand your view as well as focus energies.
Mirrors can invite energy into a space. A strategically placed mirror can reflect the view of an element that is seen through a window into a room. For example, place a mirror so that you can see the reflection of a river (water element) and trees (wood element) into your office. This invites more water for wealth and wood for expansion into your career and work life. And again, mirrors are placed with intention, which makes them more effective feng shui adjustments.
On a mundane level, mirrors can simply bring more light into a space and make it look larger and more spacious. Both light and space qualities invite in good feng shui.
Types of Mirrors
Here’s a list of the types of mirrors that are used in feng shui applications:
Flat Mirrors
Just your regular mirror but look for a regular shape such as a round, oval, rectangle, or square. It can be framed or frameless with a polished edge. Octagon-shaped mirrors are particularly useful if you have any weak or missing areas of the bagua map (more on that below).
Convex Mirrors
Convex mirrors are shaped like the outside of a bowl. They are useful because it provides a wider view to see more around you. It gives you a larger view. They also have protective qualities, serving as a watchful eye.
Concave Mirrors
Concave mirrors are shaped like the inside of a bowl. They are useful for deflecting sharp energy because they take an image, make it smaller, and flip it upside-down.
Bagua Mirrors
These are special mirrors that have an octagon-shaped border with the trigrams radiating and framing a round mirror. This is used for exterior feng shui protection adjustments. Only use this mirror under the supervision of a feng shui consultant. Most of the time an inexperienced practitioner places this and it’s not necessary. Incorrectly used, it can push away energy you’d like to invite into your home.
Mirrors to Avoid for Feng Shui
If you’re using them for feng shui, avoid any mirrors that are cloudy, broken, obscured, distorted, or in disconnected pieces (like a mosaic or a group of small mirrors). You want a single piece of glass. It’s also good to avoid sharp shapes or any mirror that is placed at a height that cuts off a head in the reflection. Not every mirror in your home is a feng shui adjustment, so don’t freak out if you have a mirror in your home like this. It’s just a mirror and it’s not a feng shui mirror. Also, it’s best to avoid sharp mirrors, that can cut someone, or that have unfinished and dangerous edges.
Some Feng Shui Uses for Mirrors
Missing Bagua Areas
Mirrors can be used to strengthen any weak or missing areas of the bagua map. If you lay the feng shui bagua map on your space and there is a missing or weak area, placing a mirror in that area facing into your space (and the back facing toward the missing or weak area) will help to energetically expand and strengthen the missing or weak area.
Correct Being out of Command
You’re are out of “commanding position” if you cannot see the door when you’re sleeping in bed, cooking at your stove, or sitting at your desk. To correct this imbalance, you can use a mirror. The mirror can be placed such that you can see the door in the reflection of the mirror. Convex mirrors are particularly useful for the desk and stove since they are small and simple to attach to the stove or computer. For beds, opt for a standing mirror that’s easy to arrange so you can see the door while lying in bed.
Invite Friendships
To increase close friendships, you can place a large mirror that reflects in it an image of your dining table so that you can double your circle of support and love.
Double Your Wealth
Locating a mirror so that you can see the reflection of the burners on your stove and be used to increase your wealth. By doubling your burners, you can double your capacity to attract prosperity. Just be careful it’s not too close to the flames because glass can crack from the heat.
Harmony in Partnerships
A round mirror over your bed creates smooth and continuous qi for the partners sleeping together underneath. The round shape has no harsh edges and can soften the relationship. Be mindful that both partners feel safe with having anything heavy hanging over the head in bed. Be sure to fasten the mirror securely and check-in with your partner to make sure he or she is okay with the mirror there.
Focus While at Your Seat
A small round mirror is particularly useful to focus your energy when placed on the ceiling above where you sit at your desk or in your meditation area where you sit to practice. Remember to also set your intention that this mirror will focus your qi.