Fu Dogs Feng Shui


The Chinese Imperial Lions is additionally generally known as the Fu Dogs/Foo Dogs, particularly in Western culture. In Chinese Asian nations, it is being known as the Guardian Lion, an image of security and force.

Fu Dogs is really a lion sculpture that is customarily positioned at the passage of Chinese majestic royal residences, royal burial places, sanctuaries and so on. They were additionally an image of family riches and economic wellbeing and were situated before rich homes.

How would we use Fu Dogs in Feng Shui practice?

  1. Numerous business building, retail shops, inns and cafés place these incredible watchman lions outside their premises, situating one on either side of the passageway. With this arrangement, it is accepted that they can secure their business and keep instigators away.
  2. It ought to consistently be set in a couple (one is female and one is male) that speak to the Yin Yang representative implying that secure the individuals dwelling in the structure or house.

The male Fu canine can be perceived with his paw ready, while the female one is the one with her paws on a whelp.

  1. Foo canines were generally shown outside, remaining before royal residences, sanctuaries, government workplaces, and so forth for security and authority portrayal.
  2. On the off chance that you are showing the Fu canines outside your home passageway, guarantee that they don’t confront straightforwardly towards your neighbor, since it can make hurt them, like the possibility of Ba Gua reflect.
  3. On the off chance that you are bringing the Foo canines indoor, ensure that they ought to be continually looking outside, NOT inside house, if not it will cause disharmony and fight in the family unit. Abstain from utilizing larger than average sculptures and pick metal material ones for indoor use.
  4. It very well may be utilized to moderate negative Sha Qi as well, for instance, if your home is confronting the sharp corner of a structure, light post, and other outer negative vitality, you can put one sets of Fu Dogs confronting it.

Tips For Placing The Fu Dogs

Chinese Guardian Lions or Imperial Guardian Lions are regularly called the Fu Dogs and are set inside or outside structures to square negative energies. Delineated as brutal mammoths or Shishi – as they are alluded to, Fu Dogs initially showed up as stone sanctuary canines. The striking highlights of the sculpture – streaming manes and all the way open mouths – meant that they were securing the spot. The puppets have now advanced as versatile renditions advancing into homes to add tastefulness to space.


Fu Dogs incorporate – a male and female – and must be set together. This makes a parity of the Yin-and-Yang powers. Generally, one is delineated with an open mouth and the other shut, to speak to the in-and-out breathing of life. Immense sculptures of Fu Dogs would decorate a front entryway (of a home or office), garden, or open air spaces when set on either side. The female (that has its paws on a child lion) must be put on the left half of the entryway, as you face towards it all things considered. The male (laying its paws on a ball) ought to be put on the opposite side.

The Guardian Lions can be set in the family room in any messiness free corner. Guarantee they don’t confront one another. Try not to put them in discrete rooms.

Bagua zones and sorts of Fu Dogs

The Guardian Lions are additionally observed as riches images. Be that as it may, the material of which they are made ought to be considered for their position for the best outcomes. Commonly, metal sculptures of Fu Dogs function admirably when put in the north, the northwest, or the west Bagua zones.

Multi-hued Fu Dogs are superb stylistic layout pieces just as security images for a south-bound or a west-bound front entryway.

Fu Dogs can be shown as images of security on the spiritualist bunch.

Other material alternatives that are accepted to have beneficial outcomes are Jade, Porcelain, and Bronze.

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