Giloy Herb

Giloy is a very versatile herb that can treat most of your health problems. Giloy can be used with castor oil to relieve gout. Not just gout, giloy with ginger can treat rheumatoid arthritis too. Arthritis is treated with giloy and ghee. Giloy is used with sugar to treat skin and liver diseases. It is also used with jaggery to treat constipation. Apart from these health benefits, giloy also boosts immunity and digestion, treats chronic fever, is effective against diabetes and cab treat eye disorders. In case of asthma, giloy can reduce its symptoms.


Giloy is a herb that is important in Ayurveda and is considered the queen of herbs. It has been used in Ayurveda since centuries to treat various diseases. There are few illnesses that giloy can’t cure. Giloy has often been called ‘Amruta’ – the Sanskrit term for nectar. Botanically, giloy is a deciduous creeper shrub that grows in tropical regions.

Nutritional Value of Giloy

The ability of giloy to treat a myriad of diseases says that it is high in nutritional content. It is abundant in alkaloids. Other bio-chemical substances found in giloy are steroids, flavonoids, lignants, carbohydrates and so on. Due to its high nutrient content, giloy is used to manufacture many herbal, ayurvedic and modern medicines.

Botanical description

It is a large, deciduous, extensively-spreading, climbing shrub with several elongated twining branches. Leaves are simple, alternate, and ex stipulate with long petioles up to 15 cm (6 in) long which are roundish and pulvinate, both at the base and apex with the basal one longer and twisted partially and half way around. Lamina are broadly ovate or ovate cordite, 10–20 cm (4–8 in) long or 8–15 cm (3–6 in)broad, seven nerved and deeply cor date at base, membranous, pubescent above, whitish tomentose with a prominent reticulum beneath. Flowers are uni-sexual, small on separate plants and appearing when plant is leafless, greenish yellow on ancillary and terminal racemes. Male flowers are clustered, but female flowers are usually solitary. It has six sepals in two series of three each. The outer ones are smaller than the inner. It has six petals which are smaller than sepals, ob ovate, and membranous. Fruits aggregate in clusters of one to three. They are ovoid smooth drupe-lets on thick stalks with sub terminal style scars, scarlet or orange colored.

10 Amazing Benefits of Giloy: The Ayurvedic Root of Immortality

“Giloy (Tinospora Cordifolia) is an Ayurvedic herb that has been used and advocated in Indian medicine for ages”, says Delhi-based Nutritionist Anshul Jaibharat. In Sanskrit, Giloy is known as ‘Amrita’, which literally translates to ‘the root of immortality’, because of its abundant medicinal properties. “The stem of Giloy is of maximum utility, but the root can also be used. Its benefits and uses have even been approved by the FDA (Food and Drug Administration)”, adds Nutritionist Anshul Jaibharat. Dr. Ashutosh Gautam, Baidyanath adds, “Giloy can be consumed in the form of juice, powder or capsules”. Know the benefits of giloy. 

Here are 10 benefits of giloy, why this root deserves your attention:

1. Boosts

Dr. Ashutosh says, “Giloy is a universal herb that helps boost immunity”. It is a powerhouse of antioxidants which fight free-radicals, keep your cells healthy and get rid of diseases. Giloy helps remove toxins, purifies blood, fights bacteria that causes diseases and also combats liver diseases and urinary tract infections. “Giloy is used by experts in treating heart related conditions, and is also found useful in treating infertility”.

2. Treats Chronic Fever

Dr. Ashutosh Gautam, Baidyanath says, “Giloy helps get rid of recurrent fevers. Since Giloy is anti-pyre tic in nature, it can reduce signs and symptoms of several life threatening conditions like Dengue, Swine Flu and Malaria as well”.

3. Improves Digestion

“Giloy is very beneficial in improving digestion and treating bowel related issues”, says Delhi-based Nutritionist Anshul Jaibharat. Tip: You can take half a gram of giloy powder with some amla regularly to maximize results, or with jaggery for treating constipation.

4. Treats Diabetes

According to Dr. Mano j K. Abuja, Forties Hospital, “Giloy acts as a hypoglycemic agent and helps treat diabetes (particularly Type 2 diabetes)”. Giloy juice helps reduce high levels of blood sugar and works wonders.

5. Reduces Stress and Anxiety

Did you know Giloy can be used as an adaptogenic herb as well? It helps reduce mental stress as well as anxiety. It helps get rid of toxins, boosts the memory, calms you down and makes for an excellent health tonic if combined with other herbs.

6. Fights Respiratory Problems

Dr. Ashutosh further adds, “Giloy is popularly known for its anti-inflammatory benefits and helps reduce respiratory problems like frequent cough, cold, tonsils”.

7. Treats Arthritis

“Giloy contains anti-inflammatory and anti-arthritic properties that help treat arthritis and its several symptoms. For joint pain, the powder from giloy stem can be boiled with milk and consumed”, says Dr. Ashutosh. It can be used along with ginger to treat rheumatoid arthritis.

8. Reduces Asthmatic Symptoms

Asthma causes chest tightness, shortness of breath, coughing, wheezing, etc. which makes it very difficult to treat such a condition. “Chewing on giloy root  or drinking giloy juice helps asthma patients and is often recommended by experts”, adds Dr. Mano j K. Ahuja, Forties Hospital.

9. Improves Vision

In several parts of India, Giloy plant is applied to the eyes as it helps boost vision clarity. All you need to do, is boil Giloy powder in water, let it cool down and apply over the eyelids.

10. Reduces Signs Of Aging

3 Commencements plant contains anti-aging properties that help reduce dark spots, pimples, fine lines and wrinkles. It gives you that flawless, glowing skin you’ve always wanted.

Tinospora Cordifolia (Giloy in Hindi and Guduchi in Sanskrit) is an important modularization herb. Ayurvedic practice without this herb may not be possible. It is also an important ingredient of several ayurvedic medicines.

Giloy is beneficial in fever, chronic fever, infections, low immunity, cancer, asthma, gout, rheumatoid arthritis, recurrent infections, recurrent common cold, chronic catarrh, chronic fever, chronic fatigue, etc. In this article, we will discuss all about them.


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