List of plants used in herbal ism
The Chelsea Physic Garden has cultivated medicinal plants since 1673. The plant shown here is montbretia (crocosmia Aurea), used as a remedy for dysentery.
The ability to synthesize a wide variety of chemical compounds that are possibly used to perform important biological functions, and to defend against attack from predators such as insects, fungi and herbivorous mammals is called herbal medicine. Many of these phytochemicals have beneficial effects on long-term health when consumed by humans, and can be used to effectively treat human diseases. At least 12,000 such compounds have been isolated so far; a number estimated to be less than 10% of the total.
These phytochemicals are divided into (1) primary metabolites such as sugars and fats, which are found in all plants; and (2) secondary metabolites – compounds which are found in a smaller range of plants, serving a more specific function.For example, some secondary metabolites are toxins used to deter predication and others are pheromones used to attract insects for pollination. It is these secondary metabolites and pigments that can have therapeutic actions in humans and which can be refined to produce drugs—examples are insulin from the roots of dahlias, quinine from the cinchona, morphine and codeine from the poppy, and digoxin from the foxglove.
Chemical compounds in plants mediate their effects on the human body through processes identical to those already well understood for the chemical compounds in conventional drugs; thus herbal medicines do not differ greatly from conventional drugs in terms of how they work. This enables herbal medicines to be as effective as conventional medicines, but also gives them the same potential to cause harmful side effects.
In Europe, apothecaries stocked herbal ingredients for their medicines. In the Latin names for plants created by Linnaeus, the word officinalis indicates that a plant was used in this way. For example, the marsh mallow has the classification Althea officinalis, as it was traditionally used as an emollient to soothe ulcers. Ayurvedic medicine, herbal medicine and traditional Chinese medicine are other examples of medical practices that incorporate medical uses of plants. Pharmacognosy is the branch of modern medicine about medicines from plant sources. Plants included here are those that have been or are being used medicinally, in at least one such medicinal tradition.
Modern medicine now tends to use the active ingredients of plants rather than the whole plants. The phytochemicals may be synthesized, compounded or otherwise transformed to make pharmaceuticals. Examples of such derivatives include digoxin, from digitalis; capsaicine, from chili; and aspirin, which is chemically related to the salicylic acid found in white willow. The opium poppy continues to be a major industrial source of opiates, including morphine. Few traditional remedies, however, have translated into modern drugs, although there is continuing research into the efficacy and possible adaptation of traditional herbal treatments. Contents
32 Medicinal Plants to keep at your Home Always Featured
Have u ever found your grandma running after a doctor or medical store for every now & then? We have so many wonderful natural remedies all around for any burns, cut, cold, fever, sneezes and more.
It is very important to have medicinal plants around the house cause you never know when you might need them.
So here is a list of plants that have the highest medicinal value compared to the other million species around the world worth planting around the house.
1. Tulsi
There are four types of tulsi mentioned in ayurvedic texts i Rama, Krishna, Vanna & Kapoor Tulsi.
For over the centuries Tulsi (the queen of herbs) has been known for its remarkable healing properties.
- Tulsi is taken as herbal tea.
- The oil extracted from the Karpoora Tulsi is mostly used in the herbal toiletry. Its oil is also used against insects and bacteria.
- The Rama Tulsi is an effective remedy for Severe acute Respiratory Syndrome. Juice of its leaves gives relief in cold, fever, bronchitis and cough.
- Tulsi oil is also used as an ear drop.
- Tulsi helps in curing malaria.
- It is very effective against indigestion, headache, hysteria, insomnia, and cholera.
- The fresh leaves of Tulsi are taken by millions of people every day.
- Many people wear Tulsi beads, which is said to have certain physical and medicinal properties.
2. Aloe Vera
The aloe Vera grows only under the sun with well-drained dry or moist soil. Although the plant tastes like a turd, it’s still edible. The sap from aloe Vera is extremely useful to speed up the healing & reducing the risk of infections for :
- wounds
- cuts
- burns
- reducing inflammation
Apart from its external use on the skin, aloe Vera is also taken internally in the treatment of :
3. Gotu Kola
The gotu kola acts on various phases of connective tissue development and stimulates healing of :
- ulcers
- skin injuries
- decreasing capillary fragility
- stimulation of the lipids and protein necessary for healthy skin
- Leaves are thought to maintain youthfulness.
- Crushed leaves are poulticed to treat open sores.
4. Calendula
It grows in almost any type of soil condition. It has no problem with nutritionally poor, very acidic or very alkaline soils, just as long as it’s moist. Well known as a remedy for skin problems, the deep-orange flowered pot marigold variety is applied externally to :
- bites
- stings
- sprains
- wounds
- sore eyes
- varicose veins
- Internally it is used to treat fevers and chronic infections.
- The tea of the petals tones up circulation and, taken regularly, eases varicose veins.
- Applying the crushed stems of the pot marigold to corns and warts will soon have them easily removable.
5. Basil
You must have used basil lot many times in food but have you ever tried it to heal flatulence? It has the power to treat:
- Cuts
- Lack of appetite
- Stomach gas
- scrapes
6. Thyme
It is mostly known for its strong antiseptic nature. It is wonderful when it comes to the treatment of:
- Congestion
- Stomach gas
- Coughs
7. Rosemary
Rosemary is the great reviser. This perennial woody herb stimulates energy and optimism and sharpens memory and concentration by bringing more oxygen to your brain, according to UMMC. It’s a wonderfully stimulating alternative to caffeine when you need that second wind!
A row of these long-lived and drought-tolerant plants makes a beautiful, bee-friendly, evergreen hedge. You may only need one plant in your garden, as a little bit goes a long way.
8. Lavender
Long recognized for its sweet perfume, lavender also boasts medical benefits as a nervine and mild antidepressant. UMMC suggests adding it to your bath to alleviate stress, tension, and insomnia. It’s also used in creams to treat sunburns and acne.
Woody lavender plants prefer hot, sunny, and dry environments. The fresh flowers are tasty in small doses when added to salads, honey, butter, lemonade, and even shortbread cookies. If you’re crafty, try sewing up an herbal heating pad or eye pillow with the fragrant dried flowers.
9. German Chamomile
Delicate, apple-scented chamomile demonstrates that mildness does not mean ineffectiveness. Primarily grown for its small, yellow-bellied flowers, NCCAM reports that chamomile is one of the best children’s herbs for treating colic, nervous stress, infections, and stomach disorders.
10. Fenugreek, Methi
- encourage weight gain (take note, anorexics)
- inhibit cancer of the liver
- lower blood cholesterol levels
- treat inflammation and ulcers of the stomach and intestines
- drain off sweat ducts
- for body building
- for late onset diabetes
- poor digestion
- insufficient lactation
- painful menstruation
- labor pains
- freshen bad breath
- restore a dull sense of taste
11. Sage
Salvia, the Latin name for sage, means ‘to heal’. Internally, the sage is used for :
- indigestion
- flatulence
- liver complaints
- excessive lactation
- excessive perspiration
- excessive salivation
- anxiety
- depression
- female sterility
- menopausal problems
12. Peppermint
Peppermint is sometimes regarded as ‘the world’s oldest medicine’, with archaeological evidence placing its use at least as far back as ten thousand years ago. Peppermint are naturally high in manganese, vitamin A and vitamin C. Crushed leaves rubbed on the skin help soothe and relax the muscles. Infused peppermint leaves are used to :
- reduce irritable bower syndrome
- against upset stomachs
- inhibit bacterial growth
- treat fevers
- flatulence
- spastic colon
13. Lemon Balm
The reason the plant is called lemon balm is because of the lemon minty scent of the leaves. The flowers, which appear during the summer, are full of nectar. The crushed leaves, when rubbed on the skin, are used as :
- colds
- fevers
- indigestion due to nervous tension
- digestive upsets in children
- hyperthyroidism
- depression
- mild insomnia
- headaches
14. Globe Artichoke
A bitter tasting plant that requires a lot of sun, the cardoon has become important as a medicinal herb in recent years following the discovery of cynarin. The cardoon leaves, best harvested before flowering, helps to :
- improve liver and gall bladder function
- stimulate the secretion of digestive juices
- lower blood cholesterol levels
- treat chronic liver and gall bladder diseases
- jaundice
- hepatitis
- arteriosclerosis
- early stages of late-onset diabetes
15. Ashwangandha
Ashwagandha is best known for stress Reduction, Neural Protection, and a Lot More from an Ancient Herb
The benefits of ashwagandha are many; in addition to promoting fertility, aiding in wound care, and boosting the immune system, some other benefits are:
- Diuretic, Sleep aid
- Galactogogue
- Anti-epileptic
- Anti-tumor, Pain relief
- Eye health
- Heart tonic
- Lowers cholesterol & Regulates blood sugar
- Reduces depression and anxiety, Combats stress
- Fights cognitive decline due to brain cell degeneration
16. Lemon Grass
Lemongrass has been reported to have innumerable therapeutic and other health benefits.
- alleviate certain respiratory conditions including laryngitis and sore throats
- anti-pyre-tic property which reduces high fevers.
- useful for all types of pain including abdominal pain, headaches, joint pains, muscle pains, digestive tract spasms, muscle cramps, stomachache and others
- lemongrass inhibits bacteria and yeast growth.
- beneficial for nervous and stress-related conditions.
17. Bryophyllum, Panfuti
Bryophyllum calycinum, Bryophyllum pinnatum, also known as the Air Plant, Life Plant, Miracle Leaf, Goethe Plant and the Katakana (Filipino)) is a succulent plant native to Madagascar.
- The leaf or its juice is taken for diabetes.
- Leaf paste application stops bleeding and heals wounds.
- The burnt leaf (mas hi) made in to paste with coconut oil cures burn.
- To prevent septic to cuts from sharp instruments, 15 leaves with four pepper corns roasted, powdered and mixed in cow ghee is applied.
- Leaf paste boiled in oil cures sciatica and rheumatic pains.
- One leaf eaten raw with one pepper corn first thing every morning for 3 to 7 days cures urinary stones.
- The leaves can be used raw for making chutneys or tamblis.
18. Rui
- The leaves and flowers of both the varieties are used for pooja of Shiva, Hanuman and Devi.
- Leaves of both varieties are used for fomentation to paining joints.
- Fomentation of leaves after application of castor oil relieves stomach pain of infants.
19. Costus
Cost’s igneous, commonly known as insulin plant in India, belongs to the family Costaceae. Consumption of the leaves are believed to lower blood glucose levels, and diabetics who consumed the leaves of this plant did report a fall in their blood glucose levels.
The fresh leaves of this plant is chewed two times daily for 1 week after 1 week, 1 leaf should be chewed twice a day this dosage should be continued for 1 month. It is said that this treatment is effective in bringing blood sugar levels under control in diabetes patients.
20. Khus
It has anti-inflammatory and antiseptic effects that provide relief from inflammations in circulatory system and nervous system. Khus khus is used to create a tonic bath, which is the reason why it is often included in high quality soaps.
It is a boon for individuals suffering from rheumatism, arthritis, gout, muscular aches, dryness and cracking of skin etc.
The oil obtained from khus khus has sedative effect and aids in the treatment of emotional outbursts, such as anger, anxiety, epileptic and hysteric attacks, restlessness, nervousness, etc.
21. Vitex Neg undo
Commonly known as the five-leaved chaste tree, is a large aromatic shrub with quadrangular, densely whitish, entombment branch lets.
Key therapeutic benefits:
- Because of its anti-inflammatory, antibacterial and anti fungal properties, the plant is useful in treating sores and skin infections.
- Five-Leaved Chaste Tree relieves muscle aches and joint pains.
- The herb is effective in treating vaginal discharge.
22. Sagargota, Bonduc nut
Sagargota, Bonduc nut, Fever nut, physic nut is used as anti diabetic & anti-malarial drug
23. Stevia
With its steviol glycoside extracts having up to 300 times the sweetness of sugar,stevia has garnered attention with the rise in demand for low-carbohydrate, low-sugar food alternatives.
Because stevia has a negligible effect on blood glucose, it is attractive as a natural sweetener to people on carbohydrate-controlled diets.
24. Marsh Mallow
The plant of which marshmallows were once made of. The root is taken internally to treat :
- bruises, sprains
- aching muscles
- insect bites
- skin inflammations, splinters
- The leaves are very edible, unlike the aloe Vera. They can be added to salads, boiled, or fried. It is known to help out in the area of cystitis and frequent urination.
25. Great Burdock
It requires moist soil and can grow shameless. The great burdock is the pretty famous in the area of detoxification in both Chinese and Western herbal medicine. The root is is used to treat ‘toxic overload’ that result in throat infections and skin diseases like :
- boils, rashes, burns, bruises
- herpes, eczema, acne
- impetigo, ringworm, bites
- The leaves and seeds can be crushed to poultice it to bruises, burns, ulcers and sores
26. Camomile
With a sweet, crisp, fruity and herbaceous fragrance, has long been used medicinally as a remedy for problems regarding the digestive system.
It has a soothing and calming effect in the area of aromatherapy, used to end stress and aid in sleep.
The entire herb is used to treat common aches like toothache, earache, shoulder pain and neuralgia.
27. Chinese Yum
A type of yam that can be eaten raw, the Chinese yam can be easily grown, succeeding in fertile, well drained soil in a sunny position. It is sweet and soothing to the stomach, spleen and has a tonic effect on the lungs and kidneys. It is used internally to treat :
- tiredness, weight loss, loss of appetite, poor digestion, chronic diarrhea
- asthma, dry coughs, uncontrollable urination, diabetes, emotional instability
Externally, it is applied to ulcers, boils, abscesses
- The leaf, on the other hand, is used to treat snakebites and scorpion stings.
28. Echinacea
One of the world’s most important medicinal herbs, the echinacea has the capacity to raise the body’s resistance to bacterial and viral infections by stimulating the immune system. It also has antibiotic properties that helps relieve allergies. Basically, the roots are beneficial in the treatment of sores, wounds and burns.
It was once used by the Native Americans as an application for insect bites, stings and snakebites. The echinacea grows on any well drained soil, as long as it gets sunlight.
29. Siberian Ginseng
The Siberian ginseng has a wide range of health benefits, mostly as a powerful tonic herb that maintains good health. Its medicinal properties are used for :
30. The Great Yellow Gentian
The great yellow gentian root is a bitter herb used to treat digestive disorders and states of exhaustion from chronic diseases. It stimulates the liver, gal bladder, and digestive system, strengthening the overall human body. Internally, it is taken to treat :
31. Sea Buck thorn
The sea-buck thorn has been used throughout the centuries in China to relieve cough, aid digestion, invigorate blood circulation and alleviate pain. The branches and leaves are used in Mongolia to treat gastrointestinal distress in humans and animals.
The bark and leaves are used for treating diarrhea, gastrointestinal, dermatological disorders and topical compressions for rheumatoid arthritis. Even the flowers are used as skin softeners.
The berries, on the other hand, are used together with other medications for pulmonary, gastrointestinal, cardiac, blood and metabolic disorders. Fresh sea buck thorn berry juice is known to be taken in the event of colds, fever, exhaustion, stomach ulcers, cancer, metabolic disorders, liver diseases, inflammation, peptic ulcer, gastritis, eczema, canker sores, general ulcerative disorders, keratitis, trachoma
32. Tea Tree
Even the aborigines have been using the tea tree leaves for medicinal purposes, like chewing on young leaves to relieve headaches. The paperbark itself is extremely useful to them as it serves to line coolamons when used as cradles, as a bandage, like a sleeping mat, as material for building hum pies, as an aluminum foil, as a disposable raincoat and for tamping holes in canoes.
The leaves and twigs, eventually made into tea tree oil, is anti-fungal, antibacterial, antiseptic and deserves a place in every household medicine box. Tea tree oil can be used to treat: cystitis, glandular fever, chronic fatigue syndrome, thrush, vaginal infections, acne, athlete’s foot, verrucae, warts, insect bites, cold sores, nits, minor burns
List of herbs from
What’s more satisfying than growing your own herb garden? With this list of herbs, you’ll have plenty of choices. Whether you have a large space or just a few pots on a patio, growing a crop of herbs like basil, oregano or thyme to harvest gives a feeling of accomplishment. Once you’ve mastered the basic herbs, try the more exotic types.
Here’s our comprehensive list of herbs to choose from! Did we leave anything out? Leave a comment and let us know, so we can add it.
Aloe Vera
It’s technically a succulent and can be grown as a houseplant, but the juice and gel from the aloe Vera plant’s leaves can be used as an herbal remedy to soothe sunburns and other minor skin irritations so it made the list. It is also used by some to relieve mild stomach irritation, to treat acne, to relieve the symptoms of eczema, and even to stimulate hair growth. Learn to grow aloe Vera.
Angelica (wild celery)
Angelica has been cultivated as an herb and medicinal plant for centuries, and achieved popularity in Scandinavia as far back as the 12th century. Roots, fruits and stems are all useful. Learn more.
Anise has a licorice taste and can be eaten whole or dried and ground to flavor foods or help with digestion. Learn more.
Aralia racemosa, American spikenard root, is native in the Eastern United States. The root of Aralia is often used in teas and tonics with a balsamic flavor. The root is harvested in the late summer and can be dried to preserve. With Aralia in the Ginseng Family, it has similar effects as ginseng root. American spikenard is also used to make a poultice for rheumatism and eczema. Learn more about aralia.
Arni ca Montana, also known as wolf’s bane, leopard’s bane, mountain tobacco and mountain arnica is considered toxic if ingested, and is typically used topically as an herb. It is a European flowering plant in the sunflower family.
Australasia propinquus or Australasia membranous, commonly known as Mongolian mil kvetch or Huáng Q. An herb used in traditional Chinese medicine. The dried root is used medicinally. It is also known as an adaptogen.
Basil’s name is derived from the Greek word meaning royal. Over 100 varieties of basil have been identified, although not all of these are culinary. You can select and plant a large assortment of Basil with leaves ranging from small to large and red to purple and taste of cinnamon to lemon. Basil is considered a nutrient dense herb with benefits of flavonoids, antibacterial properties, anti-inflammatory properties, and Vitamins A, K, and C. Read more about growing basil.
Bay is also called laurel leaf or sweet bay. The leaf is from a perennial shrub that grows well in a container. Whole leaf is used in cooking or teas. Commonly used in French, Spanish, Italian, and Creole dishes, including soups, stews, sauces and pickling brine’s. Historically, the Bay tree is a symbol of honor. Leaves were often used in head wreaths in Greek and Roman mythology. Learn more about growing bay.
Bayberry has a medium salt tolerance, and grows well in sandy, well-drained soils. The berries have been used in candle making, the leaves to flavor meats and stews, and the dried root made into powders. Learn more about growing bayberry varieties. Bayberry is also called Wax Myrtle.
Bee balm
Bee balm (also known as Oswego tea, horse mint and bergamot) is a member of the mint family. It grows best in full sun and has red, white, pink lilac or purple flowers. Bee balm is a perennial and is known to attract pollinators to the garden. Read more about growing bee balm here.
Bo rage grows to two feet tall and incorporates well in flower, vegetable, and herb gardens. Use Bo-rage in the vegetable garden to attract pollinators and repel horn worms around tomatoes. The leaves and flowers are edible. Medicinally, borage is used as an anti-inflammatory. Learn how to grow borage.
Burnet is an herb native to western, central and southern Europe; northwest Africa and southwest Western Asia; and also commonly grown and spread throughout North America.
The herb is used as an ingredient in both salads and dressings, having a flavor like cucumber. Learn more about how to grow brunet.
California bay
Can be eaten whole, but bay leaves are pungent and have a sharp, bitter taste. As with many herbs and spices, the fragrance of the bay leaf is more noticeable than its taste. When dried, the fragrance is herbal, slightly floral, and somewhat similar to oregano and thyme. Learn more about California bay.
Calamint plants are native to the UK and have thick stems and are bushy herbs that spread from rhizomes. The leaves are textured with hairy or fuzzy foliage. Learn more about growing calamint.
Calendula has yellow and orange edible flowers. Learn to grow calendar.
Caraway is a biennial herb native to Europe and Western Asia. Caraway roots and seeds are edible. Often licorice flavored seeds are used in sauerkraut’s, breads, soups, sauces, and pickles. Roots can be boiled and eaten. Medicinally, Caraway is used to help treat rheumatism, eye infections and toothaches. Learn more about growing caraway.
Member of the mint family, and like other mints can easily spread. It is a perennial with blue flowers and grown as decorative herb in garden or to attract pollinators. As catnip is used to stuff cat toys, it is attractive to outdoor cats in your garden area. Learn more about growing catnip.LEARN MORE: Fresh Mint Recipes
Cayenne is not completely an herb, but is often grown as a spice. Cayenne powder is made from the fruit of the plant by grinding the dried hot peppers. Read more about growing peppers, including growing cayenne peppers here.
Commonly used to calm nervous system and digestive system as a tea. Both the leaves and flowers are edible. Chamomile is versatile growing in shade, full sun, and even indoors in containers. Learn more about chamomile.
Chervil is sometimes called French parsley or garden parsley. It grows best from seed, as the seedlings are fragile for transplanting. Leaves and stems are commonly used in French cuisine with a mild flavor between anise and parsley. It is recommended to succession plant chervil, as it tends to bolt quickly. Learn more about growing chervil here.
Chives are perennials native to Asia and Eastern Europe and can help with digestion and high blood pressure. When planting chives, be sure to give them time to germinate, as they are slow growers. Learn more about growing chives here, including harvesting tips.
Cicely, Myrrh is odorata, is a perennial native to the woodlands in central Europe. The fern-like leaves can be harvested and eaten raw or cooked with a flavor similar to anise. Grows best in partial shade and grows well in deep containers. Learn more about .
Cilantro is a cool season herb and bolts quickly as temperatures rise. To have a healthy harvest of cilantro, succession plant every three to four weeks. Cilantro easily self-seeds, since it is quick to flower. Cilantro refers to the leaves of the plant and coriander the seeds. Learn how to grow cilantro, as well as popular varieties.
Comfrey, also called black wort, is a perennial with a deep root system, often overtaking an herb garden. Comforter can grow up to five feet tall and spreads a few feet, as well. Comforter is rich in Calcium and Vitamin C used medicinally for healing. Learn more about growing comfrey here.
Coriander is used to flavor many Latin and Indian recipes. It is also known as cilantro. Coriander is an annual herb and the entire plant can be used from the leaves to the seeds, which are the part that we refer to as coriander. Coriander has many medicinal uses. Learn more about the health benefits of coriander here.
Costmary is a perennial herb that grows to four feet high. Learn about Costmary here. Costmary is commonly used to add a spicy flavor ale.
Cotula is an annual herb with a strong odor. It is called stinking chamomile because it has an unpleasant odor. It is most commonly used in tea. It is less effective as a medicinal herb than chamomile. Learn more about Cotula here.
Cuban Oregano
Cuban oregano is a perennial herb with a strong flavor, just like oregano. Cuban oregano is used in cooking and for medicinal purposes. It has both antibacterial and antioxidant properties. You can learn more about cuban oregano here.
Dill is an annual herb that is in the same plant family as celery. It is commonly used for pickling and served with salmon. It loses flavor quickly so it is best used fresh. It is easy to grow and has many medicinal uses too. Read more about dill here.
Dittany of Crete
Dittany is not a widely used herb today. Historically it was used for healing. It is similar to marjoram and oregano. It has small pink or lavender flowers and hairy oval leaves. You can learn more about dittany of Crete here.
Epazote is used in Mexican cooking. Epazote is a perennial herb that grows up to four feet high. It also has many medicinal uses but isn’t widely available. See how to use epazote here.
There are two types of fennel, the herb and the bulb. The herb looks like dill and grows up to five feet high and the stems, leaves and seeds are useful. The bulb variety is shorter and darker. Both forms have a similar anise flavor. Learn more.
Fever few is a flower herb in the daisy family and it is often grown for ornamental use. It has a yellow and white bloom. Fever few has medicinal uses as well; it is commonly used for migraines. Learn more about Fever few.
Foxglove has large bell shaped pink and purple blooms. It is actually poisonous, which earned it the nickname deadmen’s bells. Foxglove contains cardiac glycosides digitoxin and digoxin, which when used correctly are common in heart treatment drugs used today. Read more about foxglove here.
Garlic is probably one of the most widely used herbs in cooking. It is in the lily family like onions and shallots. When eaten raw garlic has a very strong flavor. Garlic is also widely used for medicinal purposes. You can learn more about how to grow garlic here.
Geraniums are a perennial herb with beautiful five-petal white and pink flowers and long stems. Geraniums are primarily used for making tea that has a floral flavor. The essential oil from geranium flowers is also used for medicinal purposes. Learn about the health benefits from geraniums here.
Gerrymander is a perennial herb that is used as ground cover. It is in the same family as mint. Germane has a purple bloom. Gerrymander is very popular with bees. It can be grown easily in full sun or partial shade. It has medicinal uses as well. Learn more about Gerrymander here.
Ginger is is a perennial rhizome with annual stems that reach about three feet in height. The root is used in Asian and Indian cuisine frequently. Ginger also has widely known medicinal benefits. It is often used for motion sickness and stomach upset. Learn more about how to grow ginger here