Homemade Tips for Glowing Skin for Brides


Hey bride-to-be! The wedding is the most important day in a girl’s life and all the eyes are on the bride on the D-day! So, looking beautiful is something a girl can’t miss out at her own wedding, coz’ she is the star of the day!

In the midst of millions of things to do before the wedding, it may not be possible for a bride to hit the salon every week! So, while you are all geared up for the wedding day, you don’t have to miss out on flawless skin. From getting enough sleep to cutting down the screen time, there are several things a bride-to-be must keep a check on!

1. Honey and Yogurt Mask

Not only for the skin but this mask works pretty well for hair too! Honey is rich with anti-oxidants and it helps to keep the scalp and hair healthy. Apply this mask on the hair starting from the roots and leave it for 15 minutes. Wash it off with cold or lukewarm water and a mild shampoo!

2. Aloe Vera, Coconut Oil, and Honey

The benefits of aloe vera cannot be ignored! Having an aloe vera plant at home is quite beneficial! If you don’t have a plant, then you can get aloe vera gel that is readily available in the market. Aloe vera mixed with coconut oil and honey is suitable both for skin and hair.

Body polishing before the wedding is something a bride can’t miss. So, instead of spending several bucks and loads of time at the salon, you can do it at home. Take the required quantity of aloe vera for the whole body, mix it with coconut oil, 4-5 tbsp of honey and 1tbsp of sugar. Sugar acts as a scrubbing agent.

Massage with this pack on the whole body once a week and pamper yourself for soft lustrous skin. You can also leave aloe vera on your skin for 10-20 minutes for hydrating it. Aloe vera juice is good for consumption, too! Just massaging your face with aloe vera gel can help you get rid of acne and so its’ specially good for those with oily skin.

3. Sandalwood Powder & Raw Milk

This mask works best to get rid of pigmentation. It is a power pack that works to moisturize the skin, get the natural glow and also tone your skin. Mix half a tbsp of sandalwood powder with a required quantity of raw milk and apply it daily on the face. Wash it off after 15 minutes. Apply it on your arms and legs to save up what you’d have spent on manicure and pedicure.

Just massaging the face with raw milk before washing your face also helps. You can also add half a cup of raw milk in your bathtub with rose petals and have a relaxing spa at home!

4. Almond and Milk

Soak a handful of almonds overnight. Crush the almonds and mix it with raw milk. Apply the mixture on the face and neck and leave it till it dries. Later wash it off with cold water. Eventually, your skin will become softer.

Not only as a face mask but make sure to have almonds in your diet too, since they are a good source of protein.

5. Cucumber and Lime Juice

Cucumber works best as a cooling agent and lemon is the best remedy to get rid of tanning. Grind half a cucumber and squeeze half a lemon into it. You can also add little gram flour to form a thick paste! Apply this on the tanned areas of the body and get a tan-free skin.

Slices of cucumber can also be used to rub the face to get rid of excess oil every morning. You can also have the cool and refreshing cucumber, lemon and mint juice.

6. Gram Flour & Turmeric

Gram flour mask helps in brightening the skin so brides-to-be, give this a try! Either mix gram flour, almonds, rice flour, and turmeric and use it as a scrub or just gram flour and turmeric as a face mask. Use this once a week before you go into the shower.

A quick tip: After using any of the homemade face masks make sure not to use any harsh chemical soaps or face wash as that would rip your face off the natural glow.

7. Banana & Egg White

Egg white helps in tightening the skin and banana works well for an instant glow. So brides, if you have a pre-wedding photoshoot or any ceremony coming up before the wedding, then this mask will help you to get instant shine and glow, especially for those with mixed skin types.

8. Oatmeal

Oatmeal contains chemicals known as saponins that have good cleansing properties. So, instead of using cleansers that have harsh chemicals in them, use oatmeal with coconut oil as a natural cleanser. This is also one of the best homemade beauty tips for brides before marriage

9. Clay Pack

For oily skin, try applying clay pack mixed with rose water every day before going to bed, leave it till it dries and then wash it off with chilled water. Also, this is one of the easiest homemade beauty tips for brides before marriage.

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