Indian palmistry symbols and their meanings can vary between palmists. Some Astro-palmists claim that there are at least ninety basic signs. The study of many of these symbols goes back a long time to Sanskrit slokas, which is a body of writings by Aryan people who entered India from the northwest. This type of symbolism is not used by modern hand readers, not only because of how rare they are but because of the often superstitious meanings.
I will not be attempting to find or list all the symbols; instead, I have picked out some of the more widespread ones. Some of these Indian palmistry symbols are fortunate, and some are unfortunate. Don’t worry though, an absence of any of them is not significant. It doesn’t mean the subject can’t achieve wealth or happiness.
If you do happen to find one of these symbols, don’t forget to seek confirmation in other parts of the hand. The meanings might also vary depending on which hand it is. The dominant hand would show the active conscious, and non-dominant hand the passive unconscious.
The easiest way to understand the occurrence of symbols on the hand is to interpret them as something that reflects a person’s way of thinking. So, the sign on your hands tells that in the past, what you have done is the reason for the mark. It is not different from reading the lines in modern palmistry in the sense that they are a record of your past actions that can lead to possible future outcomes.
Indian Palmistry Symbols

- The anklet – A sign of protection, as well as a blessing in disguise.
- The arrow – A symbol of intelligence and spiritual magnetism. If the arrow symbol appears on the amount, or at the end of a line, it strengthens the positive qualities of the line or mount.
- The fish – A serene life, potential wealth. See another article about the fish sign here.
- Flag – Shows positive outcomes.
- The star – A star can be a mark of sudden excess energy which can be good or bad. See more about the star mark here.
- Swastika – A symbol of good luck. The Swastik sign is used as a symbol of divinity and spirituality in Indian religions.
- The temple – Shows a high social or professional position and potential wealth.
- Axe – A sign of prosperity as well as a time of special circumstances related to life.
- Boat – A symbol of wisdom as well as moral courage if found on the mount of the Moon.
- Bow and arrow is a symbol of protection, wealth, or fame.
- The chain on a line depicts worry and uncertainty.
- The eye is a symbol of intuitive ability.
- Lotus Flower – Wealth, luck, comfort, and long life. See more about the Lotus.
Which hand to read?
The hand that a person writes with is usually their dominant hand, and the lines and hand shape can show which is the non-dominant. The dominant hand is less flexible, demonstrated by a thumb with a smaller angle. The non-dominant hand tends to be more relaxed and have more lines because it shows our thoughts, and what is really going on.
The dominant hand
The dominant hand describes what is happening in their material or the outer world right now, (the conscious). It shows what we are experiencing and whether we have developed and grown from our past. The right and left hands are usually different, which is why I always look at both.
The non-dominant hand

The non-dominant hand defines what is mostly happening on an inner level (subconscious) or what is potential. It shows what we feel we could be doing or should be doing. I read the history from the non-dominant hand, but both sides can depict past events due to timing on the lines.
Making predictions
If trying to make predictions, the fate line is an excellent example of using the past and future in reading. If the left or non-dominant hand has a weak fate line, but the dominant has a well-formed one, it can show that the subject has made life decisions or become more motivated. An example from the chained heart line on the non-dominant hand; If the dominant hand has a clean one, it shows the person is no longer as sensitive or nervous as in the past.
The line of head

The head line shows how we think. So, if there are breaks on the line on the non-dominant hand, the person might feel like they can’t focus. It might also suggest an indecisive nature. If the dominant hand has a regular line, it doesn’t affect the person much.
Keeping records
It is a good idea to keep a record of the palms by taking a clear digital photo, a photocopy or ink print of both palms. This way, you can look them up later to see if there have been any changes.
The Fingers
The fingers themselves can also show characteristics that depict a different personality at home compared to the public eye. For instance, a short middle finger on the non-dominant hand indicates that at home the subject is carefree and tolerant, but if on the right, the middle finger is a regular length (or long), they are more serious and firmer at work or in front of the public eye.
Another example which represents our responsibilities, boundaries and the law, is when the middle finger is short on the dominant hand, but not on the non-dominant, the subject may struggle to be responsible with the finances or be inclined to break the rules outside of the home. It’s not to say that is the general nature because other factors come into the analysis but consider finger length as a foundation of the reading.