Isha Kriya

This Meditation facilitates an improvement in health and a wide variety of health conditions Enjoy Relaxation, Greater energy levels and dynamism throughout the day Manage stress, anxiety, depression and the hectic pace of modern life.Learn to better manage your Body-Mind combination.Learn the fundamentals of meditation and the reasons to meditate.Experience greater clarity and peace Be able to still your body and mind for long periods.Be better at handling unpleasant situations around yourself.This Meditation provides an overall sense of well being.An increase in happiness and gratitude.The joy of beginning a spiritual journey, under a realized master.

Isha Kriya is a simple yet potent process rooted in the timeless wisdom of the yogic sciences. Offered by Sadhguru, it has the potential to transform the life of anyone willing to invest just 12 minutes a day. The purpose of Isha Kriya is to help an individual get in touch with the source of his existence, to create life according to his own wish and vision. Daily practice of Isha Kriya helps brings health, dynamism, peace and well being. It is a powerful tool to cope with the hectic pace of modern life. Today, for most people, the word “yoga” usually conjures up images of twisting the body into impossible postures. The physical aspect of yoga is only one facet of this multi-dimensional science. Yoga is a technology to bring the body and mind to the peak of their capabilities – allowing one to live life to the fullest. It is Sadhguru’s vision to offer “one drop of spirituality” to every individual. Through the Isha Kriya guided meditation, the possibilities of a spiritual process can now be offered to every human being in the comfort of their own home.

Isha Kriya – Free Online Guided Meditation

“Isha” refers to that which is the source of creation; “kriya” literally means “internal action.” The purpose of Isha Kriya is to help an individual get in touch with the source of their existence, to create life according to their own wish and vision. Daily practice of Isha Kriya brings health, dynamism, peace and well being. It is a powerful tool to cope with the hectic pace of modern life.

Today, for most people, the word “yoga” usually conjures up images of twisting the body into impossible postures. The physical aspect of yoga is only one facet of this multi-dimensional science. Yoga is a technology to bring the body and mind to the peak of their capabilities – allowing one to live life to the fullest.

It is the vision of Sadhguru to offer “one drop of spirituality” to every individual. Through the Isha Kriya guided meditation, the possibilities of a spiritual process, which were once available only to yogis and ascetics, are now being offered to every human being in the comfort of their own home.

Rooted in the timeless wisdom of the yogic sciences, Isha Kriya is a simple yet potent process created by yogi and mystic, Sadhguru. “Isha” refers to that which is the source of creation; “kriya” literally means “internal action.” The purpose of Isha Kriya is to help an individual get in touch with the source of his existence, to create life according to his own wish and vision. Daily practice of Isha Kriya brings health, dynamism, peace and well being. It is a powerful tool to cope with the hectic pace of modern life. Today, for most people, the word “yoga” usually conjures up images of twisting the body into impossible postures. The physical aspect of yoga is only one facet of this multi-dimensional science. Yoga is a technology to bring the body and mind to the peak of their capabilities – allowing one to live life to the fullest.

Meditation and the Mind

The mind does not like meditation because if you keep the body still, the mind will also naturally become still. This is why so much stress has been laid in yoga on hath yoga and asanas. If you just learn how to keep your body absolutely still, then your mind will also become still. I want you to just observe yourself and see how many unnecessary movements your body makes when you stand, sit or speak. If you look at your life, you will see that more than half the time is taken up in these things that you yourself don’t care for.

If you keep the body still, the mind will slowly start collapsing and the mind knows that it will become enslaved if it allows this. The main aspect of meditation is, right now your mind is the boss and you are the slave. As you meditate and become more meditative, you will become the boss and your mind will become the slave and that is how it should always be. If you don’t know how to keep the mind as a slave, it will put you through all kinds of endless suffering. If you allow the mind to rule, it is a terrible master. But as a slave, the mind is wonderful – it is a miraculous slave

What exactly is meditation?

Sadhguru: The moment we utter the word “meditation,” there are all kinds of misconceptions about it. First of all, the English word “meditation” doesn’t mean anything in the sense, if you close your eyes and sit, in English we call it “meditation.” You can sit with your eyes closed and do many things. There are many dimensions. You can do japa, tapa, dharana, dhyana, samadhi, shoonya. Or you might have just mastered the art of sleeping in vertical postures!

So what is this thing that we call as meditation? Generally we assume that people are referring to what is known as dhyan or dhyana. In that context of referring to dhyan as meditation, it is not something that you can do. Nobody can do meditation. The reason why most people who have tried meditation have come to the conclusion that it’s very difficult or impossible is because they are trying to do it.

You cannot do meditation but you can become meditative. Meditation is a certain quality. It is not a certain act. If you cultivate your body, your mind, your energies and your emotions to a certain level of maturity, meditation will naturally happen. It is just like if you keep the soil fertile, if you give it the necessary manure and water and if the right kind of seed is there, it will grow and bloom into flowers and fruits.

Flowers and fruits will come out of a plant not because you want it, but simply because you created the necessary, conducive atmosphere. Similarly, if you create the necessary atmosphere within yourself, on all the four dimensions of who you are, then meditation will naturally flower within you. It is a certain fragrance that one can enjoy within himself.

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