Kasani Herb

Kasni (Cichorium intybus)

Kasni (Cichorium intybus) is a perennial herb, also known by the names blue daisy, blue weed, blue sailor, bunk, coffee weed, blue dandelion, & wild endive. It is native to Eastern India. Physicians of the ancient times used this plant to manage numerous common ailments.

  • Kasni helps in the proper functioning of optic system. It serves as a rich source of Vitamin A.
  • This herb is very useful in treating chronic constipation as wellas by giving good bowel movements. The herb is a natural laxative that is tremendously useful in relieving chronic constipation by easing bowel movements.
  • It is also good for patients suffering from anemia. A combination of Kasni and celery seems to be extremely helpful to treat anemia. It acts as an effective blood tonic & helps relieve anemic patients.
  • The seeds, flowers and roots of Kasni are used medicinally to support liver health and treat liver-related problems. A decoction made from these three parts of the plant helps relieve sluggishness of the liver, jaundice, biliary stasis, torpidity of the liver and enlargement of the spleen. The plant’s juice is used to increase bile secretion that results in the efficient functioning of both the liver and the gall bladder.
  • Juice made from Kasni is highly useful to relieve several respiratory disorders including hay fever and asthma. The root of the plant is used as a good expectorant, especially in case of severe bronchitis.
  • The herb is also useful in treating menstrual disorders. The seeds of Kasni are highly beneficial in providing relief from the problem of delayed or obstructed menstruation.

Benefits of Chicory (Kasni) And Its Side Effects

Chicory (Kasni) Nutritional Value of Chicory (Kasni) Health Benefits of Chicory (Kasni) Uses of Chicory (Kasni) Side-Effects & Allergies of Chicory (Kasni) Cultivation of Chicory (Kasni)

A rich source of iron, Chicory (Kasni) is useful in treating anemia. It helps in better circulation of blood, thus aid in treating angina and heart-related disorders. This herb is a rich source of dietary fiber and promotes the feeling of fullness in the stomach. Therefore, Chicory assists in weight loss by controlling your hunger pangs. A diuretic, Kasni helps in eliminating toxins from the body and keep your kidneys in great health.

Chicory (Kasni)

Chicory is a perennial herbaceous plant belonging to the family asteraceae. Its scientific name is Cichorium intubus and it is also known as kasni in India. These plants grow up to a height of 1m. It has spherical leaves that are bitter in taste and hard branches bearing blue flowers. These flowers have 15-20 petals which open during early morning and close later in the day. The plant grows angular light coloured fruits and has a long fleshy root resembling a cow’s tail. Chicory leaves are added to salads.

Nutritional Value of Chicory (Kasni)

Chicory is a good source of various nutrients such as zinc, magnesium, manganese, calcium, iron, folic acid and potassium. Vitamin A, vitamin B6, vitamin C, vitamin E and vitamin K are also present in chicory. All health benefits of this plant is due to this rich nutrient content of it. The seeds of this plant are a store house of both saturated and unsaturated fatty acids.

Helps in Digestion

Chicory is a good source of friendly bacteria called inulin. These bacteria also called probiotics improves the functioning of the digestive system. These help in fighting various digestive concerns such as acid reflux disease, indigestion and heart burn as it works well to reduce acidity.

Reduces Heart Problems

Inulin present in chicory helps reduce the level of bad cholesterol in the body. Cholesterol gets deposited on the walls of blood vessels causing blockages and restricting the blood flow. This condition leads to atherosclerosis and high blood pressure and can also cause life threatening problems like stroke and heart attack. Chicory also has anti-thrombotic and anti-arrhythmic properties in it.

Prevents Cancer

Chicory has been seen to reduce tumour growth in various studies done on cancer. Preliminary studies done on this topic has shown that the anti-tumour and antioxidant properties of chicory contribute to this benefit.


Chicory in a 2010 study has been seen to reduce inflammation and pain among a majority of the subjects. It is extremely effective on reducing pain caused due to osteoarthritis. It can be used to reduce aches, muscle pains and soreness of the joints.

Helps in Weight Loss

Olgifructose and inulin are found in abundance in chicory. These two components are very good in weight management as they regulate ghrelin, an amino acid responsible for hunger pangs. This controls and avoids over eating and promotes a sense of satisfaction and fullness.

Reduces Anxiety

Chicory relieves stress by letting a person relax due to its sedative property. The root of this plant can be consumed to induce sleep. Being a natural sedative it is safer than the chemical ones that are produced commercially. Reducing stress and anxiety helps lower the chance of having a list of health problems like heart diseases, hormonal imbalance, insomnia, premature aging and cognitive disorders.

Keeps Kidneys Healthy

Amount of urination can be increased by consuming extracts of the chicory root. This extract has diuretic properties that increase the frequency and amount of urine passed. This helps the body to get rid of excess accumulated toxins that are stored in the liver and the kidney.

Uses of Chicory (Kasni)

Chicory is used as a substitute of coffee. Though it does not contain caffeine, it gives similar effects as the original beverage. Its young leaves form a good ingredient for fresh salads while its matured leaves are used for cooking just like a vegetable. The medicinal uses of chicory are many as it treats various health conditions. Chicory is used to extract inulin which is helps in various bodily procedures such as digestion. Inulin is responsible for regulating microbial fermentation, putting a check on the amount of fat and cholesterol being absorbed and it increases the beneficial HDLs while reducing the harmful LDLs.

Side-Effects & Allergies of Chicory (Kasni)

Chicory though has a truck load of benefits, like everything else it has drawbacks too. If you are allergic to marigolds, ragweed and daisies you might also be allergic to chicory as they are closely related. People suffering from gallstones should not consume this plant in excess as it would aggravate the situation. Pregnant women should avoid consuming chicory as it could up the risk of having a miscarriage by stimulating menstruation.

Cultivation of Chicory (Kasni)

Chicory is a native of Eurasia that was taken later to America by the Europeans. Today it is found growing naturally there. In India chicory grows mostly in the northwest and southern parts. It is cultivated for its leaves, roots and seeds. Chicory grows well in well-drained soil where too much water cannot accumulate like sandy and chalky soil.

It is Sedative, Anti-diabetic and Hepatoprotective, Cholagogue, Deobstruent, Febrifuge, Laxative and Re solvent. Root is Aperient, Bitter, Cholagogue, Deobstruent, Diuretic, Emmenagogue, Febrifuge, Re-solvent. Root is used in Fever, Renal Calculi, Gastritis, Dyspepsia and Dropsy. Seed is Appetizer, Carminative, Demulcent and Tonic. Seeds are used in Obstructive Jaundice, Hepatitis, Renal Calculi and Chronic Fever. Juice of the leaves is indicated in Metritis, Salpingitis and Cervicitis. Leaves are used in Dropsy, Gout, Rheumatism, Warts, Headache, Ophthalmic, Arthritis, Stomach Inflammation and Irritation etc

Kasni Benefits and Medicinal Uses

Kasni is one of the most important herb in Ayurvedic and Unani medicine system. Learn what are it’s health benefits and how you can use this to treat different diseases. Know about it’s botanical description, medicinal properties and side-effects.AnupamaMarch 4, 2016

Chicory is well-known as a substitute of coffee. The dried roots of the plant are used for this purpose. Chicory has distinct taste but does not contain any caffeine. In 19th-20th centuries, it was used alone but later on it was added to coffee powder or the coffee substitute mixtures. For preparing Chicory powder, the fresh roots are collected, and dried. The dried roots are roasted, and ground to form powder.

Chicory is a medicinal plant. All parts of the plant especially root, and leaves are used as diuretic, laxative, antipyretic, detoxifying, and the liver tonic. It has been used in Ayurveda, Unani, and Siddha system of medicine for treating diseases of hepatobiliary (the liver, and bile), and renal system, like washing kidney-bladder, the liver diseases, jaundice, hepatitis, etc.

In India, Chicory is commonly known as Kasni. It is not mentioned in classical Ayurvedic texts.

In Unani Tibbi, it is known as Hindba, and Kasni, and used to prepared Shara-e-Kasni, and Arq Kasni. It is given to treat fluid accumulation in the body, jaundice, hepatitis, fever, and kidney disorders. In jaundice, Unani preparation, Sharbat-e-Kasni is taken in a dose of 25ml with water twice daily.

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