Makarasana or the Crocodile Pose is a yoga asana. Sanskrit: मकरासन; Makar – Crocodile, Asana – Pose. Pronunciation: NAH-fuhrer-AWS-ah-uh.
Makarasana or the Crocodile Pose is a relaxing yoga asana. It is perfect for back and shoulder problems. The pose resembles a crocodile taking rest in water, keeping its face and neck above the surface water level. The purpose of Makarasana is to release the strain caused by practicing other yoga asanas, and it is, therefore, the best way to end a yoga session
6. Benefits Of Makarasana
- Makarasana offers deep relaxation for your shoulders and spine
- It can cure asthma, knee pain, and any lung related issues
- It helps in curing slip disc, spondylitis, and sciatica
- The asana stretches the hip muscles
- It relaxes your body completely and keeps you rejuvenated
- It relieves the body and the mind of tension
- Makarasana treats hypertension, heart diseases, and mental disorders
- It stretches the muscles of the abdomen, chest, and neck, relieving fatigue and aches in those areas
- The asana keeps backache at bay
- Makarasana helps you to breathe slowly, efficiently, and deeply
- It keeps you alert
- The asana turns your mind inward, calming it and preventing anxiety
- Makarasana releases all the tight knots in your body and makes it flexible
- Makarasana widely known as Crocodile Pose in English is a relaxation pose. The Sanskrit name Makarasana is derived from two words, the first Makar, meaning Crocodile and the second Asana, meaning Posture. It is practiced to relax the body after performing other yoga poses. This asana is very helpful for relaxing the whole mind and body, along with it there are many other benefits of Makarasana. But it’s very important to first have adequate knowledge of the steps. So, let’s begin by knowing the steps to practice Makarasana.
Crocodile Pose is widely known as Makarasana and Nakarasana. Makarasana is a Sanskrit name which is derived from two words Makar+Asana. Makar meaning Crocodile and Asana meaning yoga posture.
The Makarasana is a deeply restorative and also known as relaxing pose in English. the Crocodile Pose resembles a crocodile taking rest in the water. where the face above the water and rest in the water.
The benefits of Makarasana (Crocodile Pose) for back, shoulder problems and provide mental peace of all age, reducing stress and anxiety, regulating blood pressure.
This yoga posture has normally done after yoga session to cool down the body and take rest. other beneficail prior yoga poses before doing Crocodile Pose-Ustrasana, Adho Mukha Svanasana, Bhujangasana, Dhanurasana etc.
Crocodile Pose helps to activate the Root Chakra (Muladhara Chakra), Sacral Chakra (Swadisthana Chakra). and it also can even be used for Meditation or Pranayama.
How To Do Makarasana (Crocodile Pose)
- Lie flat upside down or on your belly, on the yoga mat.
- Extend the legs behind you and the tops of the feet touch each other on the mat
- Raise your shoulder and head up.
- Now joint your elbows and cross the arms under your head.
- Place the forehead on the wrists of the hands in front of you.
- Close the eyes and relax feel the entire body.
- Breathe deeply 8 to 10 times.
- While the inhalation feel the belly pressing down into the floor, and the time of exhalation feel the belly back rise towards the ceiling.
- Stay in the asana for a few minutes.
- To come down from Makarasana bring your legs together, remove your palms, opens your arms and roll over.
Benefits of Makarasana (Crocodile Pose)
- The important curing of the Makarasana is Slip disc, Sciatica, Spondylitis, and many types of spinal disordered.
- The Makarasana is normally considered as breathe slowly, deeply, and efficiently.
- This pose is highly useful for prolonged periods of Pranayama, and deep Meditation.
- This yoga posture is also released for the shoulder and spine.
- Also helpful in getting rid of hypertension, heart disease, stress, fatigue, mental disorder, and health problems.
- This asana is good to digest the food and curing constipation.
- It helps to reduce healing insomnia and blood pressure in the body.
- It stretches the muscles of the abdomen, chest, and neck and aches in areas.
- Makarasana poses to relax the whole body.
- This asana is also good for beginners asana.
- Do not move your body in the practicing of the asana.
- Should be avoided this asana in the disturbing atmosphere.
- Avoid this pose if you have serious back and knee injury
and deep psychological issues. - At least keep 3-5 hour gap between your practice and meal.
- The pressure at the abdomen is not safe so Pregnant women should avoid this pose.
- Avoid if you have suffring from hight blood pressure.
Makarasana Benefits
Human Anatomy
- Stimulates the sacrum: The most important benefit one gets with the practice of this pose, Makarasana, is contraction of the muscles around the sacrum. Sacrum is a triangular bone at the base of the spine which sits between the two hip bones. It supports the spine and helps to flex the hips. Stimulating the sacrum, improves the prana flow through the entire spine, removing all blockages.
- Stimulates the abdominal organs: With the pressure on the belly while in prone position in Makarasana, the gentle deep breathing massages the abdominal area, improving in the functioning of the spleen (lies beneath the left diaphragm), the urinary bladder (close to the pelvic floor), the liver (upper right side below the diaphragm), the pancreas (located behind the stomach), and the intestines.
- Relaxes the Circulatory and the Respiratory System: With the flow of blood throughout the body with the relaxed muscles, the demand for oxygen is reduced, helping in giving the circulatory and the respiratory system to relax.
General Benefits
- Improves digestion: With the gentle massage at the abdominal area the stomach digests the food better curing problems related to constipation.
- Relaxes the muscular system: While the entire muscular system of the body is relaxed in Makarasana, it gives a sense of control over the body and the mind. Brings about calmness with the slowing of the heart pumping.
- Circulation of blood: With the flow of prana through the base of the spine in Makarasana, the entire spine brings in fresh blood, improving the circulation throughout the body, thus keeping the spine free from all physical ailments.
- Reduces anxiety healing insomnia: As Makarasana is normally considered a restorative pose, it sometimes is also used to heal ailments like insomnia, reducing anxiety with the calming of the mind.
- Reduces blood pressure: With the smooth flow of breath and with the activation of the diaphragm muscle, with the reduction of oxygen intake and with the reduction in the functioning of the respiratory and circulatory system, the blood pressure comes under control.
- Cure for lower back stiffness: While in prone pose, the slow rhythmic breathing reduces the tensions around the lower back muscles, close to the sacrum, thereby reducing the spasm.
- Reduces symptoms related to PMS: When done with support for the lower belly and the pelvic area, Makarasana for women will bring in many benefits massaging the reproductive organs, thereby reducing the symptoms related to the menstrual cycle.
Now, on the shores of this lake lived an evil demon, a relative of Ravana’s, who had poisoned its waters. When Hanuman plunged in, before he could drink, a crocodile caught him by the foot, pulled him under the water, and swallowed him, along with the mountain! Fortunately, Hanuman’s powers included the power to change his size and shape. He instantly assumed an enormous size, bursting the crocodile’s body and killing it to free himself. As he rose from the water, he beheld an exquisite apsara, a celestial nymph, hovering over the crocodile’s corpse. “Son of the Wind,” she said to Human, “I am the grateful nymph Dhyanamalini. Long ago, Ravana cursed me to be in crocodile form until I should meet the servant of Rama. When I caught hold of your feet, the curse was lifted. Now I am free!” She explained that Ravana, foreseeing the events of battle, had left his demon relative Kalanemi to poison the lake and kill Hanuman on his return to Lanka. As Dhyanamalini flew home to heaven, Hanuman killed the demon, restored the lake’s purity, slaked his thirst, and sped on his own way to heal Lakshman.
In Indian tradition, the makara is a fabulous beast, part crocodile, part elephant, sometimes part stag or peacock. It is the vehicle of the river goddess Ganga. Its name endures, transformed into magar in modern Hindi, as the name of the ordinary crocodile. It is also incorporated in the name of the yoga asana makarasana, or “crocodile pose.” This pose is wonderful for learning diaphragmatic breathing and for relaxing the entire nervous system.