Metaphysical Meditations

Metaphysical Meditations

2014 Reprint of Original 1959 Edition. Exact facsimile of the original edition, not reproduced with Optical Recognition Software. Paramahansa Yogananda was one of the great spiritual teachers of our time. In this book Paramahansa Yogananda offers prayers and affirmations that beginners and experienced mediators alike can use to awaken the boundless joy, peace, and inner freedom of the soul. He provides an encouraging guide that teaches us, through our own experience, how to enrich our everyday life. This inspired collection of prayers, meditations, and affirmations gently but powerfully immerses us in the light and love of the Divine. With these dynamic meditations, a much-revered man of God has created an uplifting guide that teaches us through our own experience how to spiritually enrich our everyday lif

Metaphysical Meditations

These thirteen guided meditations, based on the mystical poetry of Paramhansa Yogananda, are ideal for evoking deep, spiritual awareness. Set to a background of well-known and inspiring classical music, Metaphysical Meditations draws listeners inward to the calm, joyful, expansive states of awareness that accompany deep meditation.

All thirteen selections are easy to follow and perfect for both beginning and experienced mediators. One of our most popular classic products, this CD is completely redesigned and remastered

.The ocean of God’s abundance flows through me. I am His child. I am a channel through which all divine creative power flows. Bless me. Father, that above all things I seek Thee first, as befits Thy true child. Beloved God, let the flowers of my devotion blossom in the garden of my heart while I await the dawn of Thy coming. Dear Father, open all the windows of faith that I may behold Thee in the mansion of peace. Fling open the doors of silence that I may enter Thy temple of bliss. Beloved God, protect the celestial temple of my mind against the entry of tenacious warriors of evil thoughts. I know that I am responsible for my own welfare. Therefore I will discard all useless pursuits and idle thoughts, that daily I may find time for God. My Heavenly Father, Thou art Love, and I am made in Thine image. I am the cosmic sphere of Love in which I behold all planets, all stars, all beings, all creation as glimmering lights. I am the Love that illumines the whole universe. O Fountain of Love! make me feel that my heart is flooded by Thine omnipresent love. I want Thee, O God, that I may give Thee to all! Father of Hearts, awaken eternally the consciousness of Thy loving presence within me. Divine Father, teach me to dive again and again into meditation, deeper and deeper, until I find Thine immortal pearls of wisdom and divine joy. om My earthly experiences serve as a process of destruction of my limiting mortal delusions. In God even the most “impossible” dreams are realized. (“I will give him the morning star.” — Revelation 2:28.) I am submerged in Thine eternal light; it permeates every particle of my being. I am living in that light. Divine Spirit, I behold only Thee, within and without. I will close my physical eyes and dismiss the temptations of matter. I will peer through the darkness of silence until my eyes of relativity open into the one inner eye of light. When my two eyes that behold both good and evil become single, and behold in everything only the divine goodness of God, I shall see that my body, mind and soul have become filled with His omnipresent light. — Read more:

Meditate on God’s Light Look at a light and close your eyes. Forget the darkness around you and watch the bright red color within your eyelids. Look intently into that violet-red color. Meditate on it and imagine that it is becoming bigger and bigger. Behold around you a dimly shining sea of violet light. You are a wave of light, a ripple of peace floating on the surface of the sea. Now watch carefully. You, the little wave, are tossing on an ocean of light. Your tiny life is a part of the all-pervading life. As your meditation deepens, you, a little shallow wave of peace, are becoming the deep, wide ocean of peace. Meditate on the thought, “I am a wave of peace.” Feel the vastness just beneath your consciousness. The wave should feel the sustaining life of the vast ocean beneath it. God’s Protecting Presence Teach me to feel that I am enveloped always in the aureole of Thine all-protecting omnipresence, in birth, in sorrow, in joy, in activity, in meditation, in ignorance, in trials, in death, and in final emancipation. Teach me to open the gate of meditation that alone leads to Thy blessed presence. Behind the wave of my consciousness is the sea of cosmic consciousness. Under the ripple of my mind is the supporting ocean of Thy vastness. I am protected by Thy Divine Mind. Thy light of goodness and Thy protective power are ever shining through me. I saw them not, because my eyes of wisdom were closed. Now Thy touch of peace has opened my eyes; Thy goodness and unfailing protection are flowing through me. I Will Extol Thee O Heavenly Father, I will extol Thy glory, the beauties of Thy paradise within us. May I live in the garden of soul-happiness and noble thoughts and be filled with the aroma of Thy love evermore. O Spirit, make my soul Thy temple, but make my heart Thy beloved home where Thou wouldst dwell with me in ease and everlasting understanding. Wilt Thou not open Thy lips of silence and whisper constant guiding thoughts to my soul? Beloved Lord, teach me to feel that Thou art the sole activating power, and that in recognition of Thee as the Doer lies the value of all my life’s experiences. Teach me to behold Thee as the only Friend, helping and encouraging me through my earthly friends. Heavenly Father, from today I will strive to know Thee; I will make the effort to cultivate Thy friendship. All my duties will be performed with the thought that I am realizing Thee through them, and thus am pleasing Thee. Life is a struggle for joy all along the way. May I fight to win the battle on the very spot where I now am. When fear or anger or any kind of suffering comes to me, I will view it as a spectator. I will separate myself from my experiences. At all costs I will endeavor to retain my peace and happiness. Beloved Father, I realize that praise does not make me any better, nor blame worse. I am what I am before my conscience and Thee. I shall travel on, doing good to all and seeking ever to please Thee, for thus shall I find my only true happiness. — Read more:

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