Miracle Meditation

The Miracle of Meditation

My first book was called The Miracle of Meditation and that title perfectly describes exactly what I feel unendingly inspired to share with people.

My practice of meditation has blessed me with the experience of a miracle, a miracle so beautiful and life transforming that I’ve been tirelessly sharing it with people all over the world nonstop for over fifteen years.

So what is the miracle of meditation?

Simply put, life is an unfolding process guided by a universal source of wisdom and love, and the direct recognition of the true source of life is immediately available to any of us as soon as we stop being distracted by other things.

Caught in a Loop

To a much a greater degree than any of us ever suspected we limit our attention on a very very tiny range of experience. What we think of as the whole of our experience is merely a speck in an ocean of possibility.

We have been caught in a loop like a dog tied to a tree. The call circle of dead grass defined by the length of our mental chains becomes the limit of our world and our life.

The cosmic joke is the there is no chain binding us. We are penned in by an invisible fence that only exists in our mind. It is. The fence that defines our life is nothing more than a collection of ideas about who we are and what is possible for us.

When we sit to meditate we we don’t do anything. We stop trying to manipulate or control our experience in anyway. We simply allow everything to be exactly the way it is.

It took many years of diligent practice before I gave up control for even a few moments. Yet in those few moments everything changed. When you give up control you assume that everything is going to stop, but in actuality nothing stops.

Everything Continues

What you discover is that everything you thought you were was part of an unfolding process of life. Your own choices and effort arise naturally as part of the life process. You were never the one doing any of it. It was all happening spontaneously and effortlessly.

Even a moment of two of letting go this deeply changes everything. Some people may protest and want to protect their current sense of freewill and choice, but the miracle of meditation does not take your freedom away. It is an exercise of the greatest freedom there is – the freedom to choose to give up control and experience first hand the ever present process of life that you are.

The miracle of meditation is a transformation from being an isolated individual struggling to navigate through an often hostile world, to being a mysterious locus of awareness on a journey of existence that it will never understand.

Everything looks different after this moment. The problems we thought we had start to disappear – not because they have been solved, but because our attention is being compelled by a mystery that is so awe-inspiring that we can’t to take our eyes off it.

We are captivated by the mystery of life, by the love and wisdom that has always been guiding this process. We know that we were never alone and that despite the fact that bad things happen, life is amazing.

Meredith is a yoga and meditation teacher and host of the Rising Women Leaders Podcast. Her mission is to support others to create a foundation of love within and for themselves, to live beyond their fears, and truly share their greatest gifts with the world. After graduating from NYU in 2010 she followed her intuition to Northern California where she now teaches yoga and mentors women to rise in courage, self-love and feminine leadership. Find her

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