Muladhara Chakra Meditation

Muladhara Chakra – Foundation Matters

If you look at the human body – the fetus – just after conception, it is a tiny ball of meat. That tiny ball of meat has slowly arranged itself into what it is now. To arrange itself in this particular way, there is a kind of software which is known as pranamaya kosha or energy body. The energy body forms itself first and the physical body starts manifesting over that. If there are any distortions in the energy body, they will also manifest in the physical body.

Muladhara (Root) Chakra Meditation

Muladhara Chakra (the Root) is the first center of force and lies at the base of the spine. It is found between the anus and sexual organ, and is responsible for your sense of safety and security. 

Balancing the Root Chakra creates the support base for awakening the six chakras above. It’s like laying the foundation for a multi-level house. Solid groundwork provides the stability you need to build a home that can last for many years and contain all the life, joy, and challenges that will pass through. 

The First Chakra controls the following psychic functions: the will to survive, the instinct of preservation, internal feelings of safety, self-confidence on the physical level, desire for material accumulation, sense of stability with career, group membership and group identity (Family).

Essential fears associated with an imbalance in the Root Chakra include: fear of physical survival, abandonment by group or loss of physical order, fear of being attacked or assaulted.

Through the practice of various exercises, one can purify Muladhara Chakra, eliminating these fears and survival reactions. The yogi also attempts to awaken the Kundalini energy (lying in the Root) and make this energy ascend along the spine. Meditation (read more) is a key for balancing Muladhara Chakra, by not only connecting us with a higher consciousness but also grounding us

The Root Chakra: Muladhara

The root chakra is responsible for your sense of safety and security. Learn more about this grounding chakra, and find out how to keep it in balance so you have a solid foundation.

Located at the base of the spine, the pelvic floor, and the first three vertebrae, the root chakra is responsible for your sense of safety and security on this earthly journey. The word Muladhara breaks down into two Sanskrit words: Mula meaning “root” and Adhara, which means “support” or “base.” 

This is the first of the chakras of matter. Balancing the root chakra creates the solid foundation for opening the chakras above. Imagine that you’re laying the foundation for a house in which you’re going to live for a long time. A solid foundation embedded in firm soil will provide the stability you need to create a home filled with joy for years to come.

The root chakra is comprised of whatever grounds you to stability in your life. This includes your basic needs such as food, water, shelter, and safety, as well as your more emotional needs such as letting go of fear. When these needs are met, you feel grounded and safe, and you tend to worry less day to day. 

Whether or not you feel secure now often has less to do with what you have at your disposal and more to do with how safe you felt as a small child. When you consider psychologist Erik Erickson’s stages of development, the first stage—trust versus mistrust—is closely related to your root chakra development. As infants, if your caregivers readily gave you what you needed to survive with consistency, you felt secure in the world. You felt that the world was a place that could be trusted to provide your basic needs. Yet, if your caregivers withheld or delayed in giving you what you needed, or if that giving was inconsistent, you may find yourself with first chakra blockages.

Imbalances in the Root Chakra

If there is an imbalance in the root chakra you may experience anxiety disorders, fears, or nightmares. Physical imbalances may manifest as problems in the colon, with the bladder, with elimination, or with lower back, leg, or feet issues. In men, prostate problems may occur. Eating disorders may also be a sign of a root chakra imbalance.

How to Balance Muladhara

While meditation does connect you to a higher spiritual plane, it also serves to ground you. You may not always be able to trust that the world will give you what you need to survive, but connection to your higher self and trust in a power higher than yourself will give you what you need to feel safe.

It does not matter if you call that higher power Consciousness, Mother Nature, God, or Spirit. Connection to universal energy will bring you a sense of peace and stability. The animals in the forest have no idea if and when they will find food each day, yet somehow they trust in nature to provide for them.

Muladhara Chakra

The Muladhara Chakra is situated at the base of the coccyx, it is the first of the human Chakras. Its corresponding Mantra is LAM. The Muladhara Chakra forms the border between animal and human consciousness. It is linked to the unconscious mind, where our actions and experience from past lives are stored. Therefore according to Karmic Law, this Chakra contains the course of our future destiny. This Chakra is also the foundation for the development of our personality.

The positive attributes of the Muladhara Chakra are vitality, vigour and growth. The negative qualities are laziness, inertia, self-cent redness and domination by one’s physical desires.

The Divinity of this Chakra is Lord Shiva in his manifestation as “Master of the Animals” – Pashupati Mahadeva – meaning that the lower qualities have been overcome.

In the symbolic picture of the Muladhara Chakra there is a Lotus with four petals. These represent the four functions of the psyche: mind (Man-as), intellect (Buddhi), consciousness (Chitta) and ego (Ahamkara) – all of which originate in this Chakra.

Life is consciousness and consciousness strives for evolution. The symbols of the Muladhara Chakra are characteristic of both energy and upward movement. The Chakra’s co-lour is red, the color of Shakti. Shakti means energy, movement, awakening and development. Red symbolism awakening of the sleeping consciousness to active, alert consciousness. Another symbol of the Muladhara Chakra is the inverted triangle, which has two meanings. One meaning suggests that the Cosmic energy is pulled in and guided downwards, as if into a funnel. The other meaning indicates an upward expansion of consciousness. The downward-pointing tip of the triangle is the starting point, the seed, and the upward-moving sides of the triangle indicate the unfolding of consciousness towards human consciousness.

The animal designated to represent the Muladhara Chakra is an Elephant with seven trunks. The Elephant is a symbol of wisdom. The seven trunks symbolize the seven treasures of the earth (Saturated). The element of the Muladhara Chakra is Earth, our base and “mother”, which provides us with energy and food.

Muladhara (Root Chakra): Heal Your Anxiety with This Guided Meditation

It’s something so many of us are totally used to and we don’t even realize that we’re walking around in a constant state of stress and worry. And that it’s not ‘normal’. It’s our normal. Damn.

If you smile at a stranger and they don’t smile back, are you deflated?

If you text a friend and they don’t reply that same day, are you convinced the friendship is dead and maybe you imagined it after all?

Okay, aside from the melodrama, these are indications that anxiety is a driving force in your life and it’s a really tough way to live second to second. There is, thank the stars, a deeply practiced and proven solution for the relentless stress of anxiety.

Oh, okay, super easy. I’ll get right on that. Healing only takes ALL the energy and tools at our disposal. Healing means we have to get up and over what stands in our way and change, even positive change is scary.

But it’s totally worth it. Once we heal. We don’t have to go back and do it all over again. It’s not like our hamstrings. They need constant attention and diligence. Healing old wounds means we can move up and on. We’ve shifted our chakra system and we’ve started at the root.

Muladhara is our first chakra. Its located at the very base of our spine and it’s main responsibility is offering us a sense of security and safety. So much can happen throughout our lives as a result of shocks to our sense of security and what we believe we can rely on in this world.

Muladhara is all about grounding. Our upbringing can offer us a deep sense of this or quite the opposite. And if the opposite is our basic understanding of the world – that security is an illusion and everything can fall apart at any given moment, it’s pretty darn difficult to feel any sense of peace and surrender to trusting that the universe will provide.

Anxiety is powerful, but so are we, and we’re stronger than any one emotion. Every emotion only has the depth of power and intensity that we attribute to it. Grounding and developing a sense of rooted support from the earth and those around us as well as the ideas and moral compass we’ve created help to dissipate this sense of instability.

Try this guided meditation to put your anxiety in perspective and work in the direction of healing your root chakra and creating the foundation for grounded strength that you both deserve and has been there all along.

(Muladhara chakra is connected to the color red, associated with the earth element, and to our sense of smell. Fear is the roadblock in bringing balance into this chakra. Anxiety is just another name for fear. Let’s go.)

Lay down on the earth, preferably outside to create a more keen sense of being connected to the earth’s floor. Find a grassy, dry spot that lets the sun peak through the trees. Press your hands directly into the grass or dirt. Dig in. 

Make sure the color red is represented either in the form of jewelry, clothing, a blanket you’ve placed under your knees or a crystal such as red jasper. Red jasper is powerful in its ability to create a more receptive and open sensation within the root chakra. It also connects the root to the sacral chakra, stimulating connection there. Place the crystal right at on your pelvis about 3-4 inches below your belly button.

Choose wise words of encouragement Breath in serenity, breath out fear. Breath in empowerment, breath out insecurity. Continue to pursue your breath feeling it become wider, more vast and offering a stronger sense of clarity. Keep finding more words to represent who you are right now and who you continue to become Defy old, destructive identifying words that do not serve you or your purpose and desire for security and a strong foundation. 

Visualize an image that offers you comfort. Color this image red. For example, if that image is a lotus (the symbol for the root chakra), on the inhale allow the color of the lotus to get deeper and more vivid in your mind. On the exhale as you’re sending the old thoughts away, see the color of your image waning and dissipating in depth. Take away it’s power. Send your energy to the new ideas and thoughts you’re cultivating as present truths. Breath and be.

As you complete your meditation. Move slowly away from the space, being mindful to touch the earth meaningfully. Perhaps you even bring a little with you to serve as a reminder as you move through your day. Namaste. Spread the love

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