Nadabrahma Meditation

Nadabrahma Meditation

Nadabrahma Meditation is a one hour technique in three stages, that was adapted from an ancient Tibetan method.It can be done any time of the day or night, alone or with others. It is good to do this technique with an empty stomach.

1st Stage 30 minutes  Sit in a relaxed position with eyes closed and lips together. Start humming, loudly enough to be heard. Feel the humming resonate throughout your body and fall in tune with its vibration.

 2nd Stage 15 minutes (7 1/2 + 7 1/2)  Palms upwards start moving your hands forward from the belly. Then separate them so they circle outwards until they come back together at the belly. Continue with this movement. The movement should be very slow, so that at times it appears as if there is no movement at all. Feel that you are giving energy out to the universe. After seven and a half minutes there is a little gap in the music to let you know that you can now turn your palms down and reverse the circular motion of your hands, so that they now divide and circle outwards sideways from the belly and come back together in front of it. Feel that you are receiving energy from the universe

It is a mantra meditation, and mantra is one of the most potential ways. It is very simple yet tremendously effective, because when you chant a mantra or you chant a sound your body starts vibrating; your brain cells particularly start vibrating.If rightly done your whole brain becomes tremendously vibrant, and the whole body also. Once the body starts vibrating and your mind is already chanting, they both fall in a tune.

Osho meditation Center & Multiversity of California has created “our sacred earth” as an interactive social meditation. Here you won’t sit still for long. We’ll bring you into the present moment in an enjoyable way – by being with others. Social meditations will guide you to dance, meet people and express yourself. As these activities nourish your body and mind, you will be led naturally into a space of stillness and meditation. 

Osho Joy of meditation

OSHO explains the mysteries of NADABRAHMA MEDITATION “ It is a mantra meditation, and mantra is one of the most potential ways. It is very simple yet tremendously effective, because when you chant a mantra or you chant a sound your body starts vibrating; your brain cells particularly start vibrating. If rightly done your whole brain becomes tremendously vibrant, and the whole body also. Once the body starts vibrating and your mind is already chanting, they both fall in a tune. A harmony – which is ordinarily never there – between the two. Your mind goes on its way, your body continues on its own. The body goes on eating, the mind goes on thinking.’ the body goes on walking on the road the mind is moving far away in the stars. They never meet – they both go on separate pathways, and that creates a split.
The basic schizophrenia is created because the body goes in one direction; the mind goes in another direction. And you are the third element – you are neither the body nor the mind, so you are pulled apart by these two. Half of your being is pulled by the body and half of your being is pulled by your mind. So there is great anguish – one feels torn apart.
In a mantra meditation – Nadabrahma or any chanting – this is how the mechanism works: when you start chanting a sound – and any sound will do; even abracadabra – if you start resounding inside, the body starts responding. Sooner or later a moment comes when the body and the mind are both together in one direction for the first time. When body and mind are both together, you are free from the body and the mind – you are not tom apart. Then the third element which you are in reality – call it soul, spirit,’ at ma’, anything – that third element is at ease because it is not being pulled in different directions.
The body and the mind are so much engrossed in chanting that the soul can slip out of them very easily, unobserved, and can become a witness – can stand out and look at the whole game that is going on between the mind and the body. It is such a beautiful rhythm that the mind and body never become aware that the soul has slipped out… because they don’t allow so easily, mm? They keep their possession. Nobody wants to lose his possession. The body wants to dominate the soul; the mind wants to dominate the soul.
This is a very sly way to get out of their hold. They become drunk with the chanting, and you slip out. So in Nadabrahma, remember this: let the body and mind be totally together, but remember that you have to become a witness. Get out of them, easily, slowly, from the back door, with no fight, with no struggle. Mm? They are drinking – you get out, and watch from the outside….
This is the meaning of the English word ‘ecstasy’ – to stand out. Stand out and watch from there… and it is tremendously peaceful. It is silence, it is bliss, it is benediction. This is the whole secret of chanting – that’s why chanting has prevailed down the centuries. There has never been a religion that has not used chanting and mantra. But there is a danger also! If you don’t get out, if you don’t become a witness, there is a danger – then you have missed the whole point. If you become drunk with the body and the mind and your soul also becomes drunk, then chanting is an intoxicant. Then it is like a tranquilizer – it will give you a good sleep, that’s all. It is a lullaby. Good – nothing wrong in it – but not of any real value either. So this is the pitfall to be remembered: chanting is so beautiful that one wants to get lost. If you are lost, then good, you enjoyed a rhythm, an inner rhythm, and it was beautiful and you liked it, but it was like a drug – it is an acid trip. Some day, when research goes deeper into meditation, they are going to find that chanting creates chemical changes – just as fasting also creates chemical changes. After the seventh or eighth day of fasting, one feels tremendously jubilant, weightless, very glad for no reason, delighted – as if all burdens has disappeared. Your body is creating a certain chemical change. So the point to be remembered is that you have to use the sound, the chanting, the mantra, not as an intoxicant for your being. Let it be an intoxicant for the body and the mind but you slip out of it before you become intoxicated; you stand out and you watch. You see the body swaying and you see the mind feeling very very peaceful and calm and quiet. Watch from the outside and be alert like a flame. If this is not done you will have a good sleep but nothing more. Let the body get drunk, let the mind get drunk, let them fall into a deep love-affair with each other, and you slip out of it. Don’t stay there longer – otherwise you will fall asleep. And if one falls asleep, it is not meditation. Meditation means awareness. So remember it! ”

Nadabrahma Meditation is a one hour technique in three stages, that was adapted from an ancient tibetan method.It can be done any time of the day or night, alone or with others. It is good to do this technique with an empty stomach.

First Stage – 30 minutes: Sit in a relaxed position with eyes closed and lips together. Start humming, loudly enough to be heard. Feel the humming resonate throughout your body and fall in tune with its vibration.

Second Stage – 15 minutes (7 1/2 + 7 1/2): Palms upwards start moving your hands forward from the belly. Then separate them so they circle outwards until they come back together at the belly. Continue with this movement. The movement should be very slow, so that at times it appears as if there is no movement at all. Feel that you are giving energy out to the universe. After seven and a half minutes there is a little gap in the music to let you know that you can now turn your palms down and reverse the circular motion of your hands, so that they now divide and circle outwards sideways from the belly and come back together in front of it. Feel that you are receiving energy from the universe.

Third Stage – 15 minutes: Remain sitting or lie down absolutely quiet and still.

“It is a mantra meditation, and mantra is one of the most potential ways. It is very simple yet tremendously effective, because when you chant a mantra or you chant a sound your body starts vibrating; your brain cells particularly start vibrating. If rightly done your whole brain becomes tremendously vibrant, and the whole body also. Once the body starts vibrating and your mind is already chanting, they both fall in tune. A harmony which is ordinarily never there – between the two. ”

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