Paintings According to Vastu Shastra

Everyone likes a good painting or a piece of art in their house. The type of paintings you display in your bedroom, living room, kitchen and gallery make a lot of impacts. I came to know this after connecting with Mr.Abhishek Khandelwal, A professional astrologer and Vastu consultant in Kolkata. He guided me for the best placement of art and painting in a home as per Vastu Shastra.

According to Abhishek Khandelwal (CEO at Anant Vastu), paintings play an important role as per Vastu Shastra. The science of Vastu states that every single piece of art in your house creates an impact on your subconscious mind.
Today The purpose of this article is to help you choose a Vastu compliant painting for your bedroom as well as the ng room.

So why should you display paintings and art in your house?

Paintings have always been an integral part of our culture for centuries. It is only through stories woven in artwork that we know so much about our heritage today.
Every painting or art that you display in your house defines your feelings and emotions. All visual art and sculptures are a powerful medium that directly defines our mental state of existence. They create a direct effect on our mind as well as our neural network.
Therefore, it is of utmost importance that you carefully choose what you display in your house. All paintings present in your house must invoke positive feelings and emotions in your mind. Read the owing tips.

5 types of paintings and artwork that you must display in your house:

Painting representing Flowing Water

The North and North East direction of your house represent the water element. Therefore, a painting depicting water or an abstract design which has a lot of blue colour can ideally be placed in these zones of your house.

This will help you in keeping your emotions under control. Also, since water has the quality of flow, it will ensure a smooth flow of money and wealth in your house. It will also ensure a constant flow of positive thoughts as well as ideas in the minds of the residents.
Therefore, if your sleep in the North direction of your house, a blue painting is a perfect Vastu compliant painting for your bedroom.

Painting of a Forest or Greenery

A painting of a green forest or green pastures of land is a must in every house. Since green color represents the element of Air as per Vastu, such paintings can be displayed in the East or North zone of the house.

All plants and trees have an inherent quality of growth. Therefore, displaying a green painting or a forest scene will help the residents in their overall growth in life. If you’re feeling stuck in life and are going through a phase of lack of growth, displaying a greenery painting can certainly help changes things in your life and contribute to your growth. Such paintings help you attract new opportunities in life and connect you to new people.

Therefore, if your living room lies in the East zone of your house, a forest scene is an ideal painting for your living room as per Vastu.

Pair Radha Krishna Painting

The pair of Radha and Krishna is considered to be an ideal pair. The mythical story of Radha and Krishna is often quoted as a symbolic story about the power of love and devotion. There are a plethora of Indian stories, bhajans, nd songs glorifying the love of Radha Krishna.

As per Vastu, it is ideal to display a painting or sculpture of Radha Krishna in the South West direction of your house. This direction governs all the relationships of the residents.
Placing a Radha Krishna painting in South West is known to create an aura of love and peace in the house. This is especially true for couples who are in a troubled relationship.
Placing a Radha Krishna painting or statue can certainly create a paradigm shift in their thoughts and emotions towards each other. This will ultimately lead to better understanding and mutual love amongst them.

Paintings of Butterflies

Butterflies are symbolic of change and transformation. They represent joy, happiness and a feeling of fulfilment.
They are believed to be powerful representations of life. Some cultures associate the butterfly with our souls and call the butterfly as a symbol of resurrection. Around the world, people associate the butterfly with endurance, hope, change and happiness.

Therefore, it is ideal to display a painting of colourful butterflies in the East of North East direction of your house. Since this is the direction of lord Parjanya as per Vastu Shastra (the lord of flora and fauna), it is advisable to magnify the energies of this zone by placing a painting of a butterfly here.
Doing so will enthuse the residents with fresh energy and a zest for life. They shall be able to overcome all negative emotions and thoughts and look forward to living a life full of happiness and contentment.

Paintings of Maa Durga

The universal mother, Goddess Durga is the most powerful symbol of Shakti (energy). She is the energy behind everything that exists is nature. She is known as Prakruti, or the divine nature.
Even the existence of the universal Purusha or lord Shiva is incomplete without Shakti. Therefore, they are rightly called as Purush and Prakruti.

It is best to place a painting of Maa Durga in the southeast corner of your house. South East, known as the aagneya koan (fire corner) is the direction that gives the residents all the energy to sustain and progress in life.
Maa Durga is always seen in a red saree. The color red is symbolic of Agni or the universal fire. It is the fire element in your house which is responsible for your health and cash flow.
Therefore, displaying a painting or sculpture of Maa Durga in your house can supercharge you with all the energy needed to fulfill all your desires. It can also ensure a smooth flow of cash in your house.


The above article makes it clear as to how important role paintings can play in our lives. Therefore, one must keep the above points in mind while selecting paintings to display in their house.

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