Chiromancy, or palm reading, is the art using the palms of the hands to learn more about a person or tell their future. While it has roots deep within India’s past, today it is one of the most common methods of communicating with the divine.
Let’s take a look at some palm reading basics, including what the major lines mean.
Step 1: Choosing The Hand For The Reading
When reading palms, there is an active hand and a passive hand. Your dominant hand, or the one you use most often, is your active hand; your nondominant hand or the one you do not use often, is the passive hand.
- The passive hand indicates inherited traits and should be read as a baseline.
- The dominant hand shows changes from the inherited state, such as life events.
- Major differences between the lines of the passive and dominant hand indicate the person has worked hard to develop themselves.
Step 2: Identify The 4 Major Lines of the Palm
The Heart Line
The heart line runs horizontally across the top of the palm. It represents both the physical and emotional state of your heart.
The Head Line
The head line runs horizontally across the middle of the palm, just below the heart line. it represents the physical and emotional state of your brain and mind.
The Life Line
The life line is the curved line that begins somewhere between the end that finger and thumb in curves downward toward the base of the sun. This line does not indicate how long you will live, but instead represents various strengths such as vitality and prosperity.
The Fate Line
Though this line is not present in everyone, it can be found at running vertically from the base of the palm and up to the middle. This line represents aspects of your life such as career path and success.
Step 3: Interpreting The Lines in the Palm
Interpreting The Heart Line
If the line starts below the index finger, it represents pickiness in terms of love. If the line begins below the middle finger, it shows selfishness in love. If it begins in the middle of the palm, it indicates the person easily falls in love. If the heart line is not present, this indicates the individual is ruled by logic instead of emotion. If the line is present at the fate line, this indicates the person places little importance on their emotions.
A straight, short, heart line represents a person who is not particularly worried about romance. A long and curvy line however indicates the person freely expresses their emotions. A wavy line indicates several relationships are lovers, without a serious relationship.
If the heart and head line run parallel to one another, this indicates the person has a good handle on their emotions. If the heart line and life line touch, this indicates the person gets their heart broken easily. If the heart line is broken or the heart line presents with smaller lines crossing through it – it could represent some emotional trauma. Chained lines indicated depression.
Interpreting The Head Line
If the head line is not there, it indicates a sluggish person. A faint line indicates the person lacks concentration and memory. A deep line represents good memory and concentration.
A short line here represents a person who is practical. A long line indicates the person is focused and successful although they may have a tendency to be selfish. A straight line shows the person is logical, organized, and pays attention to detail. A wavy line indicates a short attention span. A curved or sloping line indicates someone who is highly creative.
If the head line begins at the life line, this indicates the person is strong-willed. A head line that is separate from the life line indicates an individual who has a strong sense of enthusiasm and adventure for life. A broken line indicates inconsistencies in thought. Crosses in line may represent crucial decisions that have an important effect on the fate. Chains in the line indicate emotional difficulty or personal conflict.
Interpreting The Life Line
If the line is not there, the person is thought to be anxious and nervous. Faint lines indicate low energy, while deep lines indicate a smooth life path. Long deep lines represent good health, while short deep lines show a person should be able to overcome health issues easily. Curvy lines represent abundant energy.
A line running to the thumb shows a person who easily tires. Breaks in the line means sudden changes in lifestyle. Broken lines on both hands may indicate serious illness or injury. Chained lines indicate the person is susceptible to many health problems that could take their life in a number of directions.
Interpreting The Fate Line
Finish the reading with the fate line, if it is present. Deep lines mean the life will be controlled by fate. If joined at the life line, this indicates a self-made individual.