The 5 health benefits of Parivrtta Trikonasana (Revolved triangle pose)
A standing fold and twisting yoga posture from the Hatha and Ashtanga yoga styles– The Parivrtta Trikonasana (Revolved Triangle Pose). This enchanting yoga posture is well-regarded for its miraculous capacity to open the shoulders, hips, and for its effective stretching of the hamstrings and spine.
Though a challenging yoga posture to practice with so many alignments to take care of, each movement and action of the body in the pose together makes it a beautiful asana that invigorates the entire body.
The Sanskrit name of the pose comes from ‘Parivrtta’ means ‘Revolved’, ‘Trikona’ means ‘three angles of the triangle’, and ‘Asana’ means ‘pose’, thus translating into a ‘Revolved Triangle Pose’.
Exercise strength, coordination, and flexibility for reaping the target health benefits of Revolved Triangle Pose.
Here are steps for practicing the Parivrtta Trikonasana with correct techniques:
1. Stand on the top of a yoga mat with a straight back while performing the revolved triangle pose.
2. Step the feet 3-4 inches wide apart with heels in a straight line with each other and toes pointing forward.
3. Spin the right foot to 90-degrees angle and left foot to 45-degree angle. Square the hips and rest the palms on the hips.
4. With a deep exhale, turn the torso to the right side and curve down from the hips over the front leg positioning the body parallel to the floor.
5. Elevate the left arm upward and swing the right arm downward while resting the hand next to the right foot on the ground. Practice this movement with a synchronized breath and lengthen the spine.
6. Gaze upward at the raised left hand.
7. Hold this pose for 30-60 seconds.
Alignment Tips for a Safe Practice of The Pose:
1. Heels: Traditionally, the pose is practiced with both the heels aligned with each other. Practitioners with tight hips can perform the pose in a wide-legged stance with feet as far as possible.
2. Hands: Beginners can place the hands on a yoga block instead of on the ground.
3. Feet: Actively press the ball of the front foot for an equal distribution of the weight. Engage the thighs and legs for building a solid foundation
4. Hips: Ideally, the hips are in a square position in this asana. Those facing difficulty with this movement can move the hip bone in a forward direction.
5. Chest: The back is kept long and extended in this pose. For the lengthening of the back, expand the chest before the twist. Also, move the breastbone forward for the elongation.
6. Head: In this pose, the head is tilted upwards, and the eyes are fixed on the extended fingertips. However, many would feel a strain in the neck while doing this. So, they can either look in front or down at the floor.
7. Twist: The twist in this pose is done from the stomach. Check the alignment and then twist it coupled with breathing.
Let’s take a look at the prime benefits of Parivrtta Trikonasana:
Cultivates Mind-Body Awareness: ‘Ekagrata’ or ‘one-point focus’ is the heart of the yogic discipline. An intense posture of Revolved Trikonasana potently tunes out the chattering the of the mind and directs attention towards the body and its parts in the space. Magnify the advantages of mind-body concentration by being aware of the alignment of the pose that is mentioned in this blog.
Opens the Chest: The twisting of the torso in the Parivrtta Trikonasana successfully opens the chest and reward with an improved breathing, another health benefit of revolved triangle pose. The shoulder blades are drawn towards the back, and the lungs are expanded curing the asthmatic problems.
Eliminates Back Pain: The rotation and movement of the body act as lubricants for the spine and its vertebrae, thus nourishing the back and relieving it from all kinds of pain and discomforts. The pose also encourages lengthening of the spine.
Enkindles Digestive Organ: The twist massages the abdominal organs and the inlaid digestive tract resulting in positive actions: Stimulating and Enhancing the functioning of the digestive system holistically.
Stretches Hamstrings: the strong engagement of the legs and the rotation of the hips in a performance of the pose stretch and strengthen the hamstrings, calf muscles, and hips effectively.
Practice Parivrtta Trikonasana with suitable alignment and awareness for bringing the body and mind into a state of balance and comfort.
Physical Benefits
Parivrtta Trikonasana (par-i-writ-TAH trick-cone-AH-duh-nu) is a counter pose to Trikonasana. It gives flexibility to the hip joints and tones the buttock muscles, while massaging the digestive organs, thus improving digestion. This pose also gives strength and flexibility to the back muscles, and relieves stiffness and sprains in the lower back. It also opens the chest and gives flexibility to the shoulders.
Energetic Benefits
This pose brings awareness to the back body. Guru B.K.S.Iyengar would say that twisting poses are to squeeze and soak. We squeeze the body and soak in the new flow of energy in the body. Twisting poses remove stiffness in the back body and in the shoulders; this is the region where stress in the body accumulates. This releases emotions from the mind and the body. Twisting poses are good to release stress and laziness.
Those with back issues such as herniated disc should learn to extend the sides of the trunk in this pose to avoid any compression in the lower back. Those with high blood pressure should avoid lifting their arms up and looking upwards. Women who are pregnant or menstruating should refrain from this pose.
Parivrtta Trikonasana also known as Revolved Triangle Pose is an asana. Parivrtta – Revolved, Trikona – Triangle, Asana – Pose; Pronounced As – par-we-writ-rah trike-cone-ASH-Anna
This asana is basically a counter pose to the Utthita Trikonasana and is definitely more complex. This asana is a combination of a forward bend and a deep twist. It needs a good sense of balance and a sense of openness in order to achieve stability in the pose. This is one of the first standing postures that you will learn when you enroll yourself in a yoga course. It teaches you how to work every part of your body in unison with one another.
Steps to practice Parivrtta Trikonasana (Revolved Triangle Pose)
Patience and consistency is the key to flawless practice when it comes to yoga. You need to listen to your body and be aware of each movement throughout the whole practice.
Starting Position: Tadasana (Mountain Pose)
- Inhale deeply and distance your legs 3-4 feet apart. Raise your arms in line with the shoulders (parallel to the floor) with palms facing downward.
- Turn the right foot outwards 90 degree to the right. Slightly turn the left foot inwards 60 degree to the right.
- Exhale and turn the trunk to the right side. Next, lean forward over the right leg. Attempt to place your left palm on the floor (either inside or outside the right foot).
- Stretch the right hand in the upward direction. Maintain T position with your arms in the final position.
- Turn the head in the upward direction and gaze at the thumb of the right hand.
- Knees must be tight throughout the practice. Don’t lift the toes of the right foot off the floor. The outer side of the left foot must remain on the floor firmly. Stretch the shoulder blades.
- Retain the pose from 30 seconds to a minute, releasing when discomfort is experienced.
- To return from the pose, first, lift the hand off the floor. Next, raise the body in upright position while reversing the twist. Come back in the starting position.