Punarnava Herb

Punarnava has been used in medicine since ancient times and is particularly popular in Ayurvedic medicine. It offers a whole range of health benefits. It is extremely good for the liver and prevents infections from occurring in it. It is a diuretic and can prevent kidney stones from occurring. It is good for patients with arthritis and diabetes. It can treat urinary tract infections, heavy menstruation, fibroids, and clotting in women. It fights obesity and prevents heart failure from occurring. It is good for the eyes and digestion, and is also used as a laxative. It can cure impotence and erectile dysfunction as well. It can also help with certain kinds of cancer.


Punarnava, scientifically known as BoerhaviaDiffusa, is used in Ayurveda due to its many health benefits. It is also known as Tar-vine, Red Spider-ling, Horse Purslane, Red Hog-weed, and Spreading Hog weed. The word punarnava translates into something that revives the body and brings the youth back. It has been used in India in the ancient times and is highly effective. For treatment, the leaves, aerial part, and root of the plant are all used. The leaves of the plant are also commonly used as vegetables in many parts of India. The plant has tiny purple, white, carnie, or pink flowers growing all over it. There are two main varieties of this plant, red and white, and both are used for their medicinal benefits.

Nutritional Value of Punarnava

Punarnava has high nutritional content, which is why it has been identified for its health benefits and used widely since ancient times. In 100 g of Punarnava, you will find a total fat content of 1.61% of the daily recommended dosage. It has 162 mg of sodium and 2.26% of the daily recommended dosage of protein. It has 44.8 mg of Vitamin C in it, along with 142 mg of Calcium. It also has 0.012 mg of iron in it. These nutrients are extremely important for the healthy and efficient functioning of the body and can help prevent many diseases and infections., as well as cure many ailments.

Health Benefits of Punarnava

It is good for the liver

The liver is one of the most important organs of the body. It works hard when the body is under attack and an unhealthy liver can lead to additional fatigue and stress during sickness. Punarnava is extremely good for the liver. It helps stimulate the secretion of bile on a regular basis, which is what keeps the liver healthy and functional.

It is a remedy for Urinary Tract Infections

Urinary Tract Infections are extremely common in women, although they can happen to men as well. They cause a lot of discomfort, as well as a burning sensation while urinating. Punarnava has anti-spasmodic, anti-microbial, and anti-inflammatory properties in it. Together, these work as a fantastic cure for UTIs, clearing out the infection effectively in no time. The herb can also be used to cure UTIs during pregnancy as it does not have any adverse effects on the mother or baby.

It fights obesity

One of the widely known benefits of Punarnava is that it helps fight obesity. Most herbal slimming formulas in the market contain Punarnava in it because it is so effective. This herb helps by stimulating excretion and the removal of extra fluids from the body, without losing out on the potassium or electrolytes that are needed by the body. Therefore, it ends up promoting weight loss in the body. It is also a mild laxative.

Punarnava Benefits, Uses, Dosage and Side Effects

Punarnava benefits include its uses in the treatment of kidney diseases, rheumatism, fever, edema, fever, alcoholism, eye disorders, vulvodynia, splenomegaly and liver disorders. It acts as a rejuvenating agent, balances Tridosha, reduces inflammation, prevents bloating, improves cardiac health and stimulates the formation of blood and increases hemoglobin level in the blood.

Punarnava: Benefits, Uses, Dosage, and Adverse Effects

Punarnava, a potent ayurvedic has immense health benefits and has been in use since ancient times in treating a host of health anomalies. Commonly known as Hog weed, Sterling, Tarvine in English, Mukarati Kirei in Tamil, Raktakunda, and Shothaghni in Sanskrit, it goes by the botanical name Boerhavia diffusa.

Punarnava which literally translates into ‘something that renews or replenishes the body’ i.e. a revives, is an herb belonging to the 4 o’clock Nyctaginaceae family that are characterized by their unique type of fruit called anthropoid. Quite like its name, Punarnava is a traditional ayurvedic plant that is used to rejuvenate the whole body. The plant as a whole is used in the treatment of rheumatoid arthritis, fever, edema, eye problems, stomach issues, and liver disorders.

Effect On Dos-has:

The herb Punarnava has 3 distinct tastes mainly Madhura (i.e. sweet), Tikta (i.e. bitter) and Kashaya (i.e. astringent) Rasa. It has Laugh (i.e. light) and Rukhsha Guna (i.e. dry quality) and Ushna Virya (i.e. hot potency). It characterizes Madhura Vipaka (i.e. sweet taste after digestion) and mainly portrays rejuvenating property. The host of bioactive components in Punarnava balances the Tridoshas and helps to pacify the Vata (i.e. air) and Kapha (i.e. earth and water) dos-has and effectively removes the AMA dos-has which are toxins from the body. Also Read: Introduction To Ayurveda: Learn About Vata, Pitta And Kapha Dos-has

Nutritional Content Of Punarnava

Punarnava is a treasure trove of nutrients like proteins, vitamin C, sodium, calcium, iron and bioactive components like punarnavoside, transgenic acid, labyrinthine 9-L-arabinofuranoside, botheration A to F, liriodendron, ursolic acid, and oleanolic acid. Imbued with the therapeutic components, punarnava holds high significance in promoting the digestive system, managing heart problems, improving eyesight and preventing diseases like diabetes, urinary tract infection, arthritis, impotence, gout, and anemia.

Health Benefits Of Punarnava

Treats Arthritis:

Punarnava has powerful analgesic and anti-inflammatory properties, which is extremely beneficial in reducing joint and muscle pain, thereby reducing the chances of chronic autoimmune inflammatory diseases like rheumatoid arthritis. A paste of the grounded leaves of the herb effectively provides relief from the pain and inflammation. Also Read: What Is Rheumatoid Arthritis? Learn How To Deal With It

Aids In Digestion:

The herb is found to be extremely beneficial in reducing inflammation and treating irritable bowel syndrome and ulcerative colitis. Being a potent digestive agent, it stimulates the secretion of digestive juices thereby increasing the absorption of essential nutrients and enhancing digestion.

Manages Diabetes:

The excellent hypoglycemic property of Punarnava is extremely beneficial in regulating the blood sugar levels of the body. The production of insulin from the β pancreatic cells becomes active while taking this herb. It helps to reduce the breakdown of starch into glucose which in turn prevents the spike in blood sugar.

Prevents Urinary Disorders:

Punarnava plays a key role in preventing and treating urinary distension, kidney stones, and painful urination. The herb has potent anti-spasmodic, anti-microbial, and anti-inflammatory properties which helps to prevent bacterial infections in the urinary tract and thereby reducing inflammation and pain while urinating.

Promotes Weight Loss:

The rejuvenation herb plays a key role in burning excess fat. The presence of the potent bioactive constituents prevents weight gain and reduces the bad cholesterol in the blood. Being a mild laxative, it washes out the excess unwanted fluids and harmful toxins from the body and maintains body weight.

How To Safely Take Punarnava?

Punarnava can be taken along with milk or water or as suggested by the ayurvedic doctor or practitioner, to be taken twice a day on an empty stomach or an hour before the meal.


This incredible rejuvenate herb enriched with nutrients has umpteen health benefits including managing diabetes, promoting weight loss, boosting digestion and providing relief from pain. Consuming in adequate quantity, one can steer clear of adverse effects and reap the benefits.

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