Siddhasana and Their Benefits

What is Siddhasana?

Siddhartha or an accomplished pose is a seated asana suitable for Meditation (dhyana) and Pranayama. This Hatha Yoga pose is named after a Sanskrit word, in which ‘siddha’ means ‘accomplished’ and ‘asana’ means ‘pose’.

This pose is considered as the best of all asanas to practice breathing exercises and meditation. According to sacred texts and yoga experts, practicing this pose can deeply purify all your energy channels (72,000 nadis) through which your prang (life) flows. It is also debated to be the most important meditative asana after Padmasana (Lotus Pose).

Siddhasana can be practiced by anyone except for people with spine, or back issues/pains like sciatica.

Steps to do Siddhartha

  1. Sit on the ground with your legs at close distance.
  2. Take your right heel in, bring it towards the groin and as close to perineum as possible.
  3. The ankle of your right foot will rub slightly against your inner thigh of the left leg.
  4. Your weight will be resting on the heel.
  5. Get your left foot in, cross it over to your right foot and place it on top of the calf muscles of the right leg.
  6. Both the ankles should be crossing each other.
  7. Place your arms on the same side of the legs, palms facing down.
  8. Make sure to keep your spine straight during the session by extending your back and neck.
  9. Keep your eye gaze parallel to the ground.
  10. Now, concentrate on your breathing and the area between your eyebrows.

Many Yoga gurus have used this posture over the ages by practicing the undying legacy of Yogic culture. Had there been a source of logical health benefits, then that inception was Yoga! The origins of a strange combination of soft plus strong energy are manifested with the regular practice of Yoga.

Let us see in what ways it can help individuals by going through thehealth benefit of accomplished poseof Siddhasana:

Top 7 health benefits of Siddhasana

  1. This pose opens the hips, gives slight flexibility in the pelvis area. It lengthens the spine and improves your body posture so much so that it enhances your alertness, makes you well equipped when it comes to avoiding injuries for safety purposes.
  2. Siddhartha regulates the blood circulation in the entire body, from the abdomen to spine. It’s a head to toe trail your breathing pattern follows. The functioning of nerve cells rewrites the reactions of your body.
  3. It encourages grounded behavior, humble attitude as you become still and put attention to yourself, your actions and deeds.
  4. It stimulates both Muladhara (root), and Svadisthana (spleen and sacra) Charades. The energy is channelized upwards as your body feels light and lighter and converts into OAS energy.
  5. Benefits of Siddhartha is visible because of the breathing exercises. It calms the nervous system and gives control over sexual urges. Controlling your mind means gaining a sense of accomplishment which is the sole purpose of this asana.
  6. Purification of nadis (energy channels) of the body is also good for the knee joints as the synovial fluid is released, and is helpful for the spastic body pains. The detoxifying techniques are a passage towards achieving Nirvana. A pure thought works like natural vegetation of the hemp seed, it spreads.
  7. The regular practice of ‘the accomplished pose’ reduces stress, anxiety by providing physical and mental relief. Increasing your dhyana timing and gradually builds up the ability to focus and remove depression permanently. It also improves the power of concentration to yet another level.

How to Do Siddhasana in Yoga

Proper Form, Variations, and Common Mistakes

Siddhasana, also known as the accomplished pose or perfect pose, is a beginner level yoga position. The name of the pose comes from two different meanings: Siddhartha, which means perfect or accomplished, and Asana, which means pose.

Practicing Siddhasana can improve your posture, lengthen your spine, and open your hips, chest, and shoulders. Since you can maintain this pose for long periods of time, it’s also an ideal position for meditating. 

It’s also an excellent exercise for increasing flexibility in your hips and groin/inner thigh muscles. The Siddhasana is one of the essential core poses you should add to your yoga line-up or perform on its own, especially if meditation and deep breathing are part of your daily routine.


The Siddhasana pose stretches the hips, abductors, knees, and ankles. When done correctly, it also helps direct energy from your lower body upward through the spine, which results in a flat back, upright posture, and long spine. 

You will gain the most benefits from the Siddhasana by staying in the position for long holds while practicing deep breathing. This allows you to focus on the tighter areas of your hips and through slow, mindful breathing, gradually open this area each time you perform the pose. 

Practicing Siddhasana on a regular basis may help reduce stress levels and decrease the symptoms associated with anxiety. Plus, sitting in a meditative pose while practicing deep breathing helps to ground you and encourages both physical and mental relief from the daily stressors of life. 

Step-by-Step Instructions

  1. Begin by sitting on the floor with your legs straight out in front of you and hands at your sides. For extra cushioning, consider sitting on a yoga mat or blanket. 
  2. Bend your left knee and bring your left heel close to your body by your groin area. 
  3. Bend your right knee and move it toward the front of the left ankle. 
  4. From this position, inhale and while you exhale, lift your right foot and place it just above your left ankle. Bring your right heel into your groin area. This step should feel comfortable. Do not force it. 
  5. Slide the toes of your right foot into the space between the left calf muscles. This will help to keep your posture steady. 
  6. Take your hands from your sides and place them palms down on the knees. Your knees should touch the floor. You can also stretch your arms straight to the sides and rest the backs of your palms or wrists on your knees, so your palms face upwards. If you cannot do this or you experience discomfort, use one of the modifications until you have more flexibility in your hips. 
  7. Sit upright with your gaze facing forward. There should be a nice, straight line from the top of your head to the floor. 
  8. Stay here and breathe deeply for one minute or longer. 

Common Mistakes

Crossing the Same Leg

To perform the Siddhasana correctly, you need to change the leg you cross on top each time you hold this pose. It’s not uncommon for one side to feel more flexible than the other. That’s why it’s important to alternate legs. 

Forcing Your Knees Down

If you’re new to this pose or you have limitations in your hips or knees, do not force your knees down in order to get closer to the ground. Only go down as far as you feel comfortable. And if you cannot get your knees in a comfortable position, sit on a folded blanket. This will help take the pressure off of your knees and hips. 

Rounding Your Upper and Lower Back

Having an upright posture with a flat back and long spine is key to the success of this pose, especially during long meditation sessions. If you have a tendency to round your lower back, consider sitting with your back flat against a wall. 

Modifications and Variations

The Siddhasana is an essential pose in most yoga sequences. With that in mind, there are ways to make it easier and more challenging. 

Need a Modification?

If you feel discomfort in your hips when performing the Siddhasana pose or your hips are too tight to do the move, sit on a folded blanket, so your hips are above the level of your knees. If this is still not enough of a modification, consider adding another blanket or pillow to raise you up higher. To prep for this pose, try the Susannah or easy pose. This modified version of the Siddhasana changes the placement of your feet, which helps you work on strength and flexibility in your hips. 

Up for a Challenge?

Since Siddhartha a seated yoga posture commonly used while meditating, one way you can make this pose more difficult is to hold it for longer. That said, it’s important to take a conservative approach when holding the pose for an extended period of time. Start with small increments such as one minute and increase the duration as you become more accustomed to the pose. Since Siddhasana requires strict posture, you can also make this pose more challenging by directing your energy to sitting tall and lengthening your spine.

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