Standing Stretches

Stretching can loosen the muscles, aid mobility, ease stress, and increase alertness — all of which can be especially helpful within the morning.

Below, we present a variety of stretches that an individual might try within the morning, including routines for beginners, seniors, children, and other people with back problems.

Benefits of stretching

a woman doing morning stretches outside

A stretching routine can aid mobility and help prevent injury. it’s going to also improve alertness. Little research has focused specifically on the advantages of stretching within the morning, but anecdotal evidence suggests that doing so may ease muscle tension, reduce pain, and boost mood.

Yoga, a practice that focuses on stretching, offers a variety of benefitsTrusted Source. These include improving flexibility, supporting respiratory and cardiovascular health, easing stress and anxiety, and supporting quality sleep.

The researchers behind an older review, from 2008, found that stretching may specifically help prevent work-related musculoskeletal disorders. Common samples of these issues include carpal tunnel syndrome and a herniated disk. The finding suggests that a stretching routine may help counter the consequences of each day spent on the pc .

Stretches for beginners

Below are some basic stretches that help loosen the muscles and awaken the body. an individual might follow the routine suggested or pick and choose as they like.

If any stretch causes pain or discomfort, stop immediately. it’s also important to not overdo it and to create flexibility gradually.

Vertical stand

Vertical stand stretch

To perform this stretch and people below, stand on even flooring.

  • Standing straight, extend both arms above the top as high as possible.
  • Hold the position for as long as is comfortable, while taking deep, slow breaths.
  • Repeat as desired.

Shoulder stretch

shoulder stretch
  • Standing up straight, link the hands behind the rear .
  • Pull the shoulders back as far as possible, then lift the clasped hands upward as far as is comfortable.
  • Hold the position for 3–4 deep breaths. Repeat as desired.

Side stretch

side stretch
  • While standing, stretch the left arm straight up.
  • Grip the left wrist with the proper hand and gently pull the left arm toward the proper side, leaning the torso slightly. The left arm should be over the left ear.
  • Remember to stay the knees straight and have interaction in deep, slow breathing. Hold the stretch for several breaths.
  • Return to a neutral standing position, and repeat on the proper side.

Forearm stretch

a man doing a forearm stretch
  • While standing, extend the left arm across the body toward the proper side.
  • Hook the proper arm round the left elbow, and gently pull the left arm closer to the body.
  • Hold the position while taking deep breaths.
  • Return to a neutral position when ready, and switch sides, extending the proper arm.

Core stretch

core stretch
  • While standing, place the proper foot slightly forward and twist the torso to the left as far as is comfortable.
  • Hold this position for several deep breaths.
  • Repeat on the opposite side, with the left foot slightly forward.

Stretches for back health

Back pain may be a prevalent issue globally. within the us for instance , around 31 million people experience lower back pain.

The following exercises and stretches can help ease the pain and strengthen the back:

Knees-to-chest stretch

  • While lying flat on the ground , slowly lift one knee toward the chest as far as possible.
  • Hold the knee with both hands, and take several deep breaths.
  • Repeat with the opposite leg.

Pushup stretch

This is almost like the Upward Dog pose in yoga and is additionally called a back extension.

  • Lie face-down, and slowly push the body up with the arms. The arms should be completely straight.
  • Hold the position, remembering to breathe deeply, then lower the torso to the ground.
  • Repeat a couple of times.

Cat-cow stretch

  • On high-low-jack , support the load of the torso by keeping the arms shoulder-width apart.
  • Inhale and gaze up while lowering the belly. Lift the tailbone and lower the stomach toward the ground the rear should be curved downward. Breathe deeply.
  • Exhale, then lower the chin downward and draw the navel up. the rear should round out, tucking within the tailbone. Keep the hips over the knees.
  • Repeat a couple of times.

Knee roll

  1. Lying down, bend the knees, keeping the feet flat on the ground .
  2. Slowly rock the knees to at least one side, then the opposite . Increase the range, if possible, and keep one foot touching the ground in the least times.
  3. Repeat several times on all sides .

Pelvic bridge

  • Lying on the rear with the knees bent and therefore the feet flat on the ground , inhale and lift the pelvis up as far as possible.
  • Exhale, and slowly lower the hips back to the ground .
  • Repeat several times.

Stretches to undertake in bed

A person also can try these on the ground , with a yoga mat.

Total or full body stretch

full floor stretch

If an individual does this in bed, it’d be the simplest possible exercise.

  • Lying flat, extend the arms above the top , keeping the backs of the shoulders on the mattress.
  • Stretch the body completely, from the fingertips, right down to the ideas of the toes.
  • Take 4–5 deep breaths, holding the stretch, then repeat it 3 times .

Spinal twist

spinal twist
  • Lying on the rear , raise the proper knee, with the only of the proper foot on the bed.
  • Gently hold the knee with the left and pull it to the left side. the proper hip will take off the bed, but keep the shoulders pinned down. Turn the top to the proper , and extend the proper hand outward.
  • Hold the stretch and breathe deeply. When ready, slowly return to the starting position.
  • Repeat on the other side, starting with the left knee.

Child’s pose

a gif of childs pose
  • Start from a kneeling position, and lift the arms above the top .
  • Slowly move the arms down, stretching forward until the palms and torso are on the ground — or as close as is comfortable.
  • Push the hands forward, faraway from the body as far as is comfortable, while relaxing the shoulders.
  • Hold the position for 3 deep, 4–5 second breaths.

Seated forward stretch

  • Sit on the sting of the bed with the legs extended.
  • Slowly reach forward and gently grab the ankles or feet.
  • Relax the top and neck and arch the spine slowly. it’s important to not force this stretch.
  • Hold the stretch for a couple of breaths, then ease back to the first position. Repeat several times

Stretches for youngsters

All the stretches during this article are appropriate for youngsters , if they feel comfortable doing them. Below are stretching exercises that youngsters may particularly enjoy. it’s important to rest between each.

Jumping jacks

  • Stand upright. Jump and spread the legs shoulder-width apart. Raise the hands above the top in order that the body forms an X.
  • Jump back to the starting position.
  • Repeat several times, but don’t stretch the limbs too far.

The windmill

  • Stand with the legs wide apart and therefore the arms stretched ahead of the body.
  • Gently move the proper pass on to succeed in the left ankle, then return to the starting position.
  • Now switch to the other side.
  • Repeat this 10 times, five on all sides .


  • Stand up straight, and stretch the arms straight call at front of the body.
  • Slowly, bend the knees and squat down, then straighten copy .
  • Repeat this several times, keeping the arms stretched ahead 

Quadriceps stretch

  • While standing, bend the proper knee and grab the foot with the proper hand.
  • Pull the heel as on the brink of the backside as possible.
  • Hold this pose for 20–30 seconds, remembering to stay the rear as straight as possible.
  • Return to the initial position, and repeat with the opposite leg.

Stretches for seniors

All the stretches during this article are often suitable and beneficial for older adults, and people below may have particular benefits.

ResearchTrusted Source indicates that adults over the age of 65 can enjoy regular static stretching as a part of an exercise routine. However, stop doing any stretch that causes discomfort or becomes difficult to perform correctly.

Sitting stretch

  • While sitting, straighten the rear .
  • Stretch the arms ahead of the body with the palms facing forward.
  • Move the arms to the edges , keeping them stretched faraway from the body and pressing the shoulder blades together.
  • Hold the position for 20 seconds to open up the chest.
  • Shake the arms out. Repeat the stretch a few of times.

Chin drop

  • With the arms held ahead of the body, press the elbows and palms together.
  • Move the palms toward the forehead and slowly drop the chin.
  • Hold the position and breathe. Then move the top copy to the starting position.
  • Repeat this a few of times


This stretch requires an individual to feel comfortable standing and bending backward.

  • Stand up straight with the hands on the hips. Slowly lean backward, looking up at the ceiling. take care to not lose balance.
  • Hold this pose for a couple of seconds, before returning to the starting position.
  • Repeat about 10 times.

As always, it’s important to prevent if any stretch causes discomfort. Only stretch as far as is comforta

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