How to Meditate on the Third Eye
The third eye, or inner eye, is an energy center, located in the center of the forehead, known in biological terms as the pineal gland. When it is activated, people believe it has the ability to see and sense objects and energies. Meditation on the third eye, known as trataka, is one of the best ways to activate the third eye chakra (ajna chakra), or energy point, and open yourself up to the possibilities of greater feeling and understanding.
Where is the Third Eye?
In Hinduism the third eye refers to the brow chakra, located around the middle of the forehead, slightly above the junction of the eyebrows.
In Theosophy the third eye is said to be connected to the pineal gland, which maintains light sensitivity and is responsible for the production of D MT (dimethyltryptamine), a psychedelic drug which many spiritualists believe to be excreted in large quantities at the moments of birth and death.
It is said that through third eye meditation, the third eye is activated, DMT released and access to higher realms gained.
The third eye is also known as the sixth chakra, and referred to as “clairvoyant sight”, a word taken from the French language, meaning “clear vision” . This is basically the ‘sixth sense’, which gives a person the capability to access information beyond the five physical sense
What Happens During Third Eye Meditation?
Third eye meditation opens up your clairvoyant sight. Don’t worry if you’ve never done this before, because like eyes, everyone has a third eye; it just needs activating and training.
Opening the third eye allows a meditator to clear energy blocks and self-limitations and releases negative karma.
People often discover/access new information and explore higher levels of consciousness during this form of meditation, and as mentioned previously, this is also used as a pathway to astral projection and lucid dreaming.
Once you successfully activate the third eye, rays of light will stream in and you will begin to see vivid colors, pictures, auras and visions. With practice you will begin to see more clearly, opening up pathways to higher levels of consciousness and spirituality.
If you have clairvoyant tendencies they will begin to flourish outside of your your meditation. You may begin to perceive the chakras and aura energies of people, plants and animals, and going forward you may see other dimensional beings and objects.
Try this 21-Step Third Eye Meditation Technique
It is best to practice your third eye meditation after having recently woken up from a state of sleep; so best in the morning or after an afternoon nap. The reason for this is that the brain is already in a state conducive to meditation, i.e. very relaxed in the theta state, with heightened inner-awareness and intuition and low stress/anxiety levels.
It is also possible to enter third eye meditation as you are falling asleep, however, this takes some practice and it is best to start the other way around first.
The majority of astral travelers report vivid, long episodes within an hour of waking from sleep, and in the early morning in general.
Follow these 21 steps:
- Allocate at least 30-minutes for your meditation.
- Turn off your phone and do your best to eliminate all other distractions.
- Make sure you’re wearing comfortable clothing.
- Sit in the lotus position to ensure your chakras are aligned. If you don’t find sitting cross-legged comfortable then simply lie down.
- Begin by relaxing each muscle in your body, starting with your toes and working all the way up to your head.
- Visualize each muscle, bone and ligament relaxing.
- Now move to a breathing meditation, as described here.
- See the wave of calm energy come over your body. Feel its warmth as it rises up through your body.
- Slowing draw the energy to the center of your head, in between your eyebrows.
- Don’t hold onto any one though process or image. Don’t try not to think, just let go of attachments and aversions as if nothing mattered.
- Feel yourself becoming lighter and lighter, as gravity falls away.
- Stay with your breath and visualize a white ball of light rotating 360 degrees at the center of your mind.
- See this ball expanding and fully accept its presence. Invite to come into your ownership.
- As it expands let the light stream out through the center of your forehead.
- Again, let go of thoughts; just let them rise and fall as they occur.
- Let the light in and remain open to seeing whatever is put before you be it pictures, colors or information.
- If you’re seeking to connect with God (Mother Nature), or a spirit guide, this is the time to call out and connect. This can be done vocally (calmly and peacefully) or internally.
- Recite your calling like a mantra until you receive a sign of response. You’ll know when it comes.
- Try not to be alarmed when it does; any shock or sudden movement may break the meditation.
- You may choose to ask your third eye for a message; for information or insight, or you may simply choose to just be and take what comes from this enlightening experience.
- The experience may appear as dream-like, but in time you will familiarize yourself with the experiences and learn to cultivate and manifest higher knowledge into your physical existence.
Our bodies are made up of seven chakras and the most important one among them is the sixth one, the third eye. Also known as the ‘Adina chakra’, our third eye is considered to be extremely powerful because it is a potent source of intuitive wisdom which can guide you towards creative pursuits, do away with negativity, provide knowledgeable insight and perhaps lead you to the highest form of intelligence helping open your eyes towards what needs attention.
When acting in full force, the third eye can help you see clearly, clear mental blockages and also improve mental flexibility. In fact, the third eye has been hailed as the most important form of sense in many cultures and activating it is considered to be the most crucial.