Thyroid Treatment in Ayurveda

Thyroid disorders are the conditions that affect the thyroid gland anatomically and its metabolic functions. The thyroid has important roles to regulate numerous metabolic processes throughout the body. Many hormones are regulated by it.


Symptoms that occur in hypothyroidism are tiredness, weight gain, cold intolerance, dry skin, puffiness of the face, minimal sweating, depression, aches and body pain, muscle cramp and stiffness, constipation, hoarseness of voice, irregular menstruation cycle, recurrent infection, sluggishness of body functions.


The clinical condition resulting from an increased level of t3 and t4 and decreased level of TSH which indicates thyroid gland hyperactivity.

Symptoms of hyperthyroid

Fever, anxiety, restlessness, weight loss, fatigue, sweating, heat intolerance, frequent bowel moments, hand tremors, nervousness, irritability,  rapid heart rate, Frequent bowel movements, Palpitation, Excessive fatigue, Shallow respiration, Menstrual disturbances

Foods that trigger the hormones must be avoided, like meat alcohol, some dairy products, and salt

The thyroid can be correlated to some of the ayurvedic diseases mentioned. Pitta is responsible for all the metabolic actions by the thyroid gland. While treating thyroid we should choose either the organ or the function depending on the problem. Location or function either the sthana or the dosha than wise it is in Kapha sthana, Pandu (anemia), shot (swelling), graham (IBS), etc..

According to ayurvedic the cause of this dysfunction is Kapha and Vata and pitta doshas – Rasa and Medha dhatu, and Sweda mala.

Ayurvedic Nidan that can be correlated to hypothyroidism are symptoms related to kaphaj pandu symptoms ref (charak), Furuta(heaviness), Sandra, charge(vomit), skin going pale, fainting, giddiness’s, tiredness, breathlessness, hoarseness of voice.



  • Lifestyle and food habits should be corrected, try to avoid heavy foods and liquids.
  • Reason for agnimandya (like impaired digestion) and arena should be avoided.
  • Rasadhatu pacha should be done.
  • Beckham chikitsa for media should be done.
  • Sweden can be given.
  • Panchakarma like vaman ,virechan ,basti Head massage, Nasya, Udvartanam, Shirodhara are helpful.

Hyperthyroidism medicine

Vidaryadi Kashaya, drakshadi Kashaya, kalyanak graham, mahatiktaka graham, private pistil, ksirabala tailam, for hyperthyroidism

Yoga for thyroid

Along with medicine, yoga plays an important role in keeping the thyroid function in equilibrium.

  • Ujjain pranayama is effective
  • Sarvanga asana is one of the best yoga for thyroid
  • Ujjain acts on the throat area and is relaxing and stimulating effects
  • Nadi shodan pranayama is useful in rebalancing metabolism

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