A well-structured factory is probably can’t grant all-round contentment to the owner in terms of wealth, health, peace, employees and labour. The site on which factory is being constructed is the primary aspect and contributing factor in the success of factory. The main objective of every business is earning profit however if this goal is not achieved through one or the other reason then one must suspect Vastu. Vastu of factory helps detecting problems at site by analyzing it thoroughly and correctly it with invasive remedies.
Factory vastu ensures the successful running of business navigation, leading to larger production and better monetary profits, successful among neighbor factories. Applying Vastu for industry can be of great support and also it roots way for prosperity, security, strengthen in business.
There are several many more things those have to be considered while setting Vaastu guidelines for industries or factories like selection of site, position of electronic gadgets, location of guardroom, quarters for staff, kitchen, office room for administration, chairman’s room, Managing Partner’s room and placement of raw materials, furnished goods, developing packaged material, readied transport items and many more. One can take recourse to Vaastu and avoid all possible mishaps and any kind of problems. The various problems faced have been often removed with the expert suggestions of Vasthu Siddanthi (Consultant).
A shop feed one person, a big shop feeds few persons. But a factory supports large number of families. The main purpose of a factory is getting profits through production and marketing. So the owner of the factory must look into not only self but many lives also. Normally, factory will have heavy things, materials of raw as well as finished goods, apart from machinery and stocks. These heavy material must be placed only either at west / southwest / south. These are to be placed at zenith places for the stocks, materials, readied items, iron things, finished goods also.
Compound wall / guestroom are also important aspects to be look into with regards to vaastu. The point of putting front door having greater importance and that has to be at zenith place. Last but not least is that mere knowing only certain things like cooking at Agneya (Southeast), sump at Ishan are not serve the purpose, yet so many aspects, dimensions that are to be observed before construction and for which an experienced vaastu consultant is badly required. With his directions one should construct a factory and come up in life and make others to come up.
Normally factories or manufacturing units face severe problems, which are to be dealt with care and caution. Fundamentally the basic reason behind the problems like labor problems, tax problems, market competition, ongoing trends frequent changes of passions and above all government policies, etc, is to be recognized. one can tackle the problems with managerial efficiency but one can even avoid facing by following proper vaasthu in the production of a story or manufacturing unit.
At times it is also come across that stock disposal becomes a big task and hard nut to crack. If we consult an experienced vaastu consultant, he will show the way to overcome all the problems in an easy manner. Vastu Shastra for factory, industry, factories, industries should be carefully observed, one should not take hasty decision without proper observation before buying a site for constructing a factory or small scale industry. A simple vastu tip may change the benevolent of the place.
How many factories are there in India or in western countries, we planned to develop all factories Vasthu Shastra links, we clearly knows that you want to prove your self as a best entrepreneur in your area, we will help for your development, your development is our development our beloved society development. You are so hungry. Please wait our team is working on these links, at any time you will see the big blast here. Keep in touch with us.
When we talk about professional life, often two words come to mind that is business and service. Service or job field is all about working for top organisations and make your living, whereas business is all about starting your venture and reach the desired goals. Starting a business is not an easy task; it involves a huge investment, areas to start production and proper marketing techniques for selling. Factories are established to conduct manufacturing and do several dealings for the business. But, does all business get successful? Business is all about taking a risk, and to cover the risk; Vastu Shastra came up with certain guidelines.
Vastu Shastra says to construct a factory according to the rules of Vastu can attract huge profits and prevent losses and mishaps. While constructing factories, it is advisable to save them from any Vastu defect. Otherwise, it can work as a hindrance in future.
Here are some of the Vastu Shastra Tips for Factories, go through them and get a factory free from Vastu Defect:
1. The entrance of the Factory:
The main entrance of the factory should be big-sized and situated on the east, north or northeast direction to attract excellent profits. In case, the factory is big, try to use two entrances in any of the above directions as it allows the profits and opportunities to enter swiftly.
2. Office of the Factory:
There is always an office in the factory where business deals and discussions take place. The best place to build the office is in the north or east direction. Also, make sure that the owner should sit facing north or east direction while dealings to reap more benefits.
3. Compound Wall:
The compound wall of a factory is a must. It acts as a support system for the factory. According to Vastu, the south and west side of the factory is considered auspicious for the wall. Also, make sure that the south and west side of the wall is not empty or vacant.
4. place for Maintenance:
There is always a maintenance workshop in the factory where repairs are done. Vastu advises constructing the workshop in the south or south-west direction, strictly avoid northeast and centre. Also, if there are consumable stores, then they must be closer to the workshop.
5. Heating Equipment:
There are so many heating equipments involved in the factory. Boilers, energy meters, furnaces, transformers, generators, and other equipment must be kept in a south-east direction. Keeping the equipment according to Vastu helps in avoiding accidents and encourages smooth working.
6. Placement for the Temple:
There is always a temple in the factory. It is considered a good start by bowing down in front of God and then move ahead to the daily chores. A temple in the office should be built on the northeast corner, or you can also hang a small temple on this site. Clean the temple regularly and avoid any cluttering near the temple. You can also light a lamp in the temple as a sign of lightening the day.
7. Placement for Toilets:
There can be single or multiple toilets in the factory depending on the size and staff of the factory. Toilets should be built in the south-east or northeast direction. If a septic tank is required, it should be placed in between north and north-west or between east and south-east direction.
8. Material Storage:
No factory can work without its raw material. The main aim of the factory is to convert the raw material into finished goods and then sell the finished goods in the market for huge profits. Heavy raw material stores should be constructed in the south-west, south or west direction. You can place the semi-raw material products in the south or west side and also make sure the finished goods should be taken out of the factory through the h-west direction. Using this rule leads to quick selling and high profits.
9. Light Machinery:
There is heavy and light machinery present in the factory. As it is said earlier, heating equipment must be kept in a south-east direction. When it comes to placing light and auxiliary equipment eastern or northern sides works the best. Always avoid northeast, north-west and south-east corners completely.
10. Placement of Pumps and Tanks:
With machines that heat and mold the raw material, pumps and tanks are required to cool the item and make it a final product. Water pumps, wells, underground water tanks, etc. are best located in the northeast area only. If there are overhead tanks, then the side of the factory is best suited, avoid the south-west and northeast area for erecting an overhead water tank.