Vegan Protein Sources


Proteins are an important part of our daily diet. They provide our muscles, cells, and other vital tissues with the growth factors that are required to keep them healthy and functioning normally.

In India, a large proportion of individuals prefer to follow a vegetarian diet. While this is a highly nutritious diet, it can sometimes be low in certain elements such as vitamin B-12 and proteins. It is quite common in clinical practice to see vegetarians suffering from low vitamin B-12 levels, though clinical evidence suggests that people who follow vegetarian diets have a lower incidence of developing heart disease and related complications.

In this article, we shall take a look at a brief list of protein rich food for vegetarians.

The Need For Protein

Proteins are basically made of building blocks called amino acids. Amino acids are essential for cell growth and development throughout our lifetime. Proteins form the basic structure of not just our vital organs, but also our skin, hair, and numerous other important parts of our body. If we consume lesser quantities of protein, we could lose muscle strength and muscle mass and become weaker. For individuals who are recovering from a medical illness, a high protein intake often helps in faster recovery.

Let’s take a look at some of the protein rich foods that are available in the vegetarian group.

Protein Rich Food For Vegetarians:

1. Lentils:

Lentils, also called daal, are a popular addition to an everyday meal in India. Each cup of lentils contains about 18 g of protein making it an excellent source of vegetarian protein. Lentils can be had in the form of soups or can be eaten with rotis or even rice.

In addition to protein, lentils also contain a good quantity of fiber which can help maintain healthy bacteria within the gut. There is some understanding that regular consumption of lentils may also reduce the risk of developing heart disease and cancer. However, a small number of individuals who consume lentils on a regular basis may notice excessive flatulence. This is not unique to lentils but is generally seen with a high protein diet.

Lentils also contain quality antioxidants and numerous minerals which can help protect the cells. Make sure you have a cup full of lentils every day to get your dose of protein.

2. Legumes:

Legumes include varieties of beans such as kidney beans, black beans, chickpeas, and similar ones that are widely considered to be a powerhouse of proteins. Chickpeas contain about 15 g of protein per serving and also contains numerous other elements and minerals that can keep you healthy, strong, and fit. Clinical studies also found that regular consumption of legumes can help keep cholesterol levels low.

Chickpeas and other legumes are great in salads or in the form of low-fat, low salt curries.

3. Nuts:

Nuts are basically superfoods. If you wish to follow a good veg protein diet, you should strongly consider adding nuts to the cavalry. Nuts such as almonds and cashew nuts are an excellent source of protein and are always included in the protein foods veg list.

On average, eating about 20 to 25 whole almonds every day can give you about 6 g of protein. However, this can be quite a lot to eat in one go, and just having a handful of mixed nuts every day can give you the protein boost your body requires. Not just that, nuts also contain a good quantity of dietary fiber and vitamin E.

If you are looking for a heart-healthy snack and protein-rich food for vegetarians, make sure you include nuts as a part of your daily diet. However, make sure you keep the salt intake low and avoid eating salted nuts.

4. Green Peas:

You wouldn’t think to look at it, but green peas are an excellent source of protein. A cup full of these green beauties gives you nearly 9 g of protein. In addition to this, they are rich in vitamins A, K, and C and also contain numerous minerals and a high quantity of fiber. Simply including green peas in your daily vegetarian diet can help give you the additional protein your body requires.

5. Quinoa:

Quinoa is gradually catching on in India as a food that is healthy, low in fat, and high in protein. Each cup of quinoa can provide around 9 grams of protein and is excellent for those who suffer from diabetes. Similarly, they also contain a high quantity of complex carbohydrates, high in dietary fiber, and numerous minerals. Quinoa is definitely one for the protein foods veg list.

6. Soy Milk:

Of late, there is been a fair amount of advertising regarding soy milk as a good source of protein and this is entirely true. There are many individuals who are intolerant to lactose who require an alternative source of protein, and soy milk is a great one, containing nearly 7 g of protein per cup. But it is not just the protein that makes soy milk an excellent food; it is also a good source of calcium, vitamin B12, and vitamin D. However, the latter vitamins are usually present in soy milk that has been fortified.

Related Read: Vitamin B12 Rich Foods for Vegetarians, Non-Vegetarians and Vegans

You could add soy milk to your tea or coffee or you could just drink it directly. Avoid the sweetened variety as this can add to your body weight and would nullify the healthy effects of consuming this protein-rich food regularly.

7. Oats:

There is no doubt that oats are superfoods. Not only are they high in protein but they are a powerhouse of soluble fiber and clinically proven to help reduce the risk of developing heart disease and to lower cholesterol. A small cup of oats can provide you nearly 6 g of protein and quarter your daily requirement of fiber. Try and avoid the masala oats or ready meals as these contain higher quantities of salt and may not be the healthy start to the day that you hope you would get from them. Instead, buy regular oats and consume them with milk and a spoonful of honey sprinkled with almonds. You could even chop some fruit up into them, or add a fistful of berries. A cup full of oats in the morning is a great way to start your day.

8. Chia Seeds:

Chia seeds have recently caught on in India and are being used more and more in our country as a superfood. A 35 g serving of Chia seeds contains 6 g of protein and a whopping 13 g of fiber! In addition to this, they are also high in nutrients such as calcium, magnesium, and iron and also contain omega-3 fatty acids and numerous antioxidants that can keep you fighting fit.

Chia seeds are easy to use, and make sure that you consume the organic variety. Also, make sure that what you are consuming are not basil seeds as they look quite similar to Chia seeds. Simply soaking Chia seeds in water for a short time and then having them with your favorite beverage can give you the nutritional boost your body deserves. Chia seeds are a great protein for vegans.

9. High Protein Vegetables:

Vegetables are widely considered to be just containing vitamins and minerals with a small number of carbohydrates and proteins. However, there are some vegetables that have a greater quantity of protein such as spinach, potatoes, broccoli, asparagus, and even sweet potatoes. Though the quantity of protein each of these is not comparable to non-vegetarian sources, it still is quite a decent value at around 5 g per cup full of veggie cooked.

10. Fruits:

Fruits are generally poorer sources of protein. That being said, fruits such as bananas, guava, and certain berries have a decent quantity of protein in them. However, don’t rely on fruits as your source of protein, and instead, choose from one of the options listed earlier in this article.

The above is a reasonably exhaustive list of protein-rich food for vegetarians. Make sure you mix and match each of these and include them in your daily diet as much as possible.

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