Taurus is the second sign of the zodiac indicated by a bull. It is an Earth sign ruled by Venus and is the sign where Moon is at its full strength. Being an Earth sign, people with Taurus sign tend to be more controlled, conservative, steady, and practical. As the zodiac sign is ruled by Venus, they are more attracted to possessions, beauty, and nature. People with this zodiac sign are more stubborn and yet steady and stable in achieving their goals and desires. They make very good friends, however, their anger is a little difficult to control. With a strong moon, they inherit good qualities from their mother such as strong minds, good concentration, and a fixity of purpose. However, they are stubborn, lazy, and unforgiving.
Taurus Lucky Color
White and green are the lucky colors for people with Taurus zodiac sign. Wearing your lucky color brings success and luck & provides you with material gains and development of mind and soul.
Taurus Lucky Stone
Lucky stones for the zodiac sign Taurus are Diamond, Coral, and Emerald. Wearing your lucky stone as a ring or necklace enhances the chances of success and produces a maximum gain in life.
Taurus Lucky Number
The lucky number for Taurus zodiac signs are 5 & 6 and all double-digit numbers that sum up to 5 & 6 i.e. 41, 32, 33, etc. Beginning work on these dates or using the number or number count for your vehicle or any other activity will enhance hope and marks success. Talk to our astrologer via Live Astrology Consultation to know more about you
Benefits of using Taurus lucky color, stone and number
Based on the ruling planet of the zodiac sign, this lucky number, stone, and color are common to all Taureans and will provide the following benefits.
- Increases positivity in life
- Makes you outshine in every effort
- Enhances chances of victory
- Improves wisdom and wealth
- Removes all negative forces surrounding you
Taurus Positive Traits
They are very logical
People often seek their advice as you possess common sense. Their methodical and logical approach ensures that the advice they dole out is sound and sensible. This helps them to deal with tough situations and when making major decisions in life.
They are Generous and Reliable
They have a generous and loyal nature. They are good at maintaining relationships as they are caring and compassionate. They are not the kind who play games and prefer to be direct and honest with others. People confide their secrets to them, as they know they will keep them close to their chest.
They are Determined
When it comes to work, they are focused and diligent. They work hard and are very dedicated. They will do their best to finish the tasks they are entrusted with. They are not the kind who hops from job to job every six months.
They are very Understanding
Taurus has keen observation powers and understand people well. They make good team leaders. They are good at solving problems and executing plans. They are realistic and thrive on facts. They are excellent at picking out the right people for a project.
They are Kind
Taurus is very kind-hearted, and people feel comfortable around them. They are very caring and possessive about their loved ones. They nurture the people in their lives and are very rooted.
They are Organized
They are very organized and meticulous. They seldom miss the tiny details. They finish what they begin. Their diplomacy and resourcefulness are very handy to bring people together and complete projects successfully.
They are Patient
They don’t mind playing the waiting game. Life moves at a slower pace for Taurus. They are patient and like to ponder things well before acting. They are very clear and committed. They will take time to assess a project before investing time and money in it. This enables them to achieve success. Are planetary alignments conducive for success this year? Get your Free Personalized 2020 Report.
Taurus Negative Traits
They are Jealous
They depend a lot on their relationships and are very preoccupied with making money to lead a comfortable life. When someone poses a threat in terms of competing for the things they desire, they become jealous.
They are Lazy
Nobody can make a Taurus do anything unless they themselves want to do it. Their laid-back nature often seems like laziness and can be quite annoying to their loved ones. No amount of nagging or cajoling will make them do something.
They are Stubborn
They are stubborn, like a mule, when they feel that they are right. They seldom change their mind once it is made up. They will stick to their guns and dig in their heels, come what may.
They are Dependent
Autonomy can be hard for Taurus. Taurus needs to be cocooned by their loved ones. They have to become more independent and understand that their loved ones need some space.
They lack Balance
Balancing work and leisure doesn’t come easily to them. This comes across as procrastination sometimes. Either you are hard at work, or you are chilling out. Finding the right balance between work and leisure is essential for them.
They are Materialistic
They want comfort and a life of luxury. They are always making grand plans for the future. They love the finer things in life. They like to indulge themselves and spend a lot of money to fill their life with comforts and luxuries.
They are Possessive
Taurus is known to be very possessive about the people and things in their lives. They are not very mature and lack self-esteem. They seethe inwardly when others admire or praise their partner. Their possessiveness may be mistaken for self-indulgence and greed, but actually, their craving for material things is caused by a need for security.
With the help of a free, personalized Birth chart or JanamKundli, you can get even deeper insights into your zodiac sign.