I started writing this page in April 2019, and it already seems like it was just the other day that I was writing the annual updates for Chinese New Year 2019; it really is scary how fast the years go by. Here i am in the middle of November 2019 and coming to the end of the year of the Pig, and I hope it has been a rewarding one for you with lots of enjoyment and success.
The 2020 Flying star analysis is a long read and can be a bit overwhelming to go through although it is well worth the read to give yourself the best possible start to the year of the Rat which changes on the 4th of February 2020 in every home and building all around the world.
If your bedroom, office or other important room falls into an area that is afflicted with a negative star this year and you are not able to move out of this room, please do not panic as there is always something you can do to make the most of your situation.
In 2020, the south is a particularly troublesome sector as we have the annual #2 star located here along with the Three Killings and Sui Po in the same sector which can cause a lot of issues related to health, wealth, career and relationships. Those who have the main door or important room such as a bedroom, kitchen or living room will need to take great care when treating this in the year of the Rat to avoid the problems that come with this affliction. This may sound daunting to read if you have a main door in the south but please remember, knowing about a potential problem and having the relevant cures in place should avoid any problems materializing in the year of the Rat.
At the Feng Shui Store, we sell a large range of powerful and traditional cures and enhancers for your home or office to help you make the most of the year; we also appreciate that not everyone likes to work with these cures which is why we will always offer a free or cheap solution that you can implement with items that you already have in your homes such as different furniture or coloured pillows. Using colours and shapes to enhance and weaken the Flying stars will not be as effective when they are not placed alongside Feng Shui cures, although, we have always believed that Feng Shui should be accessible to everyone so that they can make the most out of their circumstances with ease. By reading the advice below, you can make 2020 a very successful year for you, your family, and friends so please be sure to check back throughout the year.
I would also strongly recommend taking a look at the Chinese animal predictions for 2020 article that I have written by clicking the link below as this will give a highly detailed outlook into how the year of the Rat will be for each of the twelve Chinese animals, giving you the best chance to take advantage of the year ahead and make it a successful one for you.
What date do the Flying stars change in 2020?
On the 4th of February 2020, the Flying stars will change all around the world in every single home, office, business and building which will bring an enormous change to the energy when we have the annual #7 robbery star enter the centre of every building. The #7 star can bring a lot of problems this year when sat in the centre as the influence can permeate through the other eight compass sectors, and we will need some powerful Feng Shui cures to avoid burglary, deception, copyright theft, gossip and back stabbing issues in the year of the Rat.
Every year, I make predictions for the year ahead, and we forecast 2019 with 100% accuracy and based on our predictions for last year and the feedback from our clients, the majority were able to enjoy a productive and rewarding year of the Pig in 2019.
2020 begins the year as a new decade and also a new astral cycle of the twelve animals, and this will be a year of great change and unrest especially with movements all over the world and potential up rises in the East and Middle East although the changes it can bring should be a good thing and the youth will be starting to show the power of unity and this can and should create a worldwide unity of hundreds of thousands if not millions of people coming together as a force to change. I think this will be a good thing in the end although there could be many ups and downs.
We will see again more natural disasters taking place around the world during the year of the Rat related to weather changes in 2020. Unfortunately, the annual influence can bring some problems that are out of our control although we do have the power to avoid problems in our own home and business with the help of the annual flying stars by following the Feng Shui advice on these pages.
Please read this advice and act on it as this year you will need your annual Feng Shui annual cures and enhancers more than ever and preparing now will enable you to prepare for the year ahead, prevent problems and ensure a successful 2020. We’ve been making these predictions for over 20 years with overwhelming precision.
Over the last few years, we have recommended that you are cautious with money and investments, and in 2020, this will, unfortunately, be the same.
To ensure you activate and protect wealth and opportunities and overall good luck, you must activate the northwest, northeast, southeast, southwest and west of your home or office; I will speak about how to do this below.
Remember, there is so much we can do to ensure the best year possible; we alert you to the possible upcoming misfortunes for the year and provide solutions with where and how to place your cures and enhancers.
For example, those born in the year of the Horse may be affected by the conflicting influences of the year of the Yang Metal Rat Geng Zi.
I must admit I am not a fan of predicting doom and gloom as I am a firm believer in the power of the mind and being told something bad is going to happen can manifest itself without much effort, so now let’s look at the positive aspects of 2020.
I am sure you have read other Feng Shui websites and read their synopsis for 2020, you will find that most are predicting a very bad year and while part of this is true, I am personally really excited about 2020 as there will be a lot of good to come out of it with the energies present this year and we also have many new and exciting annual Feng Shui cures and enhancers to place this year.
We have carried out thousands of Feng Shui consultations from every corner of the world since we first opened the Feng Shui Store back in 1999 and I have found that every single home is different with its positive and negative attributes; no two buildings will ever be the same and will always be prone to change so if you feel worried that you have a negative star in an important room this year, just remember that nothing is stagnant in Feng Shui and luck is constantly moving around to help you make the most of your circumstances and improve the quality of Qi in your home or office.
As an example, let’s take a look at a home that has a bedroom in the south and an office in the east and how the annual stars could have an impact on their lives in 2020 if not treated correctly. The problems with this configuration could be related to finances, bad luck, difficult relationships, joint issues and also sadness, especially with the middle daughter or eldest son.
However, by placing the annual cures and enhancers, you can eliminate or reduce these problems. If you are or were a smoker, and already have breathing and chest problems, then the cures and enhancers could certainly reduce exacerbating chest health problems. If you’re a smoker and wish to give up, then 2020 is the ideal time. Remember, the flying stars will dictate the problems, but there’s much you can do to lessen or eliminate the problem by following Feng Shui advice annually and monthly.
Those born in the year of the Horse could be affected by the conflicting influences of the year of the Rat as the Horse is the conflict animal of the Rat. Those born in the year of the Horse should be aware of potential difficulties they may encounter during the year and take extra care in whatever they do without taking unnecessary risks in all aspects of their life.
Where is the #2 star located in my home and office in 2020?
As of the 4th of February 2020, the #2 annual star can be found in the south of every home, office, and building around the world and when activated can bring illness to anyone in the building. The south can be very dangerous in 2020 as we also have the Three Killings and Sui Po in the south which can cause a lot of problems if activated by the wrong elements or noise this year.
The traditional way to cure the #2 star and stop it from becoming activated is to place a row of six metal I-Ching coins in a row in the south from the 4th of February 2020 until the 3rd of February 2021; when choosing your coins, please make sure you get them from a reputable store as they must be from a good dynasty if they are to weaken the negative influence of the south this year. It is also important to place a salt water cure in the south of your home or office to weaken the influence of this sector and also avoid the annual #2 star from being activated.
A crucial cure and enhancer for the south is to place a JuanKuan Wealth offering plate to ensure finances are protected and also enhanced during the year of the Rat. When activating a JuanKuan plate, you should place coins of your local currency and any jewellery on the plate to invite new wealth and turn a bad star into something that can bring a positive influence into your home or office.
Where is the #5 star located in my home and office in 2020?
As of the 4th of February 2020, the annual #5 yellow can be found in the east of your home and office. The annual #5 star is extremely unstable and will need to be treated with care as activating the star with the wrong elements or noise can bring tragedy, sickness, lawsuits and major loss of wealth. The #5 star has no gender and no trigram and is highly treacherous when disturbed, so please read the advice for the east below.