Maha Mantra

The Hare Krishna mantra, also referred to reverentially as the Maha Mantra (“Great Mantra”), is a 16-word Vaishnava mantra which is mentioned in the Kali-Santarana Upanishad and which from the 15th century rose to importance in the Bhakti movement following the teachings of Chaitanya Mahaprabhu. This mantra is composed of two Sanskrit names of the Supreme Being, “Krishna” and “Rama.”

According to Gaudiya Vaishnava theology, one’s original consciousness and goal of life is pure love of the god Krishna. Since the 1960s, the mantra has been made well known outside India by A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada and his movement, International Society for Krishna Consciousness (commonly known as the “Hare Krishnas” or the Hare Krishna movement


Maha means “great” and mantra means “sacred chant for deliverance.”

Of all mantras in the Vedas, one is called the maha-mantra, or great mantra:

Hare Krishna, Hare Krishna
Krishna Krishna, Hare Hare
Hare Rama, Hare Rama
Rama Rama, Hare Hare.

The words “Hare” (pronounced ha-ray), “Krishna” (pronounced krish-na), and “Rama” (rhymes with “drama”), are Sanskrit words. “Hare” is an address to God’s energy, known as Radha, and “Krishna” is name of God meaning “He who is attractive to everyone.” “Rama” means “one who gives pleasure and enjoys life.”

When chanted the maha-mantra is a petition to God: “O Krishna, O energy of Krishna, please engage me in Your service.”

Hare Krishna Maha Mantra – Full Meaning and Benefits of Chanting

This Mantra is composed of three Sanskrit names of the Supreme Being; “Hare,” “Krishna,” and “Rama.

Hare Krishna Hare Krishna, Krishna Krishna Hare Hare

हरे कृष्ण हरे कृष्ण , कृष्ण कृष्ण हरे हरे |

Hare Rāma Hare Rāma Rāma Rāma Hare Hare

हरे राम हरे राम , राम राम हरे हरे || 


The Hare Krishna mantra, also referred to reverentially as the Maha Mantra “Great Mantra”. This Mantra is composed of three Sanskrit names of the Supreme Being; “Hare,” “Krishna,” and “Rama.


The three words— Hare, Krishna, and Rama—are the seed sounds of the maha-mantra, Hare refers to the energy of that One Infinite Source of all of us. The energy thats present all around us.
Rama and Krishna refer to incarnations of Lord Vishnu.
When Chanting this Mantra, we are calling for that universal energy.  This Mantra has the power to dissolve our bad habits and negative emotions.  By chanting or listening to the Mantra, you become free from all anxiety and inner fears.

Benefits of Chanting Hare Krishna Maha Mantra

  1. Dissolves bad habits, evil thoughts & Negative emotions,
  2. Get rid of fear, stress and anxiety
  3. Helps to achieve big
  4. It brings the highest state of ecstasy
  5. It brings joy, peace and happiness
  6. It relieves from all miseries
  7. Gives divine qualities likes Love, mercy and inner happiness
  8. It purify yourself and surrounding
  9. It cleans your mind and heart
  10. When you chant Hare Krishna Mantra, we start to clear the impure consciousness, that keeps us unhappy and away from our true self. This mantra in a way connects us to that higher energy and helps us to break away from that endless cycle and attachment to the physical world.

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