8. Percentage of number ending with 5


what do percentage mean

percent (%) means per hundred

e.g. 22% means 22 per 100,and can also be written as a fraction (22/100) or decimal (0.22)

It is quite straightforward to convert a percent into a fraction or decimal (and vice versa) using the following rules:

example 1

example 2- Find 50% of 86 50% is the same as 1 𝟐 so divide by 2

example 3- Find 75% of 36 75% is the same as 3 4 so ÷by 4 then X by 3

1- How can find 15%

Take 10% and add half.

Example 4 . How much is 15% of 70

Example 5 – If you tip at the rate of 15%, and the bill is $40, how much do you leave?

Example 6-

Example 7

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