Apanasana and Their Benefits


Sanskrit Name: Apanasana (अपानासन)

English Name: Knees to chest pose

Type of Yoga: Ashtanga Yoga

Level of Yoga: Basic

Duration: As per your capability or 30 to 60 seconds on each side

Target Area: Thighs, Groin, and abdomen

Strengthens: Abdomen

Given the prevailing benefits of yoga, the whole world has adopted Yoga today. Now even the youths are beginning to give more importance to yoga than the gym. Yoga makes your body strong and also works to make it flexible. You can see yourself that many actors and actresses are also taking Yoga to keep them fit. So, today we are telling you about Apanasana in this article below.

What Does It Mean By Apanasana?

The term Apanasana has come from two Sanskrit language words

Where the first word is “Apana (अपान)”, which means “Downward-Moving Life Force”

And the second word is “Asana (आसन)”, which means “Yoga Pose”

Apanasana is also known as the knee-to-chest pose in English as in this pose the practitioner has to bring his knees close to his chest. This asana is a great yoga posture for those who are battling with any kind of stomach disorder. This asana is close to Pawanmuktasana or Gas Release Pose.

However, there is a slight difference between the two Asanas. In Apanasana you have to keep your head touching the ground. On the other hand you in Pawanmuktasana you have to raise your head and bring the head near your knees.

Preparatory Poses of Apanasana (Knees to Chest Pose):

  1. Setu Bandha Sarvangasana (सेतु बन्ध सर्वांगासन) or Bridge Pose
  2. Jathara Parivartanasana (जात्रा परिवर्तनासन) or Belly twist pose / Belly-revolving posture

Method of Doing Apanasana (Knees to Chest Pose):

  1. At first lie on the floor flat on your back
  2. Bend both knees to bring it close to your chest
  3. Now interlace the fingers on your shin just below your knee
  4. Your heels will reach your hip socket, and will also create space between your hip and your femur
  5. Hug your knees near your armpit or near the center of the chest
  6. Then relax your shoulders and neck
  7. Use the biceps to pull your knees closer
  8. You will feel that your lower back is pressing into the floor
  9. On every inhalation, feel the belly pressing against the thigh
  10. With every exhalation, your belly will draw away from your thigh
  11. Feel the muscles of lower trapezius engage and pulling the shoulder blades down the back
  12. In this asana, you have to look upward at the sky or ceiling
  13. Draw the pubic bone near the belly button and lengthen the lower back
  14. Keep every muscle your leg & foot engaged and active
  15. Releasing your hands, bring your hands to the side of the body
  16. Finally, straighten your bent legs to release this pose fully
  17. Repeat this asana 10-12 times

Beginner’s Tips:

In case you have any uneasiness while practicing this asana then place a folded blanket under the neck or head

If it appears difficult to completely flexing your knees, then you can use a towel between your calf and thigh

This Asana is a basic level yoga, so no matter whether you are a beginner or expert, you will be able to practice it without any difficulty

However, if you face any difficulty while or after practicing this asana then immediately consult any yoga expert or physician.

Follow up Poses of Apanasana:

  1. Setu Bandha Sarvangasana (सेतु बन्ध सर्वांगासन) or Bridge Pose
  2. Shavasana (शवासन) or Corpse Pose

Precautions to Apanasana:

Do not do this asana when there is a knee or shin injury

If you have Injuries in your neck or hip then try to take additional care

Do not practice this asana if you’re recovering from a hernia or any abdominal surgery

Pregnant ladies should seek a reference from the doctor before practicing this asana

Get a steady practice of this asana for better outcomes

Do not do this asana immediately after eating your meal, keep at least 2-3 hours of the interval between your meal and your yoga practice

Benefits of Apanasana (Knees to Chest Pose):

  1. The mind remains calm due to the regular practice of Apanasana. And thus with the regular practice of this posture, you will notice less anger, anxiety in you
  2. It is also beneficial in reducing stomach fat and also in the problem of constipation
  3. Those people who have high blood pressure problem should also practice this asana
  4. It brings pull in the lower part of the pelvis and back and reduces the back pain
  5. Those people whose hair is falling too much, or are becoming white in the meantime, they must practice this asana
  6. This asana purifies the body by expelling the toxic substances of the body. Therefore, doing this asana, you will be able to lose weight
  7. Regular practice of this asana rebalances your energy
  8. This asana massage your abdominal organs and thus keep you away from abdominal diseases
  9. Apanasana is considered one of the best pose to Relieve Gas after Pawanmuktasana or Gas Release Pose
  10. Regular practice of Knee to Chest Pose also very helpful in reducing the hip fat

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