Asanas to Cure Asthma

Yoga is an ancient Indian practice that has helped people round the world from different ailments. many people across the world have asthma and if you’re one of them, think about using yoga to urge relief.

How Can Yoga Help with Asthma?

Asthma, as most of you recognize is a disease that creates the airways narrow. They produce extra mucus, swell up, and make it difficult to breathe. Other symptoms include wheezing, coughing, shortness of breath, and tightness of the chest. The signs and their intensity vary from one person to a differentthere’s no treatment for asthma, but you’ll always reduce the symptoms. Using asthma for this purpose will offer you great results.

Yoga helps by improving your lung capacity and facilitating proper breathing. The respiratory benefits of yoga are many. Breathing exercises like pranayama enhance the functioning of the lungs and make breathing easy.

Yoga also can reduce asthma attacks, and this has been proved in several studies. It reduces the dependency on drugs and is understood to enhance the speed of peak expiratory flow . However, tons of research still must be conducted to determine a number of these facts.

Yoga Poses for Asthma Relief

Here, are a number of the yoga poses that you simply can attempt to ease breathing:

1. Sukhasana (Pleasant Pose)



  • Stretch out your feet after sitting down together with your spine straight
  • Now cross your knees and keep them wide. Cross your shins and keep your feet under the knees
  • Keep your feet relaxed while resting the outer edges on the ground and keeping your pelvis within the neutral position
  • Now put one among your palms on the opposite and place them on your lap
  • Make your shoulders firm and elongate the tailbone
  • Take deep breaths
  • Do this for 10-15 minute

How Does It Help?

This yoga pose may be a great option for both advanced practitioners and beginners. It focuses completely on your breathing and improves lung function.

2. Savasana (Corpse Pose)



  • Take a yoga mat and lie on your back together with your feet and arms relaxed
  • Soften and relax your jaws after closing your eyes
  • Take all of your attention to your breath and slowly slow it down
  • Take deep rhymic breaths and relax every part of your body
  • Do this for 5-10 minutes

How Does It Help?

Savasana also helps by managing your stress. It also helps in breath management.

3. Setu Bhandasana

Setu Bhandasana

You will get to form a bridge together with your body.


  • Take a yoga mat and lie flat on your back together with your arms and palms facing down and your arms being parallel to your body
  • Now bend your knees during a such how that your feet are flat on the ground
  • Inhale, press your feet firmly on the ground and lift your hip from the ground
  • Now slowly attempt to light your upper body together with your weight being on your shoulders
  • Be during this position and take 8-10 deep breaths
  • Exhale and slowly lower down your spine
  • Stand up after taking a couple of more deep breaths

How Does It Help?

The bridge pose, because it is usually called, helps in opening up your chests and lungs. it’s tons of other benefits like improving the functioning of your thyroid glands, bone strengthening, improving digestion, and enhancing immunity. Setu Bhadasana also relaxes your tired muscles.

4. Bending Pose

Bending Pose

This is an easy pose that you simply can attempt to reduce your asthma symptoms.


  • Stand straight together with your legs hip-width apart
  • Bend your body forward while bending your knees a touch to alleviate any lower back strain
  • Lift your body and fold it a touch forward together with your knees still bent
  • Now fold your arms together with your palms holding elbows of the other hands
  • Now let your body hang and shut your eyes closed
  • Take deep breaths

How Does It Help?

This too helps by opening up your lungs.

5. Baddhakonasana


Also referred to as the butterfly pose, this is often one of the foremost recommended yoga poses for asthma patients.


  • Sit on a yoga mat together with your legs relaxing on the ground
  • Bring your feet inward by bending your knees
  • Now bring your feet together and make sure the distance between your feet and pelvis is about 6 inches
  • Hold your feet tightly together with your hands
  • Push your thighs and knees down while inhaling deeply
  • Now start moving your things up and down—breathe normally
  • Start slowly then increase your speed gradually
  • Keep doing this for 8-10 minutes
  • Slowly bring your legs to rest
  • Take a deep breath and stretch your legs slowly

How Does It Help?

This relaxing asthma yoga exercise gives relief from asthma symptoms by stretching your body. It improves circulation to the whole body, including lungs, by stimulating your heart. Doing this will also offer you relief from fatigue.

6. Bhujangasana


This is also referred to as the snake pose


  • Lie down on the yoga mat on your stomach and stretch your legs
  • Now place your palms parallel to your shoulders
  • Make sure your toes and chin are touching the ground
  • Slowly raise your chest and bend backward while inhaling
  • Stay during this position for 20-30 seconds
  • Exhale and return to your original position
  • Take a deep breath and relax
  • Repeat this a minimum of five times taking an opportunity of 15 seconds between each

How Does It Help?

This is a superb exercise for asthma patients and helps by improving the circulation of blood and oxygen within the entire body. It also helps within the proper expansion of the lungs and chest.

7. Straddled Splits

Straddled Splits

This can improve your lung capacity


  • Sit on your yoga mat
  • Stretch your legs the maximum amount as possible both being wide apart and therefore the heels flexed
  • Now make your things firm, inhale deeply and put your arms on the front on the ground
  • Now, as you exhale, bend your body forward and make your hands enter front of you
  • Take five deep breaths before getting back to the starting position

How Does It Help?

This yoga pose will open up your lungs by stretching your upper body.

8. Pranayama


End your yoga routine with this.


  • Sit on the yoga mat together with your legs crossed
  • Keep your head, spine, and neck in one line
  • Close your eyes and shift all of your attention to breathing
  • Breathe from your abdomen
  • Balance out rapid breaths with slower ones
  • Repeat this for 8-10 minutes

How It Helps

As already mentioned above, pranayama makes breathing easy and improves the functioning of the lungs. it’s an excellent yoga exercise for all.

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