Ashtanga Yoga Poses and Their Benefits


The full Ashtanga System practiced with devotion leads to freedom within one’s heart”–K. Pattabhi Jois.

From the divine yoga, the background is the physically intense and athletic yoga form of Ashtanga Yoga. The Ashtanga Yoga system comes from an ancient text of Yoga Korunta by sage Vamana Rishi and later codified by revered K. Pattabhi Jois as modern-day classical yoga. Ashtanga literally translates to ‘eight-limbs’ outlined by Patanjali in Yoga Sutras, which includes yamas, niyamas, asana, pranayama, pratyahara, Dharana, dhyana, and samadhi.

The Ashtanga Yoga is a systematized practice of prescribed yoga postures to channel the energy through the body locks (bandhas) and focusing at a particular point (Drishti) in asanas. It is the practice of six series, Primary Ashtanga Yoga Series, being the basis of all other series. The three elements of Ashtanga Yoga (Ujjayi breath, bandhas, and Drishti) make this yoga form a cleansing and moving meditation practice.

Practiced in two ways, Ashtanga Yoga is a sacred science that is extremely beneficial for the body, mind, and soul of the practitioners. Learn the health benefits of Ashtanga yoga that transform a yogi’s life for the better.

1. Improvement in Core Endurance: 

The core endurance is likely associated with lower back pain, especially in athletes. The practice of Ashtanga Yoga poses week after week can significantly improve core endurance and resulting problems.

2. Enhanced Flexibility:

 As with most yoga forms, Ashtanga Yoga gradually enhances flexibility when practiced on a daily basis. The Ashtanga Yoga postures work efficiently in building hamstring flexibility that influences trunk movements. A reduced hamstring elasticity limits the pelvic movements and increases trunk angles which affect the health of the spine. Ashtanga Yoga also promotes shoulders and calf flexibility.

3. Reduced Stubborn Body Fat:

 Savor a lean body and natural fat loss benefits of Ashtanga Yoga. As most of the Ashtanga Yoga poses use bodyweight, the practitioners get a lean and toned body. Also, the performance of vigorous Ashtanga Yoga poses detoxifies the body that assists in getting rid of fat from the stomach and arms. This yoga style promotes greater body-awareness making you a conscious eater.

4. Builds Inner Strength:

 The use of Bandhas (locks) during the practice of Ashtanga Yoga Series teaches the Ashtangis the method to harness and direct the prana flow. The focus on the pelvis, throat, belly Bandhas in the Ashtanga Yoga practices provide strength and stability to the body helping it to work with its inherent energies.

5. Relieve from Stress:

 Ashtanga Yoga focuses on the practice of the same sequence of postures. As you dedicatedly take up the practice, you naturally begin to focus on the physical movements coordinating it with the breath. This makes Ashtanga Yoga a moving meditation leaving you relaxed, refreshed, and rejuvenated.

6. Learn to Breathe:

 In the times where most of us exist in the spectrum of stress and depression, we need to learn the art of yogic breathing. Ashtanga Yoga employs the practice of Ujjayi Breathing or the victorious breath– the art of taking purified air through the nostrils. The Ujjayi breathing fuels the metabolic fires increase the prana, vitalizes the system, and more. Reap the health benefits of Ashtanga yoga and Ujjayi breathing with the practice.

7. Treats Hypertension:

 Synchronizing the Ashtanga Yoga poses with the Ujjayi Pranayama is beneficial for the health. The long-term benefits of Ujjayi breathing are lowering the high blood pressure in people suffering from hypertension.

8. Healthy Back: 

The Ashtanga Yoga tones the lower abdominal muscles realign the musculoskeletal system and effectively diminishes a backache. Ashtanga yoga is one natural way to embrace a strong and healthy back.

9. Prevents Injury:

 Ashtanga Yoga, when performed in a safe, comprehensive, mindful manner and in the guidance of experienced yoga teachers grants you with strong, flexible, and internally balanced body that is less prone to injuries and health problems.

10. A Plan for Wellness:

 The Ashtangis can feel the difference in their body, mind, and attitude when they practice Ashtanga Yoga and when they do not. Ashtanga yoga is a system that connects us to our center and helps us act from our authentic self.

Truly relax, feel healthy from within, and surrender to your highest nature with Ashtanga Yoga.

To Know more about Ashtanga Yoga, join yoga teacher training in India.

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