Best Vastu Expert

Astrological Research Professional and one of the rising stars in astrology in the world, today. With an astrological career spanning 15 years, he has read & predicted for thousands of people who feel uplifted, satisfied, and confident because of his unique insight and keen knowledge of Astrology, Numerology, Vastu-Shastra & Feng-shui, Palmistry, and Gemology.

He is Post graduated in the field of Biochemistry and molecular biology and thereafter achieved his ‘Doctors in AstrologFamous Astrologers in India, Famous Astrologers in Delhi, Top 10 Astrologers in India, Top Astrologers in Uttarakhand, Famous Astrologers in Mumbai, Vastu Consultants in India, Top Vastu Consultants in India, Famous Vastu experts, Top Vastu experts in Uttarakhandical Sciences’. One of the beauties of his practice is; his wide understanding of various popular religious believes which helped him greatly to share his expertise for the benefit of people across the globe irrespective of their caste and religion. He has traveled the world shaping thousands of people through new age holistic therapies like crystal healing, Astro-counseling, creative meditation, and much more. He now shares his amazing and uncanny insight with his worldwide clientele by giving accurate predictions and remedies through his spiritual powers. Be it Love, Relationships, Children, Work, Finance, or any other aspect of life, Dr. Somesh is able to quickly relate to the individual’s question and harmonize it with one’s activities in both spiritual and physical ways. He is world-renowned for his par excellence achievement in the ‘WORLD OF ASTROLOGY’ & is aptly known as a “Person with Midas touch”

Famous Vastu elaborates on the basic sense of designing the architecture of buildings and specific areas of a building such as rooms, fenestrations, gates, etc. The motive of Vastu Shastra is to enhance the well being of the occupants. It primarily instructs how to maintain the best equilibrium of the five elements (Earth-Water, Sun, Air & Space) in a building and to make the best use of their effects to energize the metal & physical energies of inhabitants.

Vastu Consultancy, Vastu Shastra Services, World Famous Celebrity Vastu Consultant

What is vastu shastra?

In Sanskrit, Vastu means to build an environment and a surrounding, and Shastra means a perfect system or by-laws. The word Vastu came from the Vastva, which means anything that provides shelter. Vastu Shastra tells the methods for building any kind of shelter that has a congenial environment due to the combined positive effects of the five elements called Panch Mahabhuta. Vastu Shastra encompasses the techniques to decide directions, placement, and positioning of various aspects related to the building. If any shelter, be it home, commercial establishment, or industrial premise, is built on the guidelines of Vastu Shastra, if certainly bless the owner with health, wealth, prosperity, and happiness.

History Of Vastu-Shastra

The Vedic social system and all its elements were based on logical reasons essentially required for the overall welfare of the individual. This whole social structure was aimed at defining a proper system that creates synergy between cosmic energies and human shelter. In Vaidic times, the scholars were well-versed with advanced scientific applications known as subhavaastu. After proper permutations and combinations of various elements involved in building construction, suitable directions for everything related to building can be effectively drawn. Each guideline described in Vastu Shastra is strongly backed by the scientific causes and vivid impacts of natural powers are also explained.

Vastu Purush- The Demi God

Though Vastu science has been described by various scholars through different epics, yet the essence and logic are the same. According to the theory of Brihat Samhita, an imaginary person in the form of God called Vastu Purush or Demi-God who governs each house. Vastu Purush is present in every human dwelling and is responsible for good or bad fortune. Therefore, Vastu Purush should to be appeased for the betterment of house and its inhabitants. To appease him, sacred ceremonies should be followed. Therefore, the master of any house must always spare the body of the spirit in the course of construction through the ignorance of the architects. If any of its several parts were rendered defective, the results for the master could be catastrophic.

Vastu Mandala

Mandala means configuration, enclosure, or network and it is particular to time, place, person, and purpose. They are in the holistic tradition of Vedic science, Purusha and Mandala are associated with Vastu

Vastu Impact on Geographical Regions

In India, few cities have made praiseworthy progress whereas the others not. For example, Mumbai and Trombay for Bhabha Atomic Research Center have registered tremendous growth. Internationally, Japan has progressed a lot in spite of its small area. All these observations can be explained on the basis of Vastu Shasta. The Pacific Ocean lies on the northeast side of Japan. Again, the south and west sides of Japan are also covered with water, which causes natural hazards like frequent earthquakes. The bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki may even be the result of this situation. Although situated in the east, Japan is titled towards the northeast. This is an important property of Vastu Shastra.

The Concept of Cosmic Energies

There are different Granthas on Vastu Shastra like Mansar, Vishwakarma Prakash, Samrangan Sutradhar, Vaastu-Ratnavali, Sthapatya Veda, etc. All these are based on the principle of cosmic energies. The scholars at Vaidic times wrote down texts that show influence of various celestial bodies on each other like sun, moon, planets and asteroids as well as light and heat on the earth. They also described about the various scientific and geographical factors such as atmosphere, wind, directions, gravitational forces, Electro magnetic field, etc.

Five Elements – Panch Mahabhutas

Panch Mahabhutas greatly influences life on earth. They are as follows:

Space (Aakash)

Space is most expanded in terms of its spread and volume. The unending part of the universe beyond the earth’s atmosphere in which all other planets and stars exist is known as space also referred to as outer space.

Fire (Agni)

Fire contains heat energy and is the basis of all energy including solar energy, earth’s inner energy, atomic energy, thermal energy and human energy.

Air (Vayu)

Air is supposed to be life supporting for all living organism. Though very light in nature, it is considered heavier than sun.

Water (Jal)

Rain, river, seas, and oceans all represent water. Water constitutes lives on earth and physical life is not possible without water.

Earth (Prithvi)

Earth is said to be a part of the sun and it provides space to the living and non-living organisms.

Five Elements in Vastu Shastra

The Panch Mahabhutas is closely associated with man and the environment. Going against them would lead to destruction. For example, a place or premise is purchased just after considering the monetary aspect and without paying any attention to its usefulness or harmfulness. Therefore, it is good for the future to consider the dimensions according to the principles of Vastu Shastra. Indeed if the plot is purchased using the principles of Vastu Shastra, Vastu Yantra, House Vaastu, Vastu Direction the all-round growth definitely occurs and the owner gets peace and prosperity. However, if the selection goes wrong, it may lead to health problems and financial losses. Mental peace is definitely assured if someone follows the principles of Vastu Shastra.

Vastu Science in Indian Tradition

The importance and value of Vastu science are well recognized by the people since Vaidic time. During the Vaidic period, any construction including houses, temples, palaces, and recreation halls was built on the ground of Vastu Vidya. Old masons were well versed in fixing the number of girders or beams by the series like Indra, Yama, and Raj, which never ended on Yama. Even today in Indian villages, owners prefer to have east-facing premises. It was the general saying in Indian tradition that if a house receives the first-morning sun rays, it is blessed with prosperity and all-round growth.

Muhurat & Their Significance

In the Vedic system, all the days, dates & time are classified in Muhurtas that provides details about useful and useless impacts of times and periods. Muhurtas decides the time to start any auspicious occasion. For example, the Dev-Shayan period means the period of months when the Deities take their rest and willing to be calm and undisturbed. Therefore, this time is not advised to start the digging of land or construction of buildings. The Muhurat have their own logic. For example, four months of the rainy season are not very comfortable to start with a new construction related project work. In Muhurat, this four months period is thought to be the DEV SHAYAN period. The weather in this period also registers high humidity and heat. Again, only this season brings floods, muddy ways and waterlogging. The brick kilns are not operative during this period too.

Vastu Application for Built-up Areas

Applying Vastu principles is feasible without demolition. There is a general opinion that Vastu correction cannot take place without demolition, but it is not the actual case. One needs not to bring in complete structural changes. Though Vastu application is extremely easy in the planning stage of a project, yet fully constructed buildings can also be modified using the principles of Vaastu.

Vastu for selection of plot

Vastu advice is essential while selecting a plot, be it a residential or a commercial Vastu. The selection of the land is the primary stage, hence it is very crucial. If one gets a Vastu positive plot, he shall be able to enjoy a prosperous life. In a positive Vastu plot, the building is constructed very fast and without any hindrances, whereas the negative plot first takes years to construct, it has multiple litigation and monetary problems and causes a lot of health, wealth, and harmony related problems in the life of the owner. It is none but your Vastu consultant who saves from such indecent happenings.

Vastu For HomeVastu for Main gate

The main gate is known to be the opening of the mouth of a house. The main gate should be located in one of any opening of a SWASTIK or Saatiya (a symbol of Lord Ganesha) made imaginary on the plot. This plays a vital role in Vastu science.

Vastu for entrance door

Quite similar to the main gate in the boundary wall, the entrance door Vastu also plays a vital role in defining the comforts and discomforts of the inmates living in the abode. If the internal doors of each bedroom, kitchen, toilets, store, staircase, etc. shall be in a Vastu-positive area, then all the members shall enjoy good health and career growth in the house. So it is a must to take the Vastu guidelines from a good Vastu adviser who shall define the entry-doors of each room.

Vastu for other internal doors

According to Vastu science, a total number of doors and windows also play a vital part in deciding Vastu factors emphasizing the inlets of positive cosmic vibrations and at the same time – blocking the negative energies. Vastu defines a certain thumb rule to decide the location, direction, size, shape & material for each door. Ignorance of the above confronts the main purpose of Vastu’s benefit.

Vastu for windows

The total number of windows also plays a vital part in deciding Vastu factors emphasizing the inlets of positive cosmic vibrations and at the same time – blocking the negative energies. Similarly, Vastu for windows is also an important topic in Vedic Vastu Shastra because windows are part of a building that can receive various types of energies in the form of air, light, sun rays, freshness & view, etc. Hence it should be decided at the time of making drawings for exterior walls and managing natural light arrangements for each area, especially Pooja place & all the retiring or bedrooms.

Vastu for bedroom

Vastu is a detailed science that speaks about the bedroom of each person living in the house. For example, the seniors should be placed in the Nairutya direction of the house located in the south-west direction. Similarly others should also sleep in their Vastu defined area only.

Vastu for drawing room

This is the key area where the family members pass some time together and discuss various happenings of the day. Not only the above, but this is also the place where all of us re-charge the fuel of life to our body. So if the food shall be positive, we shall have positive health.

Vastu for Pooja room

Pooja place or worship place for home carries the utmost value to define the physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual status of all the inmates living in the abode. We get peace of mind from a positive or Sakaratmak Pooja place.

Vastu for toilets

The toilets should be away from the residence, but in today’s scenario, it has entered our house and gradually set adjacent to our bedrooms. It is a negative vibration part of a house, hence one should be careful while building a toilet in the house. Ensure that it should be in the negative directions of the premises located in southern or western sectors.

Vastu for guest room

We expect the regard and value of our formal and informal society. So we need to arrange the guest room in such a manner that the outsides, our relatives and friends admire us and give us due regard. Not only the above, the guest while staying at our house should remain cheerful, happy, contented, and relaxed at our home. Therefore the guest room should also be made positive with the help of detailed guidelines explained hereafter.

Vastu for kitchen

A kitchen is a place where the source of our life-positive energy is cooked for the whole of the family. The food is cooked well for everyone’s health, then kitchen matters. Its direction, location & internal positioning & placement like Sink, Slab, Gas stove, facing, Fridge, Washing Machine, etc. all are of high importance, says Vastu Consultant Dr. Anand Bhardwaj.

Vastu for Business & Corporate House

Under the title of Vastu for business & corporate house, we shall discuss all the building aspects for better profits and performance. The key result area in Vastu terminology is defined hereunder:-

Vastu for Director’s office

The Director of a corporate house or a business house should be so designed, defined, and placed that he is always in a powerful position than anyone else in the entire business house. He should be placed in the most dominating & strongest area so that he may convince everyone on the premises. So, Vastu defines the most dominating area in the business house. This is a must for the smooth running of the business.

Vastu for main gate

Entrance is the part of building or boundary wall Vastu from which everyone enters and exits. If all the staff members shall enter the premises from a Vastu positive gate, then only we can have optimum performance and make their better use. Human resources are the key factor in the business house or corporate house which may lead the business to extreme heights, but on the other hand, if the HRD is weaker, the results are not fruitful. Therefore it is a must that everyone enters from a positive entrance, defined as per Vastu.

Vastu for entrance door

Similar to the main entrance in the boundary wall, the entrance door Vastu also plays a vital role in defining the comforts and discomforts of the fact as to how to increase business profitability. If the internal doors of each chamber, cubicle, partition, etc. shall be in a Vastu-positive area, then only the output shall be increased. So it is a must to take the Vastu guidelines from a good Vastu adviser who shall define the entry-doors of each room or chamber.

Vastu for windows

The total number of windows also plays a vital part in deciding Vastu factors emphasizing the inlets of positive cosmic vibrations and at the same time – blocking the negative energies. Similarly, Vastu for windows is also an important topic in Vedic Vastu Shastra because windows are part of a building that can receive various types of energies in the form of air, light, sun rays, freshness & view. Hence it should be decided at the time of making drawings for exterior walls and managing natural light arrangements for each area, room, chamber, hall, or cubicle.

The ratio of industrial plot’s length & width

This is a very common term used by the vast consultants that the ratio of length and breadth of a plot puts a long term impact on the people. It should be in a balanced ratio as per Vastu advice. Too long premises are not appreciated as per Vastu. Similarly, too broad plots are also considered to be unbalanced.

Vastu for productivity

If the north-south line of premises receives the positive vibrations, the productivity increases. On the other hand, if there are any negative vibes in the north-east to the southwest, productivity decreases. A perfect Vastu advice comprises all the precautions to retain the sanctity of north-east so that there should be no loss to the business.

Vastu to stop accidents

Vastu says that each workman working on the machine should be so aligned with the directions that he not only produces a good quantity of production but also feels safe, secured, and protected from anything wrong that may impact his personal, family, or financial life. Therefore “Industrial Safety & Health, Act 1948” has defined certain parameters. One should follow them. Along with the above, Vastu defines the proper facing and layout of each machine in terms of its weight, size, function, and productivity. If one follows the Vastu guidelines, the business avoids accidents.

Vastu for stable business

Through ups & down are the uncalculated factors of life, even then every businessman wants the stability factor in his business. It is believed in Vastu science that if a director or CEO is placed in perfectly the most dominant area, his second in command sits in the second most powerful direction and junior & staff are located in their respective third stable area or direction.

Vastu for meeting room

The meeting room is a small or middle-sized chamber, cubicle, or cabin mostly made with see-through material like glass. Here routine small or interdepartmental meetings are held. Normally, if such a cabin is located near the reception area, then it is for outsiders, customers, clients, and other such general meets. In all cases, if this area is built as per Vastu tenets, it receives a positive environment. Not only the above, the company’s representatives and officers have advised the most dominating chairs and outsider is advised to use the comparatively weaker direction so that the outsider may not suppress our representative.

Vastu for machines

Machines are the most important component of an industrial site. Vastu suggestions are always helpful to us in avoiding unwanted breakdowns in the machines. At the same time, it is expected from a perfect & experienced Vastu consultant that he shall chalk out the proper position of each machine being used and be used in the future. The excellent output of machines is expected for good industrial growth. Various machines being used to produce the target items i.e. products. These can be heavy, medium, or light machines. The size and weight are the key factors to be decided while deciding the place or area of those machines in Vastu science

Vastu for commercial sites

This also includes all the precautions, points & areas of attention as mentioned in the heading of Vastu for the corporate house. But in commercial sites like running or controlling of a shopping mall, the main office or site office is of the topmost priority. This office should be so aligned with positive cosmic and telluric vibes that the owner of the site feels delighted while sitting in his chair. Not only the above, but he should also have such confidence that he can command over all the staff and juniors working for him. This is necessary because if the site office is located in the weaker direction as defined in Vastu Shastra, the success shall always carry a question mark. Hence all the precautions are taken care of.

Vastu for factories and industries

As discussed in detail under the title of Vastu for corporate houses, all the precautions should be taken in deciding the factory layout, its machines, raw material, director’s office, pantry, canteen, finishing area, excise bond room, finished goods area, Labour restroom, etc. In fixing up different areas inside the factory the main office of the CEO is of the topmost priority. This office should be so aligned with positive cosmic and telluric vibes that the owner of the factory feels delighted while sitting in his chair. Not only the above, but he should also have such confidence that he can command over all the staff and juniors working for him. This is necessary because the growth of an industry or growth of a factory mainly depends upon the volume of sale. Hence all the precautions are taken care of while deciding different departments including accounts and finance.

Vastu for interiors

Modern architecture needs a lot of effort in making the interior of a house or commercial complex decent. This art concentrates on making the interior so pleasing that the entire area fills with a lot of positive vibes. It should be refreshing, soothing & matching with the kind of business. The texture of the interior should be so attractive that everyone appreciates it. But, at the same time if we have spent a large amount in the interior that looks good but does not promote business. If a bedroom has an interior against the Vastu tenets, it may spoil the health of the inmates. Hence Vastu advisor should be a part of the discussion while deciding upon the layout or drawing of interiors.

Vastu for Map or drawing

Professional architects need a lot of effort in making the layout plan of a house or commercial complex, best suited to the requirement. Not only this, but they also take care to incorporate government bylaws. This art concentrates on making the exterior, interior, and room sizes and location, most handy and practical to use. The setting of all the above in consultation with Vastu tunes the house and inmates so much pleasing that the entire area fills with a lot of positive vibes. It should be refreshing, soothing & matching with the needs and size of the residents. The same case is also with the Vastu for drawing of a commercial complex or a business house. The size, location, and shape of all the rooms and facilities should be so helpful that everyone easily uses and appreciates it. But, at the same time if we have spent a large amount in the building structure that looks good but does not help the family in gaining good health, wealth, and harmony. If a bedroom has an interior against the Vastu tenets, it may spoil the health of the inmates. Hence Vastu advisor should be a part of the discussion while deciding upon the layout or drawing of interiors. In tune with the above, if an office is designed as per Vastu tenets, it shall promote the business.

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