Feng Shui Clearing Negative Energy

Feng Shui Ways to Deal With Negative Energy

There are many feng shui ways to deal with potentially negative energy in your space–both the energy created by human emotions, as well as the negative energy created by specific details in your home structure, such as a ​staircase in the center of the home or a bathroom above the main door.

Here we are exploring the main ways to deal with negative energy created by negative human experiences, as well as by the presence of challenging annual feng shui stars.

  • 01 of 08 Space Clearing  Pam McLean/Getty Images Space clearing basically means clearing the energy of your space of any negative residues that might have accumulated there, either from previous owners or from specific negative experiences in your life. Even though it might sound complicated, space clearing is not hard to do.
  • 02 of 08 Smudging  Geri Lavrov/Getty Images You can do smudging as part of your space clearing procedure, as well as just smudge the space without necessarily going through the whole space clearing ritual. The term smudging is not a feng shui term; it comes from the Native American healing and shamanic traditions of working with energy.
  • 03 of 08 Salt Water Cure  Snap Decision/Getty Images  The feng shui salt water cure is a popular feng shui cure from the traditional or classical school of feng shui, used to neutralize the potentially negative effects of challenging feng shui annual stars in a home or office.
  • 04 of 08 Pi Yao Nongnasit / Getty Images The Pi Yao (Pi Xiu) is the only feng shui cure used in the flying stars school of feng shui to protect against a specific type of negative energy, called the Grand Duke (Tai Sui).
  • 05 of 08 Medicine Buddha GSPictures / Getty Images The Medicine Buddha is, as the name implies, the Healing Buddha. In the traditional paintings (Tibetan thangkas), he is surrounded by various herbs and medicine, with halos of healing energy radiating from his head and body.
  • 06 of 08 Quan Yin Stephen Studd / Getty Images Quan Yin is welcomed in many feng shui applications and is one of the most popular (and sacred) feng shui cures. Due to Quan Yin’s commitment to helping humans, she is approached with any concerns, troubles or worries.
  • 07 of 08 Metal Wind Chimes Cludio Policarpo / EyeEm / Getty Images If you need a strong metal feng shui element in a specific bagua area, a feng shui consultant might recommend a metal wind chime with six strings/bells; six being the feng shui number for Northwest. The best choice would be considered a chime with hollow tubes.
  • 08 of 08 Dzi Beads  Chris Garrett/Getty Images Do you know why the Dzi beads are considered to be a powerful protection amulet in feng shui? Almost all feng shui retailers carry variations of Dzi beads jewelry, so it might be helpful to look at some basic facts about these beads. The word “Dzi” translated from Tibetan means “shine, brightness, clearness, and splendor;” and the Chinese interpretation of “Dzi” is “heaven’s pearls.” Quite powerful for a small bead, isn’t it?

How do I get rid of negative energy in my home?

1. Remove clutter as soon as possible

Yes, there’s a reason you feel so good after you clear off your counter.

Energy remains in objects, especially older objects. And depending on the energy type, they may physically, mentally, emotionally or spiritually block our path forward.

When you hold onto unwanted “stuff,” there is no room for new opportunities to come into your life. So try to make sure that everything you own brings you joy. If it doesn’t… pass it on.

2. Carefully burn some incense

This fragrant smoke has long been a spiritual and meditation practice used to restore life to a dull space. Bonus, it smells delicious, too.

Incense helps elevate energy as its properties create a calm and serene atmosphere. It is best used in a clean home for meditation.

3. Let in a breeze

The first step to moving negative air out of your home involves nature. Open up all your windows, or at least the ones that allow for optimal air to come through. Fresh air helps to move and “air out” any negative energy.

Stagnant energy can be suffocating, so be sure to get the fresh air flowing (and shake out your sheets and pillows, too).

4. Cleanse antiques of negative energy

Antiques are beautiful objects — but they come with their own energetic histories.

To make sure you don’t take on the heavy energy of an antique’s past owner, each item should be individually cleared of negative energy.

Wash items well, maintain them carefully, and give them a new lease on life — so you can enjoy the full extent of their beauty.

5. Remove or repair things that are broken

Keeping broken items in your house is bad feng shui, and sets the tone for what you will accept and tolerate in your own life. 

If an object is irreparable, then it serves no purpose but to exude that it is in a “stuck” or negative state. Instead, look after, clean, and maintain existing, working household items — clothing, plants, furniture — and see the difference it makes to your mood.

6. Smudge your entire home with sage

A popular Native American technique for removing bad energy is lighting sage, then blowing out the flame. The smoke of the burning sage cleanse the air and remove impurities — both literal and metaphorical.

You should always start at the front door and work around the rooms in a clockwise direction. 

After “smudging” the entire home, visualize your intentions for your home as the smoke fills every crevice.

7. Protect your space with crystals

Different crystals hold different energies, and certain crystals are perfect for fending off negative energy.

Black Tourmaline is known to ward off and dissolve negative energy, while Rose Quartz replaces negative emotions and feelings with positive ones.

Try putting these crystals next to electronic appliances to equalize the energy balance. Make sure to cleanse your crystals from time to time of the energy they gather.

8. Spray orange essential oil around your home

This fresh citrus scent will revitalize your home and your senses, clear negative energy, and uplift your mood. 

Just add a couple drops into water or use it as an organic essential oil spray.  

A quick spritz of orange essential oil will help breathe life into previously heavy areas in your home.

9. Rearrange furniture

Change can be hard — but it doesn’t need to be daunting! A good way to freshen up your space is to simply play around with the arrangement of your furniture.

This could be as simple as switching the layout of two armchairs, or it could involve redoing a whole room. Either way, experimenting with rearranging furniture each month will help to give life to your home — and it doesn’t cost a cent.

10. Ring a bell in your room

Audio cues from just one ring of a bell in each corner of the rooms and doorways helps to revive your physical space. 

Use the tone of the bell to focus on getting rid of negative energy — and attracting abundant energy instead.

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