Gluteus Medius Stretch

The gluteus is an easily overlooked muscle. Overlapping with the larger gluteus muscle, the medius makes up the upper and side a part of your butt.

The gluteus is that the muscle liable for abducting the leg (moving it away) from your body.

Taking the time to stretch out this muscle comes with many benefits, including loosening up tight hips.

Tight hips can limit your range of motion and even cause chronic back pain.

By utilizing these gluteus stretches that double as hip openers, you’ll be showing your glutes (and hips!) some love.

Warming up

It’s important to warm up your muscles before stretching them, especially if they’re tight. A stretching session can ask tons of your muscles, like all dynamic exercises.

You may also find it easier to travel deeper in a number of the stretches.

Warmup ideas

You can engage in some light cardio with repetitive movements:

  • jogging
  • walking
  • jumping jacks

Another idea is to stretch soon after taking a hot shower or bath.

It’s never an honest idea to stretch while your muscles are “cold.” By warming up first, it helps prevent against injury or strain.

1. Cross-legged glute stretch

Start with this easy stretch to urge things going. Here’s the way to do it:

  • Sit on the bottom cross-legged, together with your left foot tucked into your right thigh. Your right leg would be ahead of your left shin.
  • With your arms outstretched, gently lean your torso forward over your crossed legs.
  • Hold the stretch for 30 seconds.
  • Repeat the stretch together with your right foot tucked into your left thigh.


If you’d wish to deepen the stretch, lower your body toward your legs even more. you’ll also stretch your arms out farther.

To make this stretch a touch easier, don’t lower down as far. Or use a block to comfortably rest your hands on.


For a deeper stretch within the groin, sit your legs during a butterfly position.

This involves sitting with the soles of your feet pressed together and your knees open on either side, together with your outer thighs reaching toward the bottom .

2. Z-sit

Similar to Pigeon Pose, which is usually recommended to interact the gluteus in stretching, a Z-sit takes tons of the discomfort people can experience in Pigeon Pose, but remains an excellent hip opener.

Here’s the way to do it:

  • Begin by sitting comfortably on the bottom .
  • Bring your left knee to a 90-degree position ahead of your body (as very much like your body allows).
  • Do an equivalent together with your right leg, toward the rear of your body.
  • You can sit upright during this pose or lean your torso forward toward your front leg.
  • Hold the pose for 30 seconds, then repeat on the opposite side.


For this pose, cash in of your breath to maneuver deeper into the stretch.


If you are feeling comfortable with a more advanced option, you’ll always transition into Pigeon Pose.

3. Figure 4 stretch

There are numerous variations to the present stretch, making it an ideal go-to for this muscle. Here’s the way to do it:

figure 4 stretch
  • Begin seated in an upright position together with your spine neutral.
  • Cross your left leg over your right. Rest one hand on your knee and therefore the other on your ankle.
  • Lean your torso forward to an edge that’s comfortable.
  • Hold this position for five breaths.
  • Release your leg back to the starting position, and repeat on the opposite side.


Remember to relax your muscles as you stretch. you would possibly not remember that you’re tensing them.


You can do that exercise within the supine position (lying down). that might be an excellent time to use a strap around your bent or raised leg to help you within the stretch.

You can also make the pose easier by placing your foot on a wall. When doing so, shimmy as comfortably forward to the wall as you’ll , until your hips are directly over your knees.

If you would like to challenge your balance, try standing. Bring your legs into the figure 4 position, then dip your knees down as if you’re sitting in an invisible chair.

4. Standing side bend

standing side bend

This move also will stretch out your upper body. Here’s the way to do it:

  • Using a wall for balance, stand with one side of your body to a wall.
  • Cross your leg farthest from the wall up front of the opposite .
  • Place one hand on the wall and therefore the other on your hip. Then lean your upper body faraway from the wall, and push your hip toward the wall.
  • Hold for 20 to 30 seconds, then repeat on the opposite side.

5. Massage your glutes

glute stretch

Care for your glutes by getting a massage or employing a foam roller to massage the muscles during this area.

To target your gluteus with a foam roller, rotate your lower body slightly to the side and upper a part of your glute while sitting on the froth roller.

If you don’t have a foam roller, you’ll use a tennis or ball .

Benefits for the glutes

Taking the time to stretch out the gluteus can help relieve pain in your:

When the glutes aren’t activated thanks to prolonged inactivity or being overworked, other areas may combat the glutes’ job of stabilizing the hips.

Since tight hips can make sure yoga poses difficult, this may also assist you in your yoga practice.

The takeaway

You use your glutes for just about everything: walking, running, and more. this will easily cause hip tightness.

These stretches make an excellent addition to any cooldown. additionally to stretching out the gluteus , they also help loosen tight hips. This leads to better range of motion and may reduce chronic back pain.

It may also help make sure yoga poses easier.

Just remember, don’t stretch your body too hard too fast. Doing so could lead on to injury.

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