Hanging Bells Feng Shui

Why are Bells so important in Feng Shui? These beautiful decorations promote good energy entering your home through the sound. Every time a bell rings, stagnation is broken. This is why Feng Shui bells are often used after a clearing ritual, to find and break any hidden and blocked energy in a room. Apart from this, bells hold strong meaning and symbols, they can invite good fortune, prosperity and roll in of good news. They all have different meanings and many of them come empowered with the endless red mystic knot, a symbol of endless fortune and love.

You can hang bells from any entrances and with any symbol you want! You can hang a bell from your office door to promote wealth and career luck or from your bedroom door to promote love. Hang one in your entrance and invite great overal fortune!

Bells and wind chimes are some of the most popular feng shui products purchased by homeowners who practice feng shui.

In fact, many homeowners who don’t even believe in feng shui hang bells on strings for the sweet sounds the breeze brings.

It just brings more life to a living space compared to quiet silence.

They are also generally known to be an essential item in space cleansing.

Because of their popularity in households product designers and manufacturers have brought more and more feng shui bells onto the market.

These are basically rustic looking bells tied on strings with carvings or engravings of feng shui symbolism.

The symbols are often words that carry deep meanings or symbols that represent certain aspects of life that are commonly used in the practice of symbolism.

Something to note is that when bells ring, they bring yang energy that strengthens the symbolism that feng shui bell is supposed to enhance.

For example, when bells are designed with artwork of Chinese coins, they represent wealth. So when the wind blows, the idea is that chi carried by the wind would be filled with wealth energy that is charged by the yang energy created by the ringing sounds of the bell.

For this reason they are often hung at the front door or at windows so that they are “activated” whenever the breeze comes in.

They can also frequently be found hanging on door knobs and handles so that they ring when the opens. This also charges the entering Chi with yang energy.

This also implies that the use of feng shui bells should not be for doors entering bedrooms as these are living spaces that are meant to be more yin than yang.

Some other popular symbols designed on bells include:

  1. Dragon
  2. Phoenix
  3. Fish
  4. Elephant
  5. etc

The best places to hang bells on strings is at the entry point of energy into the house like doors and windows.

They would have the biggest potency in areas of Sheng Chi or where a favorable water star is located.

On the other hand, if you hang them at the wrong places, they can activate unfavorable stars that cause bad luck to the household as well.

For example, if you have one at a sector of the house where the 5 yellow is, the misfortune star is awakened each time the wind bell rings. This is only going to be bad for the luck of the household.

So do be careful with where you hang them in the house.

Outdoors, placement can be at deck or patio areas with little negative effects… other than the occasional annoying melodies when a storm is approaching.

Most popular symbols featured in bells:

  1. Double Carp Fish for wealth and fortune
  2. Elephant for strength, protection of the home and general luck
  3. Buddha for protection, harmony, and calmness
  4. Dragon & Phoenix for marital happiness is the yin-yang balance to harvest successful matrimonial bliss.
  5. The dragon symbolizes wealth, power, and abundance of opportunities. Symbol of strong Yang energy

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