Herbal Plants For Paralysis

Paralysis is the loss of the ability of one or more muscles to move, due to disruption of signaling between the nervous system and muscles. The most common causes of paralysis are stroke, head injury, spinal cord injury (SCI) and multiple sclerosis. The search for cure of paralysis is yet to be found. Many ethnobotanical surveys have reported the use of medicinal plants by various ethnic communities in treating and curing paralysis. The present review discusses the use of medicinal plants in India for ameliorating and curing paralytic conditions, as well as discuses some of the important developments in future possible applications of medicinal plants in treatment of paralysis. This review reports the use of 37 medicinal plants for their application and cure of ailments related to paralysis. Out of the 37 plants documented, 11 plants have been reported for their ability to cure paralysis. However, the information on the documented plants were mostly found to be inadequate, requiring proper authentication with respect to their specificity, dosage, contradictions etc. It is found that despite the claims presented in many ethnobotanical surveys, the laboratory analysis of these plants remain untouched. It is believed that with deeper intervention on analysis of bioactive compounds present in these plants used by ethic traditional healers for paralysis, many potential therapeutic compounds can be isolated for this particular ailment in the near future.

Synthetic drugs for human brain disorders are expensive symptomatic long treatments, sometimes showing serious and unavoidable side effects with poor patient compliance. Therefore, the herbal and Ayurvedic treatments are preferred over synthetic drugs for a range of human brain disorders including, Alzheimer’s disease, Parkinson’s disease, depression, epilepsy, schizophrenia, anxiety, etc. Ayurvedic system of medicine has traditionally been used in several neurological conditions. The accessibility, negligible incidence of side effects and cost effectiveness of plant products offer considerable advantages. These days much attention is drawn towards the established traditional systems of herbal remedies for many brain disorders, generating positive hopes for the patients. It is estimated that more than 60 million Indian populations suffers from mental disorders while the country lags far behind the world for treatments and spending in the hospitals for mental cure. Nearly 1-2% Indians suffered from schizophrenia and bipolar disorder whereas 5% population showed common mental disorders like depression, anxiety, convulsion, etc. The term mental disease is not restricted to mean insanity and allied conditions of mental derangement but also includes, to a certain extent, the emotional disorders. When emotional factors cross the state of normalcy, one gets deranged to show the syndromes of mental disorder, very often. With the current alarming situation, it is high time to look back to the ancient Indian Ayurvedic system of medicine wherein a number of plants have been described for specific uses for a range of mental disorders, including migraine, epilepsy, convulsion, hysteria, paralysis, memory loss (Alzheimer’s), insomnia, anxiety, Parkinson’s disease, insanity, depression, etc. The Ayurvedic prescriptions which contain either a single identity of plant or a mixture of plant materials have been proven to be very useful against such disorders. The plant materials prescribed for these problems range from herbs to perennial trees with varied plant parts, ranging from whole plant, roots, stem, bark, leaves, flowers, fruits to seeds. The chemical structure of the major compounds from these plants range from straight chain fatty acids to terpenoids, steroids, flavonoids, alkaloids, peptides, etc. It has been attempted to review the current situation of mental disorder in the society vis-a-vis its effective solution described in the Ayurveda and problem of side effects in synthetic medicines.

Home remedies for Paralysis to immediately cure.

Paralysis is referred to as loss of capability to move muscles. It is a condition in which the muscles do not move properly or work, this is called Muscle function loss. It can affect any part of the body. It often includes loss of feeling in the affected area. It may be temporary or permanent, partially or complete , localized(specific area) or generalized(widespread).

Types of Paralysis

Monoplegia, in which only one limb & dash; hand or leg ‐ is affected

Diplegia, in which both the limbs are affected .

Paraplegia, in which both the trunk and the legs are affected

Hemiplegia, in which only one side of the body is affected

Quadriplegia, in which the trunk and all the four limbs are affected

There are many conditions that can lead to paralysis. When the nerve cells become injured or diseased, then they cause paralysis. Following are the possible causes –

1.Mustard Oil

Mustard Oil is very effective in curing paralysis. Apply Mustard oil on the affected part of the body. You can also use Ghee in place of mustard oil.


Anulom Vilom Asana has very positive results in paralysis. Practice it continuously for 1 hour and you will see the immediate results as well. It is the best way to cure Paralysis. It has the ability to cure paralysis within 2 weeks. Kapalbhati, Ujjai Pranayama are also very effective.


Press the ring finger upper part to get relief in paralysis. If paralysis is on left side. Press left ring finger and vice versa.


Garlic is also another effective home remedy to cure paralysis. Take 5 to 6 pieces of Garlic and grind them. Now add two spoons of honey in it. Now take this mixture daily and within two months, you can get relief from paralysis. Also boil 5–6 pieces of garlic in the milk and take them on daily. This will control your blood pressure as well as affected part will also become alive.

Kalonji Oil (Nigella Sativa Oil )

In this method lukewarm the Kalonji oil and massage it lightly on the affected part of the body. Also take two to three spoons of Kalonji Oil on daily. Within 30–45 days you will see the positive change in the conduction.

Black Pepper (Kali mirch )

It is another effective way to cure paralysis. In this method take 50–60 grams of black pepper and cook it in the 250 ml Mustard Oil. Now lukewarm this cooked oil and apply it gently on the affected part. This will provide you relief in short period of time.


Ginger is very useful in curing paralysis. Take 5 gram of Grinned ginger along with 10 grams of Urad Dal (split black gram). Now, cook it in 50 grams of mustard oil for 10 minutes. Also add 2 grams of powdered camphor in it. Now use this mix oil to massage gently on the affected area. You will experience the surprising relief within few days. This oil is also beneficial in Arthritis.

paralysis are two symptoms that can happen following a stroke leading to loss of movement, intense discomfort and loss of normal mode of living. These conditions can last from months to years and even till death whenever it may be. We describe here the formulation of a folk medicinal practitioner who treats stroke-induced pain and paralysis. Several patients who have undergone the treatment reported almost complete to complete recovery. Essentially the formulation consists of juice of leaves or fruits of Datura metel L.(Solanaceae) mixed with lime water and kerosene, which is topically applied several times daily on the paralyzed and painful areas. Cure was observed to be effected within a period of two to three months. A critical evaluation is conducted on the possible scientific efficacy of the formulation.Keywords:folk medicine, stroke, paralysis, pain, BangladeshIntroductionAccording to the American Heart Association and American Stroke Association, “a stroke occurs when a blood vessel that carries oxygen and nutrients to the brain either bursts, ruptures or is blocked by a clot” [1], resulting in death of pieces of the brain. After a stroke, around 30% of the survivors experience pain among which can be spastic and contractual, shoulder pain or headaches [2]. Stroke can cause hemiplegia (paralysis on one side of the body caused by brain damage, or hemispheres (weakness or partial paralysis on one side of the body caused by brain damage) [3]. Pain and paralysis can be serious debilitating conditions requiring long-term treatment (paralysis may also be permanent), which may not be both available and affordable to the vast majority of the people of developing countries like Bangladesh.Folk medicinal practices have been in existence in Bangladesh from time immemorial. Anecdotal evidence indicates that while most of the literate city dwellers dismiss folk medicinal practitioners (FMs) and their practices as ‘not scientific’ or ‘lacking validity’, yet it is true that when modernization medicine fails such people either visit FMPs or religious healers. Among villagers and the urban poor, FMPs are regarded as another form of traditional medicinal practitioners like Ayurveda or Unani system practitioners. In our various surveys among folk and tribal medicinal practitioners of Bangladesh (The main difference between the two groups is that FMPs practice among the mainstream population, while tribal practitioners practice among their individual tribes) [4-21], We have observed that the FMPs treat a whole gamut of diseases using mostly plant-based medicines, and a number of these diseases are unrepeatable with allopathic medications. The objective of the present study was to document the treatment formulation of a FMP who claimed to be able to cure stroke-induced pain and paralysis and to evaluate any scientific efficacy of the FMP formulation. Stroke is the third leading cause of death and serious long-term disability in USA with around 800,000 people suffering strokes every year. Stroke is also the third leading cause of death in Bangladesh [22]. As such, it is necessary to explore all possibilities to mitigate the physical and financial consequences of stroke.

3 Comments Add yours

  1. Emmanuel Kofi Vorleto says:

    Very much impressed, i wish to keep having your update all the time.

    1. shaktilogin says:

      Thank You Emmanuel for your inspiring comment, Surely we will update more on this topic.

  2. Emmanuel Kofi Vorleto says:

    Thank you , i wish to be update always

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