Mandukasana and Their Benefits


The word Mandukasana has been derived from the Sanskrit word मंडूकासन. It consists of two words mandu and asana. The meaning of Marduk is Frog and asana is showing a yoga posture. In the final stage, the asana seems to like a frog, hence the name. It is one of the important yoga poses to give appropriate massage to the abdominal organs. It is helpful to make your stomach flat by burning the extra fats from the belly.

How to do frog pose

The simple steps to do Mandukasna are given below. By following this technique, one can perform Mandukasna even oneself.

  1. Sit in Vajrasana.
  2. Now, make fists where thumbs should be inside.
  3. Put the fists at the naval region.
  4. Inhale deeply.
  5. Exhale bend forward and put maximum pressure on the naval area.
  6. While bending forward, your chest should touch your thigh and see ahead with open eyes just like a frog.
  7. Maintain the pose as long as you can do.
  8. Inhale-exhale slowing while maintaining the pose.
  9. Come to Vajrasana with deep inhale.
  10. Perform it 3 to 5 times.

Baba Ramdev frog pose yoga(Mandukasana)

There are two practices to perform Mandukasana by Baba Ramdev. The first practice is just like the above-mentioned one. The second technique he used to perform Mandukasna is as below:

  1. Sit in Vajrasana
  2. Put your left palm on your navel area and the right palm over the left one.
  3. Inhale deeply.
  4. Exhale and bend forward and take suitable stretch on your naval region through your palms.
  5. Hold the pose as long as you can with slow inhaling and exhaling.
  6. Come to Vajrasana with deep inhale.

Health benefits of frog pose

  1. It massages the entire abdominal organs. Thus, good for the smooth functioning of these organs.
  2. It controls weight. Thus effective for those who are longing for weight loss and making the stomach flat.
  3. It is beneficial in case of constipation and indigestion.
  4. It is helpful to release unwanted gases from the stomach thus making you feel relaxed and calm.
  5. It helps to control diabetes by stimulating the pancreas.
  6. Dislocated naval can be corrected by performing this asana.
  7. It should be practiced by those who have asthmatic conditions.
  8. It strengthens the back if practice technically right.
  9.  It is good for chest and shoulders.
  10. Regular practicing the asana is helpful to minimize the impact of menstrual cramps.
  11. It can be practiced to relieve stress, anxiety, and depression.
  12. In traditional texts, it has also been said that the asana helps to the awakening of Kundalini.

Precautions of frog pose

Some of the contraindications, cautions and side effects of frog pose are given below:

  • It shouldn’t be performed by those who have a backache
  • It shouldn’t be practiced who has an ulcer.
  • Knee pain patients should avoid it.
  • Don’t put a maximum stretch on your stomach; try to maintain the pose for a longer period of time.
  • Avoid if having ankle injuries.
  • High blood pressure
  • Insomnia
  • Migraine

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