Mirror in Room Feng Shui

In Feng Shui, mirrors have many unique abilities. It can double or multiply the energy of an area. It can reflect incoming energy. It can also disperse the incoming energy to its surroundings.

Because of these abilities, mirrors should be used very carefully. Sometimes, water features and other objects should be treated the same way because they have similar reflective properties.

In this article, I will go through some basic mirror Feng Shui tips and rules as they relate to each room and area in your house. Towards the end, you will learn some rules and tips about Feng Shui Bagua mirrors. After reading this article, you will know the best and worst places to place mirrors and their reasons why.

Dining Room

1. Dining Room Most Suitable for Mirrors

The wealth area of a house can be hard to find, but one’s wealth “vault” is easy to identify. The dining room represents this “vault”. It represents one’s capacity to hold wealth.

With those said, the MOST suitable place for mirrors is your dining room. It increases the size of your vault and your ability to hold wealth. Think of this as the size of your purse and how much money you can put in.

The dining room, however, is NOT to be confused with wealth areas. Nor is placing mirrors here considered a Feng Shui wealth setup. To make myself abundantly clear, placing a mirror in the dining room does NOT improve your ability to attract wealth.

2. Careful with Mirror Facing Window

Although the dining room is most suitable for mirrors, where to place them needs a little attention. This is because the mirror can bring anything from the outside into the house.

According to Feng Shui Expert Gayle Smith, placing a mirror can bring in the outside, which is a good thing. However, this is NOT recommended if there are any sort of bad “Forms” outside the window because the mirror can bring those negative energies inside.. These “Forms” can include an electric pole, pipes, electric wires, and others.

Also, some experts claim that the mirror will attract scandals into your life if it is reflecting any sort of water features from the outside, such as a fountain or lake.


3. Kitchen is NOT Suitable for Mirrors

The kitchen has negative Feng Shui energies, and that’s the main reason why Feng Shui doesn’t like mirrors in the kitchen. If mirrors can double the energy of an area, then a mirror in the kitchen will amplify the negative energies brought by the kitchen.

That is also true based on the lucky and unlucky areas of a person’s Kua number. If the kitchen is in a lucky area, the auspicious energies will be suppressed even more when the mirror amplifies the kitchen’s negative energies. If the kitchen is in an “unlucky” area, the mirror can amplify both the negative energies brought by cooking activities and by your unlucky area.

4. Mirror Facing Stove Creates Yin Yang Imbalance

Kitchen stoves bring extremely strong energies of Yang fire. This applies to all kinds of stoves, such as those powered by natural gas or by electricity. All of them bring energies in the form of light and heat.

With a mirror facing the stove, the fire element and the Yang energies would increase greatly. As a result, the Yin and Yang balance in the house can shift, and you may find that the house is not as comfortable as it once was.

This rule applies to mirrors not just in the kitchen, but also to living areas where mirrors can reflect the kitchen stove.

5. Mirror Facing Stove for Those that Cook with Door at their Back

I’ve read on various Feng Shui websites that mirror behind the stove is suitable for those who cook with their back facing a door. The reason is that the cook would easily know who’s entering or leaving the kitchen.

To me, this suggestion is not really about Feng Shui. However, this does seem like a practical tip, especially for those working in restaurants. The cook can easily get the attention of waiters and waitresses as they enter and leave the kitchen.

Restroom and Bathroom

6. Remove Mirrors that Face the Bathroom Door

These are mirrors located anywhere within the house that face towards your restroom or bathroom door.

Restrooms and bathrooms are said to produce negative Qi because that’s where we rid ourselves of our wastes. With a mirror facing those rooms, those negative Qi have a chance to grow and disperse to other places within the house.

7. Mirror Facing Toilet Spreads Negative Qi

Toilet is said to produce negative Qi because of its purpose. If a mirror is facing the toilet, it is said that this negative energy can be strengthened and dispersed. Amplifying negative energy is not a good idea, even if it can be used to suppress other negative energies.

Besides, having a mirror facing the toilet can feel a little weird for some people. This person’s hilarious feedback captures just how we feel if we were using a toilet like that.


8. Mirror Facing Bed Brings Sleep Problems

Mirrors are quite common in modern bedrooms. Generally, having mirrors in bedroom are not a bad thing. There is just one thing: the mirror shouldn’t face the bed.

But why? Some experts say that mirror facing bed causes bad dreams and restless nights. Others say that it can bring a third party to your relationship and even tendencies of soul-stealing. I have written a whole article about this and you can read it here.

Living Room

9. Living Room Generally Not Suitable for Mirrors

As mentioned earlier, the best place for mirrors is the dining room. As for the living room Feng Shui, the information I got was mixed. Some like it, and some don’t.

Some say that mirror placement in living room makes parties and gatherings more festive because it feels as if the amount of people have doubled. However, others are concerned about the mirror amplifying the energy brought by the guests, especially those with negative energies.

Personally, I wouldn’t put a mirror in the living room because it’s distracting. Even if you place it to reflect a scenery outside your window, that view can only be seen from a certain angle in the living room. Why not place a painting instead?

10. Don’t Hang Mirror Behind Sofa

Just like the bed, the back of the sofa should be placed against a wall for a sense of security. Some say that if a mirror is placed on the wall behind the sofa, that sense of security is lost. The same was said for the mirror placed on the wall behind the bed.

I have my doubts on this reasoning, although there is the concern of the mirror falling on your head in case of earthquakes. Other than that, I don’t think there’s anything wrong with placing it behind the sofa as long as it abides to all the other rules mentioned here.

Foyer and Front Door

11. Mirror Facing the Front Door Causes Instability

Some people like placing a mirror close to the front door or foyer for convenience. They have a final chance to take care of how they look before they leave the house.

There’s nothing wrong with having a mirror at the foyer or close to the front door. However, almost all experts agree that having a mirror facing the front door is just bad Feng Shui, and their reasons vary.

Some say that the Qi entering the house will be reflected and repelled right out the door. Others have said that the Qi would enter the house but would somehow be stuck there (and not circulate into the house for the benefit of the occupant). But of course, you can have the mirror placed on the side. Just make sure it’s not directly facing the front door.

12. Mirror can Expand the Look and Feel of Your Foyer

From earlier, you know that having a mirror in the foyer area is fine, just that it shouldn’t be facing the front door.

If your front door area or foyer is small, such as having a long narrow entrance, you can try hanging a mirror on the side that suit the swing of the door to make the space feel bigger. Here’s more information from Uncle Dixer on making the space of your front door area feel wider.

Others Living Areas

13. Good for Hallways but Not at Its End

Mirrors in hallways can get a little confusing.

Some say placing the mirror at the end of the hallway symbolizes “stay away” and can lead you to make mistakes and bring frustration. Others say that mirrors placed at hallways can help slow down the Qi energy as it moves through your home.

The key here is to make sure how the mirror is placed. Do place it along the two side-walls of the hallway but not at its end. Also, make sure that those mirrors on the side-walls don’t face each other.

14. Narrow Staircases Can Use Mirrors

Narrow staircases are said to diminish fortune and abundance. In those situations, you can insert a mirror at the landing area because it can help widen the staircase. Also, if the staircase can benefit from the water element, adding a mirror would help too. However, some others think that placing mirrors in staircases has the effect of “cutting” Qi and is not recommended.

Though all those sayings have their merits, I do think it is fine to place small mirrors at narrow staircases. If it were me, however, I would place some objects other than mirrors, such as scenic paintings. But that is just personal preference, because mirrors can get quite creepy for me.

15. Mirrors Should NOT Face the Desk

I’ve read from multiple sources that mirror facing the desk will work against you. That is because the mirror tends to “double your workload”. Others just say that it’ll distract you from work.

I don’t think that mirror facing the desk will actually “double” your workload. However, I do agree that it is distracting and can bring more stress. With a mirror facing your desk, you’ll see the reflection of the work that needs to be done instead of looking at something else – whatever the mirror is covering. You’ll be constantly reminded of work, which can definitely bring a great deal of stress to you.

That said, there are sayings that you should place a mirror so you can see the door when you sit on your desk. This only applies when you can’t place your desk in the command position (similar to the bed’s command position). Whether this is necessary is entirely up to you.

Feng Shui Bagua Mirror Placements

Traditionally, there are two different types of Bagua with three different types of mirrors.

The two Bagua’s are the Early Heaven Sequence and the Later Heaven Sequence. Most of the Bagua mirrors out there are of the Early Heaven Sequence.

However, there are Bagua mirrors that use the Later Heaven Sequence. Here’s one I found on Aliexpress.com:

Aside from different Bagua, there’s also concave, convex, and flat mirrors. Each of them have different rules and uses. I have briefly outlined them here.

16. Bagua Mirrors Should NOT Be Placed Indoors

Let me repeat: Bagua mirrors should be placed outdoors only. The Bagua Mirrors are powerful, and almost all experts agree that it shouldn’t be placed inside your home (except for extremely unique circumstances). The most common place for Bagua mirrors is right above the front door.

In general, the Bagua mirror is mainly used to block the negative energies from the outside. These are mostly energies that has ‘Form’. Meaning, if there’s a light-post right outside your front door, a Bagua mirror can be used. However, according to Feng Shui expert Rodika Tchi and many other masters, it’s best to use a Bagua mirror only when it’s recommended by a professional.

17. Traditionally, Early and Later Heaven Bagua Sequence Matters

This is where modernization and commercialism has taken a toll on Feng Shui.

Most Feng Shui tips out there fail to mention the difference between Early and Later Heaven Sequence. There is a difference between the two.

The Early Heaven sequence should be used with a concave mirror. The Later Heaven sequence should be used with a convex mirror. Both have their different uses, as you will see in the following tips. (To Feng Shui Masters that are reading this, correct me if I’m wrong by commenting below.)

However, most Bagua mirror manufacturers don’t pay attention to this. Further, most layman can’t really see the difference. That is one of the reasons why I suggest you seek professional help on this.

18. Concave Bagua Mirrors Absorb and Neutralize

Concaved mirrors are mirrors that’s curved inward. It’s reflection is up-side down.

Most experts agree that these mirrors have the ability to absorb bad Qi from the outside. Others have said that these types of mirrors, when used with the Early Heaven sequence, can be used to absorb good Qi.

19. Convex Bagua Mirrors Reflect Negative Qi Away

Convex mirrors are mirrors that are curved outward. When looking inside this mirror, you have a greater vision of your surroundings. It’s the same type of mirror some drivers use to attach onto their automobile’s side mirrors.

Convex mirrors are said to reflect and redirect those negative Qi away. Sometimes, it can go to other people’s house, so this method is not the most ethical way of using Bagua mirrors.

20. Flat Bagua Mirrors have the Most Neutral Use

The flat mirror is said to be most neutral and popular. According to Feng Shui Consultant Terri Perrin, the flat mirror can protect you by deflecting bad energy away and invites positive energy. So if you are not sure which type of mirror to use, some recommend that you use the flat Bagua mirror.

However, I do not think flat Bagua mirrors were used in traditional Feng Shui (I could be wrong). It could be just a modern fad. Again, I suggest that you refer to your trusted Feng Shui consultant for advice.

21. Final Tip: Objects with Reflective Properties are Considered Mirrors

Objects that have reflective textures can also be treated like mirrors. These objects include metallic objects, fish tanks and aquariums, and glass surface of old-school tube televisions.

That is why some experts say that televisions are not suitable for the bedroom. In addition to its EMF that can impact our sleep, it has the effect of mirror facing the bed, which is a big NO in Feng Shui.


In terms of Feng Shui, mirrors are great for the dining room and good for narrow stairways and hallways. However, where to place them is critical. For example, mirrors in the dining room shouldn’t face the kitchen stove or the window, and mirror should not face each other in long hallways.

As for other places, it is best not to place mirrors unless advised by your trusted Feng Shui consultant. This is especially true for Bagua mirrors, where it is essential that you get professional advise instead of doing it yourself.

What was your experience with mirrors at home or at another person’s home? Does it sometimes creep you out like it does to me? Share your experience with us using the comment below!

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