Shamatha Meditation

How to Practice Shamatha Meditation

Shamatha means “peaceful abiding” or “tranquility.” Also called mindfulness or concentration meditation, shamatha is an important introductory practice that leads to the practice of vipashyana, or insight meditation.

The purpose of shamatha meditation is to stabilize the mind by cultivating a steady awareness of the object of meditation. The traditional practice of shamatha uses different kinds of supports or anchors for our practice. Eventually, this leads to practicing without supports and meditating on emptiness itself in an open awareness. For this particular practice, the instructions will be for shamatha meditation using the breath as the focus of our practice.

Shamatha meditation allows us to experience our mind as it is. When we practice shamatha, we are able to see that our mind is full of thoughts, some conducive to our happiness and further realization, and others not. It is not extraordinary that our minds are full of thoughts, and it is important to understand that it is natural to have so much happening in the mind.

Over time, practicing shamatha meditation calms our thoughts and emotions. We experience tranquility of mind and calmly abide with our thoughts as they are. Eventually, this leads to a decrease in unhelpful thoughts.

When we experience stable awareness, we are then ready to practice vipashyana, in which we develop insight into what “mind” is by investigating the nature of thoughts themselves. In the Vajrayana tradition of Buddhism, the ultimate goal is to practice calm abiding and insight in union, which opens the door to realizing the true nature of mind.

Traditionally, shamatha practice is taught through instructions on the physical body and then looking at the meditation instructions themselves

The Seven-Point Posture

The seven-point posture of Vairochana is an ancient set of posture points that are said to align the physical body with our energetic body. The posture has been practiced for thousands of years by Hindu and Buddhist yogis. The seven points are:

  1. Sit cross-legged.
  2. Hands in lap or on knees.
  3. Have a straight back.
  4. Widen the shoulders to open the heart center.
  5. Lower the chin.
  6. Open mouth slightly with the tongue resting on the roof of the mouth.
  7. Eyes open, gazing about four finger widths past the tip of nose.

A Body-Sensitive Posture

We all have different bodies and capabilities. It is important to adjust this demanding traditional posture to meet the needs of our own bodies, and not struggle to adapt our bodies to the posture. What is most important in terms of body posture is keeping the back and spine as straight as possible and remaining comfortable. So the seven points of a more body-sensitive posture could be:

  1. Sit on a cushion or a chair, stand, or lie down.
  2. Arrange your hands in any way that is comfortable.
  3. Hold your back as straight as possible.
  4. Keep your shoulders relaxed and chest open.
  5. Hold your head at whatever level is comfortable.
  6. Keep your lower jaw slightly open.
  7. Keep the eyes closed or open.

The Meditation

There are many kinds of breath meditations. Some have been written down, while others have only been transmitted orally from teacher to student. The following is a basic breath meditation from the Vajrayana tradition:

  1. Adjust the body into a comfortable position, and start the practice by becoming aware of your breath. Notice the inhalation and exhalation.
  2. As you notice the breath, continue to let go of thoughts as they arise. Each time you are distracted by clinging to a thought, return to the breath. Keep doing this over and over again.
  3. Eventually, as you exhale, become aware of your breath escaping and dissolving into space. Experience the same thing with the inhalation.
  4. Slowing down, begin to allow your awareness to mix into open space with the breath on both the inhale and exhale.
  5. To deepen the practice, begin to hold the breath after the inhalation for a few seconds before exhaling. By doing this, you are splitting the breath into three parts: inhalation, holding, and exhalation. Keep doing this.
  6. As you inhale, begin to chant om to yourself. As you hold, chant ah. As you exhale, chant hung. Chanting these sacred syllables helps to further support awareness and is believed to purify our minds.
  7. As you continue with exhalation, relax more. Continue awareness practice, letting go of thoughts and returning to the breath. Do this for as long as you can.

Shamatha (a Sanskrit word that means “peaceful abiding” or “tranquility”) meditation is the foundation of Buddhist practice, however, similar practices can be found in traditions around the world, and you don’t have to have any religious or philosophical beliefs to practice it. The purpose of shamatha meditation is simply to stabilize the mind by cultivating a steady awareness of the object of meditation. It is also commonly referred to as mindfulness or concentration meditation.

The traditional practice of shamatha uses different objects as the focus of practice, and eventually, continued practice leads to practicing without an object of support, which allows one to meditate on emptiness itself in a relaxed and open awareness.

But for this particular practice, the instructions will be for shamatha meditation using the breath as the focus of our practice. Shamatha is the foundation of Buddhist meditation practice because it stabilizes the mind, and it isn’t until the mind is quiet that we can really relax in the open awareness of our true nature.

Shamatha mediation allows us to experience our mind as it is. When we practice shamatha, we are able to see that our mind is full of thoughts, some conducive to our happiness and realization, and others that are not. It is not unusual that our minds are full of thoughts, and it is important to understand that it is natural to have so much happening in the mind.

Over time, practicing shamatha meditation calms our thoughts and emotions. We experience tranquility of mind and calmly abide with our thoughts as they are. Eventually, this leads to a decrease in unhelpful thoughts, and an ability to relax with our experience as it is, whether that involves thoughts or no thoughts.

Shamatha is a style of meditation that is simple.

The point of it is to free ourselves from delusion. We dwell in delusion all the time, but as long as we understand that and cultivate discipline, shamatha can help us transform ourselves.

It’s about being here now.

Shamatha meditation is based on bringing stability and awareness to our body, speech and mind. We want to have mindfulness of physical experience, mindfulness of emotions and mindfulness of discursive thoughts.

To free ourselves from delusion we practice—we sit and meditate. Through meditation we develop a state of awareness, both when we’re meditating and off the cushion in daily life.

In shamatha we are just dwelling in mindfulness—noticing the things that come up in our minds and letting them go. We are engaging in one pointed awareness. Mindfulness manifests in us in a sense that we are actually present in what we’re doing. We train our minds to allow thoughts to just pass through instead of attaching to them.

Being here without preconceptions or discursive thoughts or daydreams is possible.

Meditation is about training our minds to experience reality directly. In this practice we are following the Buddha’s example just as he did. It’s important to remember that he was a regular person just like us, not a god or a spirit.

We want our approach to this practice to be as direct as possible.

Our sense of discipline in the practice isn’t really about how long we sit, but how involved we are in sitting. In shamatha practice we want our body, speech and mind to be 100% involved in what we’re doing.

In  mindfulness we are noticing the breath and a sense of openness manifests if we just pay attention to our breathing. Shamatha is about making things more simple.

Following the breath is the most simple thing that we can possibly do.


Set a timer. You want to set a time for your sit, rather than just sit until you feel like getting up.

Sit and arrange yourself. Posture is important. Your head and shoulders need to be straight and uplifted. Keep your back straight and never slouch, because when we slouch we start to lose our awareness.

Sitting upright helps our back be free of strain and helps us avoid sleepiness. Sit with your legs either in the half lotus or just the cross-legged position. Relax your eyes. Don’t focus on anything.

Put your hands in either the cosmic mudra or the relaxing mind mudra. The cosmic mudra consists of placing on hand on top of the other, face up. Gently touch your thumbs together, making a circle. The relaxing mind mudra consists of simply resting your hands on your knees.

Feel the cushion beneath you and make yourself as comfortable as possible. Feel yourself breathing. Keep your mouth slightly open, so you’re breathing through both your nose and your mouth.

Feel the breath coming into and going out of your body.

As we pay attention to the in breath and the out breath, we can feel our awareness expand. Every time a stray thought or distraction comes into your mind, bring your attention back to your breathing. Simply bring your attention back to your sensation of breathing every time a thought comes into your mind.

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