What Is pi yao pi xiu

Pixiu ( pixie; P’i-hsiu), is a Chinese mythical hybrid creature, commonly (but incorrectly) referred to in the West by the Greek word “chimera”, and considered a powerful protector of practitioners of Feng Shui. It resembles a strong, winged lion. Pixiu is an earth and sea variation, particularly an influential and auspicious creature for wealth. It is said to have a voracious appetite towards only gold, silver and jewels. Therefore, traditionally to the Chinese, Pixiu have always been regarded as auspicious creatures that possessed mystical powers capable of drawing Cai Qi wealth) from all directions.Because of this, according to Chinese zodiac, it is especially helpful for those who are going through a bad year.

There are two different types of Pixiu, a male and a female. The physical difference is seen by their antlers. The one with two antlers is the female of the species and is called a “Bìxié”  and the one with one antler is the male of the species and is called a “Tiān lù”.

  • Bìxié ( bìxié; pi-hosier; lit. “to ward off evil spirits”) – The female of the species; wards off evil. It is also believed that Bìxié has the ability of assisting anyone who is suffering from bad Feng Shui that is due to having offended the Grand Duke Jupiter (also called Tai sui ).
  • Tiān lù ( tiānlù; lenient-lu) – The male of the species; in charge of wealth. Tiān lù is said to go out into the world in search of gold and other forms of wealth and, bringing it home to its Master, the Bìxié is then said to hold onto it, guarding it within the home of the Master. Displaying Tiān lù at home or in the office is said to prevent wealth from flowing away.

Pixiu crave the smell of gold and silver and like to bring their masters money in their mouth. Statues of this creature are often used to attract wealth in feng shui.

Today, Pixiu are also a popular design on jade pendants. It was also featured as a design on the sword of Fa Mulan’s character in the 1998 Disney animated feature Mulan.

Use of Pi Yao (Pi Xiu) for Good Feng Shui

Not many feng shui enthusiasts are familiar with the use of Pi Yao, or Pi Xiu. This does not make the Pi Yao less powerful, though. In fact, the Pi Yao (Pi Xiu) is the only feng shui cure used in the flying stars school of feng shui to protect against a specific type of negative energy, called the Grand Duke (Tai Sui).

If you are following the annual feng shui updates, you can check the best area to position the Pi Yao (Pi Xiu) for protective feng shui energy this year. Not only is Pi Yao (Pi Xiu) the most powerful protective feng shui cure against the Grand Duke (a flying stars school term), it is also a good feng shui cure to attract wealth. To a feng shui beginner, a Pi Xiu can look similar to a Fu Dog, as well as to a Chi Lin. Just like the Chi Lin, the Pi Yao (Pi Xiu) can be used either alone or in pairs.

As with most traditional Chinese feng shui cures, the roots of the Pi Xiu (Pi Yao) symbol lie deep in Chinese mythology. With the fierce look of a winged lion, the mythical Pi Xiu can ward off evil spirits and protect anyone from harm.

The Pi Yao is considered to be loyal and obedient, which makes him a very popular personal protector in traditional feng shui. This is the reason why you can find so many amulets with Pi Yao (Pi Xiu), be it bracelets, keychains or other accessories.

Pi Yao (Pi Xiu) has a voracious appetite that seems to have no end; this makes him a symbol of good fortune and prosperity. The display of a Pi Yao (Pi Xiu) statue in business is considered a good luck feng shui cure to attract a never-ending flow of money.

How is Pi Yao (Pi Xiu) used for the best feng shui?

  • The first use of Pi Yao in the classical feng shui applications is as a protective cure against the negative energy of the Grand Duke (Tai Sui). The right positioning of the Pi Yao (Pi Xiu) is in the bagua direction opposite the area affected by the Grand Duke presence. For example, in 2012 the Tai Sui energy was in the Southeast area, so the Pi Yao was placed in the Northwest bagua area facing Southeast.
  • A Metal Pi Yao (Pi Xiu) is also used as a potent feng shui cure for two other negative energies as per flying star feng shui school – the annual stars #2 and #5. A Metal Pi Yao (Pi Xiu) statue works best for this specific feng shui application. Find out the current location of the annual star #2 and star #5 and see if a Pi Yao can work for you there.
  • As a good luck and abundance cure, Pi Yao is widely displayed in offices, as well as homes. For this purpose, it is best to display a pair of Pi Yao (Pi Xiu). You can display them in your money area, your lucky direction for wealth, or simply in a prominent area of your living room. Do not place the Pi Yao symbol in the bathroom or in the kitchen.

Pi Yao is also sometimes displayed in a new home, or in a home that has newly undergone renovations; it is also used as a good luck charm with lottery tickets. A popular use of Pi Yao (Pi Xiu) is as a personal amulet, such as a bracelet or a keychain, because it allows you to always have your loyal personal protector nearby!

When someone asks you what is Feng Shui, chances are that you mention Pi Yao along with the many other Cures and Enhancers when you are trying to explain how Feng Shui works; the reason to this is because the Pi Yao is one of the most popular Feng Shui Cures that exists along with the Buddha, Dragon, Fu Dogs and more.

The Pi Yao goes by different names such as Pi Xiu (earthly form) or Pi Kan (Water form) and is recognized as a very powerful Cure and Enhancer all around the world. The Pi Yao can be quite confusing to explain to some people as it looks similar to a small dragon but with wings and when understood, you will realise that the Pi Yao offers protection and auspicious luck and is also known as the lottery god as many believe by placing lottery cards under him will bring good luck.

Our Academy of Feng Shui Software has a lucky lottery number generator which picks numbers based on your Sheng Chi numbers. We have had endless reviews from clients who have had good money come in from using this method. If you know your personal Sheng Chi directions, you should place these under your Pi Yao or maybe take a look at our software here by clicking this link. 

The Pi Yao is one the most popular symbols used in Feng Shui and recommended by virtually all Feng Shui Masters. It is the ninth son of the Heavenly Dragon and has different names as shown above. Pi Yao lives in the heaven and they are best shown sitting on Chinese coins to signify your fortune being protected, making it a powerful wealth and luck enhancer.

The history of the Pi Yao dates very far back when he broke a heavenly law and the Jade Emperor punished him by feeding him with only pieces of silver and gold and although it sounds a bit crude, his rear end was sealed which means the gold was entering him but could not leave. Metaphorically speaking, the translation of this is that when the Pi Yao is placed in a home or office, wealth is welcomed in to the building and staying in the building.

The Pi Yao is one of the most powerful cures for protection that you can use in Feng Shui and is also a powerful enhancer but also for protection against legal problems, arguments, disputes and loss of wealth and to appease the Grand Duke (Tai Sui) which sits in the north in 2020.

The Pi Yao has been referred to as the Tai Sui’s pet as it always faces the area where Tai Sui is present for the year sitting in the opposite direction to appease Tai Sui and in 2020, the Pi Yao should sit in the south and face the north.

The most popular Cure used in big corporations has always been a pair of Fu Dogs although in more recent times, many big corporations and smaller businesses have started placing a large Pi Yao outside companies such as banks, casinos and other businesses that handle high volumes of money. You have to be careful when placing Pi Yao’s as one of the most important aspects of this cure is the overall size of the Pi Yao; in traditional Feng Shui you have auspicious and inauspicious measurements and the entire measurement should fall within a Chai sector which is approximately between 0 – 55mm and this Pi Yao is nicely sited within 50mm (Chai) which is said to bring wealth creation and protection and said to bring six types of good fortune.

In traditional authentic Feng Shui measurement is so very important and even a few more millimeters on a Pi Yao would take the sector into Pi which is said to bring legal problems with government and loss of wealth. Our Feng Shui software has all the measurements built into it and it is something we have personally used with great results for many years. With size being so important, we make sure that every Pi Yao that we sell falls in line with an auspicious measurement which is very often overlooked with many Feng Shui suppliers.

Pi Yao

I was sent the following story on our Facebook page from a lady who found a Pi Yao in a second hand store and after cleansing the Pi Yao, gave it to her friend; you’ll be amazed by the power that even a second hand Pi Yao holds.

I have a Little story about a Pi Yao I found and bought from an 2hand store. I was in looking for a nice glass jug, when all of a sudden I saw this little figurine in a corner, at first I thought it was one of the temple lions and thought, what a pity it had lost its mate. But looking closer I realised it was not one of the lions, it was a Pi Yao, but not in a version I had ever seen before. I then remembered a friend of mine being intrigued by the story of the Pi Yao. So I looked at him and said “would you like to have a new owner?, because I know just the person who will love and honour you to your Hearts content”. It felt so right to buy him, I cleaned him by putting him out in the light of the full-moon and also standing in bright sunlight. and two days later he was given as a birthday present to my friend….And has he brought happiness and luck to her She wanted to build an extension to her house for years, but the bank didn’t really want to support her, but all of a sudden there was no problem. and several other things in her life just sorted themselves out without much effort…So last month she looked around in her lovely new and spacious living room and said” look how much has happend, so many good Things this year, and it all came about after he moved in with me” she said and pointed at her Pi Yao.

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