Ayurvedic treatment for kidney Failure

It is a disorder in which a person’s kidneys suddenly become incapable of removing waste products and toxins from the blood.

The kidneys lose their ability to eliminate unwanted materials and help balance fluids, electrolytes, and control production of red blood cells in the body. These problems occur instantaneously and within a small period of time. The symptoms are difficult to identify.

An artificial procedure–kidney dialysis–is implemented to perform all the functions that were done naturally by the kidneys. Kidney dialysis expels harmful toxins from the bloodstream and maintains a proper level of beneficial fluids and enzymes in the body.

Home Remedies for Kidney Failure:

  • Keep yourself hydrated throughout the day. But in end-stage or so, fluid intake has to be limited to avoid extra burden on kidneys. Water has unique dissolving properties that dilute the urine, and this dilution prevents the formation of clusters of minerals and salts (stones) in the body.
  • Eat less non-vegetarian food. Non-vegetarian food has a high amount of animal protein, which can increase the formation of kidney stones in the body and puts pressure on organs. It has been found that people who eat vegetarian foods are less prone to the risk of kidney failure than those who eat non-vegetarian food. So, encourage the consumption of a vegetarian diet.
  • Prefer herbal tea. Nettle leaf tea is the best for kidney patients. Tea prepared of coriander, thyme and fennel seeds is the best home remedy for nausea and vomiting, which is a very common complication in kidney failure.
  • Boiled diet is highly recommended, or make use of olive oil in cooking.
  • Eat less at a time and avoid taking 2 to 3 heavy meals in a day.
  • One can have cauliflower, ash gourd, radish, bottle gourd, bell peppers, apples, papaya, pears, etc.
  • Limit the intake of dried beans, mushrooms, potatoes, spinach, mushrooms, apricots, etc.
  • Limit the intake of all dairy products.
  • Avoid or limit the intake of protein and potassium-rich fruits and other foods, so exclude all citrus fruits.
  • Coconut water and aloe vera are good to have to detoxify the body.
  • Basil or Tulsi is good to have to enhance the immune system. Chew fresh leaves of basil every morning on an empty stomach.
  • Say no to smoking. Smoking harms and damages kidneys. So for good health of kidneys, one should quit smoke
  • Can Ayurveda Help Treat Kidney Failure

Kidney failure is also known as renal insufficiency. It is a disorder in which a person’s kidneys suddenly become incapable of removing waste products and toxins from the blood.

The kidneys lose their ability to eliminate unwanted materials and help balance fluids, electrolytes, and control production of red blood cells in the body. These problems occur instantaneously and within a small period of time. The symptoms are difficult to identify.

An artificial procedure–kidney dialysis–is implemented to perform all the functions that were done naturally by the kidneys. Kidney dialysis expels harmful toxins from the bloodstream and maintains a proper level of beneficial fluids and enzymes in the body.

There are treatments for kidney failure in Ayurveda with successful results.

Herbs for Kidney Failure:

Ayurveda explains many herbal treatments for kidney failure. Although there is no satisfactory treatment in allopathic science other than dialysis and kidney transplant, Ayurveda has a lot of herbs for kidney failure which works quite well. Let’s have a look at important few.

Punarnava (Boerhavia diffusa)

Due to its anti-inflammatory nature, it is considered good for treating kidney failure. It cures swelling in the feet and around the joints effectively. It reduces the accumulation of fluid in the feet region and improves appetite.

This beautiful herb Punarnava helps to boost balanced fluid levels in the cells to aid in healthy urine flow. Regular use of this herb revitalizes the whole body.

Kaasni (Cichorium intybus)

Kaasni is the best remedy for all kinds of kidney disorders. It is also recommended to heal respiratory problems. It prevents chronic constipation and increases hemoglobin. It is a rich source of Vitamin A and improves eyesight. It is the best herb to deal with kidney failure complications related to the respiratory system. It acts very well as an anti-inflammatory.

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