Kidney Treatment in Ayurveda

Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD) in its last stage is also known as Chronic Kidney Failure which could prove fatal without regular dialysis or a kidney transplant operation. Kidneys are some of the most accommodating and adaptable organs in the human body which means that kidneys start accommodating for their functions at the start of this disease so that by the time symptoms do show up, it is almost too late. Chronic kidney disease can be caused by several factors but the most common reasons are diabetes and hypertension. In 2015, 323 million people world over were reported to be suffering from this disease, of which 1.2 million lost their lives to this disease. India on average records and reports more than 1 million cases of chronic kidney disease per year.

Chronic Kidney Disease Treatment in Ayurveda:

Allopathy argues and believes that chronic kidney diseases are neither reversible nor do they have a cure. The progress of the disease could be slowed but beyond that, the end-stage solution for the disease lies in dialysis followed by a kidney transplant. However, India also recognizes alternate medicines of which, Ayurveda argues that not only is kidney disease reversible if detected and treated early it is also curable.

Ayurveda is a part of ancient traditional medicine, its theories and medicines are derived from the wisdom and knowledge of ayurvedic medicine practitioners who have recorded their findings for over 5000 years. The ancient medicine sciences divide the human body according to the forms of energy or dosha, tissues dhatus and so on. Every part of the human body has been meticulously recorded and named according to its relative position and role in keeping the body alive.

Unlike allopathic medicines, Ayurveda doesn’t focus on treating the symptom, it focuses on treating the whole body. Ayurveda believes that a healthy human body is the perfect balance of energy, tissue, elements, etc. thus, any disease is an imbalance between these factors, which means that while the symptom may be visible on the leg, it is possible that root of the problem is in the kidneys.

Ayurveda defines kidneys as fat tissue channels and believes that they are made of rakta (blood) and media (fat tissue) dhatus and to cure kidney diseases, one must balance these two.

Popular medicinal herbs used for treating chronic kidney disease are:

  • Punarnavadi Mandoor: This herb is a diuretic herb that also contributes to the formation of red blood cells and purification of blood. This herb helps regulate, prevent and fight gout and uremia among other diseases.
  • Chandraprabha Vati: Chandraprabha Vati is especially beneficial to patients suffering from urinary tract infection or other urinary health issues as well as diabetes. This herb is a mild antacid, analgesic, and helps in curing anemia by raising hemoglobin levels in the body. It helps with improving memory, preventing blood in urine as well as preventing gout.
  • Gokshuradi Guggulu: This preparation is specifically prepared to help cure kidney and urinary diseases. This herb preparation is a diuretic, anti-stress, adaptogenic, muscle relaxant. It is instrumental in contributing to the improvement of kidney health as well as in maintaining blood pressure.
  • Apart from the herbs mentioned above, the Patanjali school made popular by Baba Ramdev also argues that some pranayama help bring blood urea and creatinine levels down. Pranayams like Anulom- Vilom and Kapalbharti, practiced from 10-30 minutes every day can help bring urea and creatinine levels down immediately.

In cases of kidney disease ayurvedic practitioners also put patients on a specific diet which can help make urine passing easy, a patient is generally asked to avoid all proteins including pulses as well as salt.


  1. Who is at risk for kidney disease?
    Persons with diabetes and high blood pressure are at a higher risk for developing kidney disease. Other at-risk groups include people suffering from polycystic kidneys, deformed kidneys, and families where kidney disease is hereditary.
  2. What are the main causes of kidney disease?
    The two main causes of kidney diseases are diabetes and high blood pressure, although, high blood pressure and kidney diseases can cause each other in no definite order. Apart from these, kidney disease can be caused by repeated urinary tract infection, polycystic kidneys, heredity and deformation at birth.
  3. Can you reverse kidney damage?
    According to Allopathy, Kidney damage cannot be reversed, although the growth of kidney damage could be controlled if the disease is detected early. However, Ayurveda claims that not only is complete kidney damage reversible to some extent, if detected early it is also possible to cure it.
  4. Can Ayurveda really reverse kidney damage?
    Although formally documented proofs are hard to come by, the Patanjali organization claims that they have been able to heal several patients with chronic kidney disease. Most Ayurvedic medicines are harmless, however, before you subscribe to any ayurvedic medicines, we would recommend consulting an ayurvedic practitioner.
  5. What is the best thing to drink for your kidneys?
    The best drinks for your kidneys include water, cranberry juice, lemon juice, orange juice or any citrus juice and surprisingly enough red wine.

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