Polycystic Kidney Disease Treatment in Ayurveda

Kidneys are mainly affected by this health disorder and a large number of fluid-filled cysts get formed in the kidneys. These cysts grow continuously and enlarge the size of the kidneys. Eventually, these cysts damage the tissues of the kidney; consequently, the condition kidney failure occurs. In the condition, allopath recommends kidney dialysis or organ transplant which are painful and expensive procedures and don’t give the guarantee of a sure solution. While polycystic kidney disease prognosis is an ayurvedic treatment complete medicinal way that proffers the best treatment for polycystic kidney disease. This treatment increases the life expectancy of the people suffering from PKD by curing permanently.


Polycystic kidney disease is a kind of disorder that causes many cysts to grow in the body organs i.e. kidney, pancreas, liver, and heart, etc. Mainly, kidneys are influenced by this health disorder in which a large number of sacs also known as cysts get developed in the kidneys. These cysts grow continuously and replace kidney tissues by damaging them. In this condition, the size of the kidneys also gets way bigger as compared to the normal kidneys. Finally, the condition may lead to kidney failure if the proper treatment method is not taken on time. For curing the condition, Allopathy recommends dialysis or organ transplant but these are not the permanent solutions. Instead of that, polycystic kidney disease Ayurvedic treatment is way effective and helps a patient in getting relieved from the condition permanently.


Symptoms of Polycystic kidney disease

Many symptoms may arise in the condition of PKD. Some of the most common symptoms that a patient may notice are as follow:

  • Excess protein loss in urine
  • Swelling in different body parts (hands, feet, legs or ankles)
  • Blood in urine
  • Increased level of fat and cholesterol in the body
  • Low albumin level in the blood

These symptoms indicate that there is some problem with your kidneys so whenever you notice any of the above symptoms in your body, you should take it on a serious note and schedule an appointment to a kidney specialist so that to detect and heal the problem.

Causes of Polycystic kidney disease

As mentioned earlier, polycystic kidney disease is a genetic disorder that a person gets this from his one or both the parents as gene mutation. The disease affects men and women in equal proportion.

Types of Polycystic kidney disorder

Generally, there are two forms of PKD; one affects the children majorly while the other one is found in the adults. These forms of polycystic kidney disorders are described below:

  • Autosomal dominant polycystic kidney disease (ARPKD): It is the most common form of PKD and almost 90 percent of the PKD patients are affected by it. A patient of ADPKD can get the disease when one of his parents is affected by the disease. The symptoms of the disease appear between the ages of 30 to 50 hence it is also called adult PKD.
  • Autosomal recessive polycystic kidney disease (ARPKD): This form of PKD is the rare one; as only 1 out of 20,000 children can get the disease. A child can get the disease only when both of his parents have the gene of the disease. That’s why; it is the rare type of polycystic kidney disease. The symptoms can be seen when the baby is in the mother’s abdomen and after his birth. The first few months of the baby’s life are very crucial and required adequate treatment so that the baby can survive and live a normal life.

These forms of PKD make it a complex question to answer what is the life expectancy of someone with PKD. As in ARPKD, the complications of the disease arise in the early months of life and in many cases of this PKD; a baby loses his life in a lack of proper treatment or lives with many complexities. On the other hand, in ADPKD, a patient gets to notice the symptoms after the 30s and his life expectancy depends upon the rate of increase in the size of the cysts. If the cysts grow speedily, the patient may hardly live up to the age of 50 and in some cases, it is seen that patients with PKD live around 90 as well. In a nutshell, if it is said the life expectancy of a PKD patient can be determined without looking at the other factors he possesses like lifestyle, eating habits, etc.

Can treatment increase the expected life of PKD patients?

If the question arises that can any treatment system increase the expected life of PKD patients? The answer is yes but for that, you’ll have to choose the most promising treatment for polycystic kidney disease. Now, you would be thinking about allopathic treatment definitely but it’s not the most effective treatment for this chronic health disorder. The artificial procedures like kidney dialysis or organ transplant are very complex in processing as well as they put many side effects on the body. During these procedures, some patients also lose their lives. So, one can’t take a risk of life by opting for allopathic treatment methods. This is the time when Ayurvedic treatment comes into action. From years Ayurvedic medicines are the best for (PKD) polycystic damage and disease kidney treatment which has been the most efficient cured solution and has helped numerous PKD patients live to get rid of it.

Ayurveda has a tendency to curing all sorts of health disorders by working on their root causes. Consequently, the treatment offered by Ayurveda is permanent. It utilizes herbal extracts as medications and along with that Ayurveda also analyzes the lifestyle of a patient and recommends a patient to make changes in his lifestyle and eating habit if required. In addition, Ayurveda suggests a patient follow some yoga stances not only to help in curing the disorder but also in improving the entire health. The combination of all these factors makes Ayurveda the most effective treatment system.

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