Kukkutasana and Their Benefits

The word Kukkutasana comes from Kutuzov – meaning Rooster/Cock and Asana – meaning pose. The practitioner resembles the pose of a rooster while practicing this asana. It is no doubt a complicated asana but, the health benefits of kukkutasana are vast and varied. Even ancient scriptures like Gheranda Samaritan and Hatha Yoga Peacekeeping have references of this asana.

So, let’s now take a look at how you can perform this asana.

  1. Sit cross-legged in your yoga mat in Padmasana position.
  2. Now put your hands through the gap in your legs (between the calf muscles and the thigh) in a way that your palms are on the mat.
  3. Make sure that your fingers are pointing forward.
  4. Take a deep breath and try to lift your entire body by pushing your palms.
  5. While you maintain this position, try to breathe normally.
  6. Exhale, come back to your mat and release from the pose. Contraindications

Though, the benefits of cockerel pose are many but, if you are suffering from heart or lung problems, stay away from it. Also, those suffering from gastric ulcers or enlarged spleen should avoid practicing this pose.
Beginners are always advised to perform this pose under the guidance of an expert yoga teacher.

Preparatory Poses

• Ujjayi Pranayama
• Surya Namaskar
• Uddiyana Bandha
• Mula Bandha

Kukkutasana requires a lot of flexibility and strength to achieve it to perfection. However, the most important requirement for the pose is willpower. An excellent asana for both the mind and the body, here’s a list of the top 5 health benefits of kukkutasana.

1. Strengthens Your Stomach, Chest, Arms and Shoulder

The best part about kukkutasana is that it stretches your entire upper body including the stomach, chest, arms and shoulder. This helps in smooth flow of blood to these areas which strengthen and tone the muscles. Also, daily practice of this asana reduces risk of injury and prevents any sort of pain in the stomach, chest, arms and shoulder.

2. Improves Digestion Ability

Regular practice of kukkutasana is great for digestive health and assists in the prevention of issues related to digestion like constipation. Since the asana exerts pressure on the intestine organs and the stomach, production of enzymes and digestive juices are enhanced. As a result, food being consumed is digested easily leading to good health.

3. Helps to Get Rid of Belly Fat

Are you tired of trying out different ways to reduce your belly fat with little to no outcome? Then, kukkutasana is what you should try on a daily basis. The asana puts a considerable amount of pressure on your abdominal muscles. This way, your abdominal muscles get toned up and the excess fat is reduced from the area. Try it out for a month or two and witness the change yourself.

4. Tones Your Bicep and Triceps Muscles

One of the useful benefits of cockerel pose is that you can tone your bicep and triceps muscles with its regular practice. In the asana, your entire body weight is on your arms which not only increases blood circulation but keeps them toned. With the increased blood flow, the muscles get the required nutrition that results in their growth.

5. Enhances Your Cardiovascular Health

You can be the owner of a healthy heart if you continue with your practice of the cockerel pose. Several studies have proven that kukkutasana prevents the risk of heart stroke, heart attack, high cholesterol, etc. The asana opens up the chest and promotes blood flow which keeps the heart healthy. Also smooth flow of blood ensures that arteries remain free from cholesterol buildup.

Apart from the above mentioned five benefits, kukkutasana also improves the functioning of the kidney and the liver. Regular practice of the asana keeps the sexual organs stimulated thus, aiding in enhanced sexual performance.

The myriad benefits associated with kukkutasana (cockerel pose) certainly makes it one of the best asanas to include in your daily asana regimen. Also, it will make you calmer, happier and stronger mentally. So, what are you waiting for? Grab your mat and start practicing, Happy Yoga!!!

This asana is named so because it resembles a rooster. This asana has been mentioned in ancient yoga scriptures like the Hatha Yoga Pradeepika and the Gheranda Samaritan. It is a complicated posture that needs arm strength to be carried out well.

What You Should Know Before You Do This Asana

Like the other yoga asanas, it is essential that your stomach and bowels are empty when you practice this asana. Make sure there is a gap of at least four to six hours between your meal and practice. This will give you enough time to digest your food and generate energy for your practice.

Also, mornings are ideal to practice yoga. But, in the event you cannot practice yoga in the morning, evenings are a good time too

Kukkutasana {Cock or Rooster Pose}-Steps And Benefits

In Sanskrit Kukkut means Cock or Rooster and Asana means sit, Pose or Posture. Kukkutasana or cock Pose is named so since it looks like a cock. cock or rooster yoga pose has been said in antiquated sacred yoga texts like the Gheranda Samhita and Hatha Yoga Pradeepika. It is a difficult Pose that requirements arms power to be completed well. practice well Tulasana and Bakasana before doing Kukkutasana. Like other Asanas, it is important that your stomach is empty when you attempt this asana. Keep a gap between in your practice and meal, at least four to six hour because this will give you ample time to process your nourishment and create vitality for your practice. Do yoga asana in the morning. In case you can’t rehearse yoga in the morning, then do your practice in evening.

Like most of the asanas in Yoga, Kukkutasana is also a type of asana. There is no doubt in calling it a complex posture, but the health benefits of Cockerel Pose (Kukkutasana) are vast and varied. It also mentioned in the ancient Hatha yoga text, “Hatha Yoga Paprika,” and the “Gheranda Samhita.”

The word Kukkutasana comes from the Sanskrit Language where Kukkut – meaning Rooster/Cock and Asana – meaning pose. Therefore, Kukkutasana is also referred to as rooster pose in English. In this yoga posture, the body is lifted off the floor, As a name suggest-the shape of the body in the final position looks like a cock. Benefits of Cockerel Pose or Kukkutasana may require a lot of practice to attain.

This pose is recommended to be practiced by intermediate or advanced yoga practitioners. For its beginners, it is quite challenging that is springs from the basic Padmasana in which itself requires a lot of patience and time.

First, practice well Tulasana and Bakasana before doing Kukkutasana. Like Tolasana, benefits of Kukkutasana are same for both mental and physical and also awaken our spirituality. The arm balancing yoga asana that will tone the shoulders and core, stretch the hips and legs, sharpen the concentration, and improve body awareness. 

Now, for this let look step-by-step practice so that you too can take enjoy with benefits of Cockerel Pose (Kukkutasana).

Steps To Do Cockerel Pose (Kukkutasana)

  • To come in Cockerel Pose, you need first to sit cross-legged in the Padmasana.
  • Put your arms in-between the gape of your thighs and calf muscles, and let your palms touch the floor through this gap.
  • Spread the fingers and place the palms on the ground. Keep the fingers pointing forward. and push your palms as much as possible.
  • After that, inhale and press the palm inner side against the floor to lift your body off the ground.
  • In this situation, the palms must support your body weight.
  • Make sure to keep the spine erect.
  • To maintain balance in the pose, you may keep the eyes closed OR turn your gaze to a certain point at a distance and concentrate on it. 
  • Breathing normally and balance body weight.
  • Maintain the final position for a few seconds without straining your arms.
  • To come out, exhale and slowly lower the body on the ground.
  • Take deep and slow breaths.
  • As per your convenience repeat the pose as much as you can.

About Kukkutasana

Kukkutasana or chicken Pose is named so since it would seem that a rooster.

Cockerel or chicken yoga posture has been said in obsolete holy yoga writings like the Gheranda Samhita and Hatha Yoga Pradeepika.

It is a troublesome Pose that necessities arms energy to be finished well. rehearse well Tulasana and Bakasana before doing Kukkutasana.

This asana is named so since it takes after a chicken. This asana has been said in old yoga sacred writings like the Hatha Yoga Pradeepika and the Gheranda Samhita.

It is a confusing stance that necessities arm quality to be completed well.

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