Rajakapotasana and Their Benefits

The Pigeon Pose is practiced in a seated position. It is a back bend pose that makes the chest puff up, thereby resembling the stance of a pigeon. This is how this asana is named Raja (king) kapot (pigeon) asana (pose). This asana is an advanced yoga pose.

What You Should Know Before You Do The Rajakapotasana

It is best to practice yoga early in the morning. In case you cannot wake up early, or have a whole lot of errands to run once you are up, you can practice this asana in the evening. Just make sure your stomach and bowels are empty. It is a good idea to leave a gap of at least four to six hours between your meal and the practice. Save

  • Level: Advanced
  • Style: Vinyasa
  • Duration: 30 to 60 seconds
  • Repetition: Once with the right leg forward and once with the left leg forward
  • Strengthens: Back, Groin
  • Stretches: Thigh, Groin

How To Do The Rajakapotasana (King Pigeon Pose)

  1. Start off on your fours, making sure your knees are placed right under your hips, and your hands a little ahead of your shoulders.
  1. Now, gently slide your right knee forward, such that it is just behind your right wrist. While you do this, place the right shin under your torso, and bring your right foot in front of your left knee. The outsides of your right shin must rest on the floor.
  2. Slowly, slide your left leg to the back. Straighten your knee, and drop the front of your thighs to the floor. Lower the outsides of your right buttocks on the floor. Place your right heels in front of your left hip.
  1. You can angle your right knee towards the right, such that it is outside the line of the hip.
  2. Your left leg should extend itself straight out of the hip. Make sure it is not angled to the left. Rotate it inwards, such that its mid line is pressed against the floor. Take a deep breath, and as you exhale, bend your left leg at the knees. Then, push your torso back and stretch as much as you can so that your head touches your foot.
  3. Lift your arms up, gently folding them at your elbows. Use your hands to bring your foot towards your head.
  4. Maintain the upright position of your pelvis. Push it down. Then, lift the lower rims of your rib cage against the pressure of the thrust. To lift up your chest, push the top of your sternum straight up and towards the ceiling.
  5. Stay in this position for at least a minute. Bring your hands back to the floor and drop your left knee down. Gently slide the left knee forward. Exhale and come up to the Adho Mukha Svanasana. Take a few breaths. Then, come back on your fours and breathe. As you exhale, do the asana with your left leg forward and right leg at the back.

Yoga asanas could be polished by everybody regardless of their well being and age. Yoga postures have been isolated into essential/ amateurs’, middle and progressed sorts. Individuals hone asanas as per their yoga levels. Rehearsing yoga consistently helps in you in staying fit and restored.

Rajakapotasana is otherwise called ‘king pigeon posture’. It contrasts a bit from the pigeon posture in yoga. This asana has its name inferred from the Sanskrit term “raja” which signifies ‘ruler’, “kapota” which signifies “pigeon” and “asana” which signifies “stance” or ‘carriage’.

How to Do Rajakapotasana and Its Benefits:

1. The Pose:

  • To start this stance, you ought to first come to Adho Mukha Shvanasana (Downward Facing Dog). At that point, present your right knee so it rests behind your right wrist.
  • Next, curve your right knee and smooth it on the ground, so that your knee touches your right hand, and your toes touch your left hand. In the meantime bring the left leg down on the ground.
  • Let your lower back extend by presenting your tailbone forward and down so that your pubis is pulled to your navel. The left half of your hip ought to come towards your right heel so that the left crotch is extended.
  • Twist your left knee and with your left hand scope for your left foot.
  • Bring your head over till the sole of your feet touches the highest point of your head or is near it. Stay in this position for about a few minutes.

2. Benefits:

  •  It helps in extending the neck, shoulders, midsection, crotch, guts and thighs.
  •  It helps in invigorating the organs of the guts.
  •  It is compelling in opening the midsection and shoulders.
  •  Helpful Applications :

a) Standard practice of this stance is said to prove successful in the treatment and administration of urinary issue.

b) Since the posture gives a profound inner rub to the stomach organs, it helps in enhancing absorption and vitalizing the invulnerable framework.

Rajakapotasana can likewise be arranged under extraordinary back bend postures and is frequently ordered under progressive type of yoga asanas. This article not only provides you with a step by step guide to practice this pose with precision but also lists the various benefits, variations, precautions and tips associated with Rajakapotasana Pose.

Over the last few decades, there has been an increase in the popularity of yoga. Some people call it an ancient form of exercise and some call it a series of difficult poses. But, the term ‘yoga’ is beyond this. It is a popular practice that connects the body, mind, and, spirit through different body postures and controlled breathing.

Even the medical professionals and researchers have proved the benefits of yoga. Yoga postures are not about bending or twisting the body but, transforming the body and life through several poses.

Here we will explore one of the most effective yoga poses that is ‘Eka Pada Rajakapotasana’, which is also known as ‘One-legged Pigeon Pose’ and ‘Full Pigeon Pose’. It stretches the entire lower body, relieves the stress and anxiety and improves various health issues including, the functioning of urinary and reproductive systems.

Things To Know Before You Do Eka Pada Rajakapotasana

Like other asanas, it is best to practice one-legged pigeon pose in the early morning on an empty bowel. If you are not a morning person, then you can it practice it in the evening. Make sure you have your meals at least four to six hours before you practice this asana.

How To Practice Eka Pada Rajakapotasana?

  1. Start this asana with simple pigeon pose, bend your left knee gently and make sure your toes facing the roof.
  2. Take your body towards the front and hold your left toes with your right hand. Pull your toes toward your body.
  3. While holding the left toes with the right hand, keep your left arm straight up.
  4. After that, bend your left elbow gently and reach behind your back.
  5. Now, hold your left leg toe with your left hand. Make sure your elbow stays pointing upward.
  6. Slightly, loosen the grip on your toes with the right hand.
  7. Now, open up your chest toward the front.
  8. Bring your head back until the sole of your feet touches the top of your head.
  9. Hold this position for at least one minute and then release the posture.

Note: Eka Pada Rajakapotasana is a preparatory pose of Kapotasana (Pigeon Pose). Basically, there are three primary versions of pigeon pose including, first variation (simple pigeon pose), the mermaid pose and the full pose is one-legged king pigeon (Eka Pada Rajakapotasana).

Simple pigeon pose or the first stage of pigeon pose, Bhujangasana, Vriksasana, Trikonasana are the preparatory poses of Eka Pada Rajakapotasana.

Beginner Tips To Practice Eka Pada Rajakapotasana Or One-legged Pigeon Pose

As a beginner, it might be tough for you to get into the pose easily. In that situation, you can fold a blanket and place a yoga block below your groin region to support the body while doing the Eka Pada RajaKapotasana.

Contraindications of the One-Legged Pigeon Pose

  • If you have knee, ankle or sacroiliac injury, then you should practice this asana under the guidance of an expert yoga instructor.
  • Pregnant women should practice this asana under an experienced yoga teacher.
  • Don’t force your body to get into the pose. If you have any medical concerns or issues, then it is recommended to take the recommendations from a doctor before practicing yoga.

Advantages of Practicing Eka Pada Rajakapotasana OR One-Legged Pigeon Pose

  • Practicing this asana regularly opens the hip joint and stretches a few body parts including, thighs, glues and piriformis muscles.
  • It improves the functioning of the urinary and reproductive system.
  • It increases the flexibility of the hip and also stimulates the internal organs.
  • It reduces sciatic and lower back pain.
  • It improves posture, alignment, and overall suppleness.

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